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hope every ones safe

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:49 am
by bazz
yer hope every one on here are safe and well after sandy,s destruction cheers bazz

Re: hope every ones safe

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:55 am
by Bill K
bazz wrote:yer hope every one on here are safe and well after sandy,s destruction cheers bazz
I also, hope everyone is safe and sound. I know many are not and lost homes and loved one's. My grandaughter and great grand kids, along with her husband made in just fine, but they are on high ground in the Long Island area. Others in lower areas did not fair well at all. Prayers go out to all those folks back east. Bill K

Re: hope every ones safe

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:51 pm
by Sth Oz Dan
For such a peaceful sounding name - "Mother Nature" can be a nasty b!@¢h.
It's terrible seeing how much damage was caused, and that there was absolutely nothing anyone could do to stop it.

Hopefully all our members and families pulled through okay and find the strength and support to rebuild if any homes were lost.

Re: hope every ones safe

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 1:03 pm
by Tokimini
We had some some damage here in western New York but nothing like New York City or New Jersey. My son is down in Jersey just 2 miles from the ocean. He has no power but other than that he's doing fine amongst the wreckage. Thanks for the concern from Down Under. Americans have no better friends than our Aussie brethren.

Re: hope every ones safe

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:55 pm
by RowdyYates
Daughter and son-in-law are in Jersey City (next to hard-hit Hoboken and across the Hudson from lower Manhattan). No power but otherwise okay; flooding stopped 2 blocks from them. She's an attorney for Dept. of Justice and was planning to go to work today over in Brooklyn.

Re: hope every ones safe

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:11 am
by bazz
Tokimini wrote:We had some some damage here in western New York but nothing like New York City or New Jersey. My son is down in Jersey just 2 miles from the ocean. He has no power but other than that he's doing fine amongst the wreckage. Thanks for the concern from Down Under. Americans have no better friends than our Aussie brethren.
thanks for the kind words and we feel the same here we have hired 6 of your heli water bombers and crew for our fire season coming up, bazz

Re: hope every ones safe

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:41 am
by Sth Oz Dan
bazz wrote: we have hired 6 of your heli water bombers and crew for our fire season coming up, bazz
And let's hope they stay grounded

Re: hope every ones safe

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 5:40 am
by Johnnu
Thanks for the good thoughts everyone. We're about 40 miles north of NYC and have somehow, not only survived without any damage, but got our power and cable back Tuesday night (which is unheard of). The area here in Northern Westchester is heavily wind damaged (many, many huge trees are down; mostly HUGE 'pines') but no water damage since we are far enough away from the Hudson River on one side and the Long Island Sound on the other. Most of the towns around us seem to be without power still but we were lucky (perhaps because there is a large hospital in our town). It is extrememly sad to watch the news and see the people in the city/NJ and surrounding areas suffer without heat and food. They truly are suffering. Pray for them please. John N.