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204Ruger Tikka Varmint Stainless

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:28 am
by klebbsta
Well it finally arrived, the sweet feeling of driving back to the farm with the new rifle in the back of the car, new rounds loaded -39grain Sierra Blitzkings in norma brass, with 27GR of AR2206H-, targets and beautiful sunny weather. Setting the rifle up near the car, I was ready to begin the break in process. I could not believe how nice it was to shoot. Image

After firing 20 shots, I decided that would have to do for my break-in. Not the expected breaking in process but I know that given the controversy over the whole issue of breaking in barrels, I decided that half-way will do for me 8) . Using my bore-guide & Nasty Sweets solvent.


After cleaning it 5 times, 1shot, 2shot, 5shots, 10shots, i then was eager to see how it performed with grouping. And wow was I surprised, Tikkas have a reputation for shooting well, and as I walked up to the target knowing that all 3 shots were confidently fired, wow was I impressed. Its true, they can shoot!! :lol:


So here it is the 204 Ruger Tikka T3 - Varmint in Stainless. with Leupold Mark IV 8.5-25x50 Lrt Tmr Illu. Scope with Mark IV rings. Also with a Cheekrest-attachment.
Another photo below is up on the victorian hills doing some 4-500m shots :).

Just to add, I hope these photos are helpful for those looking for a nice 204 ruger! The Tikka is unbelievably nice to shoot. Extemely smooth bolt manipulation, very clean breaking trigger, nice feel...
Also that night, the day I picked it up, I went out with a mate spotlighting, 5 foxes we sighted, 5 foxes we put down, dead :D . Unreal Calibre, I am stoked with it!


Re: 204Ruger Tikka Varmint Stainless

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:31 am
by Glen
Nice rig!! And she's a shooter too. Congratulations on getting that one up & running!! :wink:

Re: 204Ruger Tikka Varmint Stainless

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:16 am
by Bodei
Great looking rig and countryside. Always gets me how much of down under looks like California.

Re: 204Ruger Tikka Varmint Stainless

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:19 am
by Jim White
Nice set up...

Re: 204Ruger Tikka Varmint Stainless

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:09 am
by RowdyYates
Too bad we Yanks can't buy that model Tikka in .204 here. Had my mitts on a new one in .22-250 that a dealer was closing out for 600 bucks a couple years ago, but walked away and am still kicking myself...

Re: 204Ruger Tikka Varmint Stainless

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:57 am
by geoff23
very nice! you must be pleased. I like the look of that butt stock bag! is the brand a ALLANS. How many rounds do you think it could hold.

Re: 204Ruger Tikka Varmint Stainless

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:56 pm
by ozfox
nice looking rifle, where did you pick it up from, looks just like the country i shot in north east vic good for calling up foxs and rabbits

Re: 204Ruger Tikka Varmint Stainless

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:53 pm
by Sth Oz Dan
Congratulations Klebbsta. Those Red coats will be running in fear now.
How far out is that BK seated? Looks like it's almost falling out!
Is the bounty still in place? You would've covered fuel and ammo for the night.

Welcome aboard

Re: 204Ruger Tikka Varmint Stainless

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:43 am
by klebbsta
Cheers for the responses.

Rowdy thats bizarre that you guys cant get the Varmint Stainless. All the time I think of how lucky you guys are with your choice of firearms. Maybe I could send you one?

Ozfox, do you know Dederang / Myrtleford & Yackandandah? :-)

OzDan just about buddy, made $50 for the night. The Blitzkings are seated far out, interesting enough the rifle has a deep throat cut - its quite deep. In fact the bullet drops out of the case when I run my OAL gauge up into it.. lol. I have them seated at 2.005" from the Ojivey ;) Not much at all. Yet I seat them with alot more neck tension then standard.

Thanks for the Welcome... Hopefully post some more photos soon when i get back from the West :-)

Re: 204Ruger Tikka Varmint Stainless

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:12 am
by ozfox
got a mate in albury get out a bit around bridgewater and the tallangatta valley, called up loads of foxes and six dogs this year so for

Re: 204Ruger Tikka Varmint Stainless

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:43 pm
by Sth Oz Dan
klebbsta wrote: I have them seated at 2.005" from the Ojivey
... Hopefully post some more photos soon when i get back from the West :-)
:eek: Mine are jammed at 1.970" and shooting well at 1.915"
Not much chance of fitting them in your mag then - Or is it oversized too?

Are you over West on holiday, or working?

Re: 204Ruger Tikka Varmint Stainless

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:02 am
by bazz
gotta love the tikka varmits ive got a fleet of them now from 204 too 338 and all are tack holers , im curious too do you single load or moded the mag cheers bazz

Re: 204Ruger Tikka Varmint Stainless

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:32 am
by klebbsta
no they dont fit in the standard magazine. I have a CDI kit, which is the magazine conversion to the Accuracy International Mags :) and they have plenty of clearance. So will have soon.. Thats good your rounds are seated 1915" mine are just too far out. but i need to experiment, as I have heard the 204s dont mind the jump. So fingers crossed I can seat them in more.

Yea bazz i single load. Once i upgrade and put the CDI in, will be able to load 10 round mags :).

ozfox, tallangatta is known for wild dogs and feral animals. its a hunters paradise. I heard once it got so bad they had to do chopper shooting, lol.

Over West Working mate, Rio Tintos Rail construction

Re: 204Ruger Tikka Varmint Stainless

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:06 am
by bow shot
What a great thing!! Congrats on the new baby, and on being blessed to live in such a beautiful place, with such wonder freedom. 'Its getting rare...

Re: 204Ruger Tikka Varmint Stainless

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:46 pm
by Sth Oz Dan
klebbsta wrote:Over West Working mate, Rio Tintos Rail construction
Man that place is a busy little hive of activity.
Our fishing industry is losing guys all the time coz the pay is just so good up there.