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Under Down Under Ablaze

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:29 am
by Sth Oz Dan
Just wanted to take a moment to pass on my condolences to any members, and their friends/family who have lost property or stock from the recent fires (of which, some are still out of control) in Tasmania.
Also in Victoria. I've heard the fire in the Gippsland area is contained, but hope you're all safe.

Not gonna jinx Eyre Peninsula yet, as there is still another week of stinkin hot weather forecast. But so far I'm glad we've been left alone (this time). Too many fires here recently, so I understand the fear, panic, and pain these bastards can bring.

Take care all.

Re: Under Down Under Ablaze

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:48 am
by Tokimini
I hope all our Aussie members and their friends and families are safe. We're thinking about you mates. The US has no better friend in the world than our Aussie brothers.

Re: Under Down Under Ablaze

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:58 pm
Hard to imagine. We were up to our knees in snow for over two weeks. Now we are up to our ankles in mud. That change in the last 24 hours. Not complaining, just saying.

God Bless and, be safe Aussie friends!

Re: Under Down Under Ablaze

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:01 pm
by Sth Oz Dan
We've been lucky here. But there's been nothing but fire reports on the news since the weekend.
Tasmanians are still trying to contain a couple of fires. One has taken more than 100 properties, but at this stage, no confirmed deaths.
At least one big one has been threatening a town in Victoria's West, near the S.A. border. Haven't seen all the news on that yet, but sounds like another 20 properties are down.
And New South Wales was also battling several fires yesterday. Conditions have eased but firefighters are still flat out trying to contain fires all over the state. As far as I can gather, only one property has been destroyed there, but over 60 000 hectares (150 000 acres) has burned statewide.

A huge thumbs up to the effort put in by both ground crews, and early warning systems put in place to alert people, as there seems to have been no human lives lost at this stage.

There has been a few people arrested over the fires too. One man in Tasmania for not extinguishing his campfire - which went on to burn more than 10 000 hectares. And 3 youths in Sydney, for deliberately lighting a fire yesterday :huh: Being young is no excuse for not understanding the damage a fire can do, and I hope the law comes down heavy on them. Luckily this fire was controlled quickly.

The fight will go on for days to come though, to bring the fires under control. And for weeks, months, and years for those that lost property.

Re: Under Down Under Ablaze

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 12:08 am
by bazz
for our northern friends its too dry to even drive or shoot on properties here at the moment and to give you some ideas of some of the temps here the weather bureau has had to make new colours with the temps in central aus reaching mid 50s thats 131f cheers bazz

Re: Under Down Under Ablaze

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 12:21 am
by bazz
Friday and Saturday are gunna be hot but not as hot as it has been


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