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Do you live in Kalifornia and own a gun? Listen up!

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:52 am
by Rick in Oregon
If you're unfortunate enough to live in Kalifornia (yeah, I know, I did once too), own a gun and care about the future, you may want to take a look at this latest from "your leaders" there: ... efirearms/

These liberal democratic fools are out of control. :mad:

Re: Do you live in Kalifornia and own a gun? Listen up!

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:21 am
by bow shot
The battle cry in NY is "we shall not comply". Thank God, almost all of our Sherriffs have made it plain (ie., letter of intent) to the Gubnah that they have no intention of enforcing this Godless depraved insane crap. Off to the courts now.

Paving the way for Son of Mao of someone just as kind, open-minded, tolerant and good.

Re: Do you live in Kalifornia and own a gun? Listen up!

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:30 am
by bow shot
...and then there's this: ... -firearms/

Making sure any excuse will do to keep returning vets cannot have a firearm.

Re: Do you live in Kalifornia and own a gun? Listen up!

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:53 pm
by hemiallen
Hopefully if they do pass it, which they probably have the votes to do, a Judge will do the same as was done to the attempt to ban mail order sales of ammo they tried last year.

I would go from having a Government Q clearance to being a felon in one day. Stupid baztards.

Curious why the hollow point issue got on their radar, another Dianne Feinstein pet peeve from when she had a CC permit?


Formerly from California, in case they ask...

Re: Do you live in Kalifornia and own a gun? Listen up!

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:49 pm
by bow shot
The more I re-read my NRA 2nd Ammendment Primer, the more it becomes stark, crystal cold-as-ice clear. They want us disarmed so that they can do anything they want. And that is from the Great Men have have been dead for 200 -2000 years.

This current crop of witless lazy fools is ripe for the slaughter.

Re: Do you live in Kalifornia and own a gun? Listen up!

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:05 pm
by Bodei
They're not even smart to chip away at it piece by piece. They want to take full advantage of the emotional value of tragedy. The more outlandish their law, the better chance it is struck down. Meanwhile it will make felons out of good folks. The jails are so full in CA that most felons aren't even prosecuted for major crimes cause there's no room.