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Rem X Mark Triggers

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:25 pm
by three toes
Hey guys does anybody know if remington changed there Xmark pro triggers. My 308 has a set screw to adjust trigger weight, and my new204 doesn't. Can anybody tell me why the triggers are different. Both guns are exactly the same. Thanks TT.

Re: Rem X Mark Triggers

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:44 pm
by wirelessguy2005
I did hear recently about some new changes to the xmark trigger, however I don't remember where i heard it. I recently acquired a new Remington 700 rifle chambered in 17/223. The first order of business was to remove the factory trigger and install the Rifle Basix LV-1k. Went from a 3 lb. trigger to a about a 12 ounce trigger. :D

We are a dealer for Rifle Basix triggers, let me know if you decide to change the triggers out and I can get you a good deal on a Rifle Basix.

Re: Rem X Mark Triggers

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:48 pm
by RowdyYates
I assumed it was the newer 700/7's that have the externally-adjustable trigger pull, but might be wrong. I pitched the same trigger that's on your .204 and installed a Timney on my SPS Varmint. Some owners adjust that type of X-mark, but have heard one can't get much below 3# by doing so....

Re: Rem X Mark Triggers

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:34 pm
by three toes
While the offer on the triggers is awsome, unfortunatly I live in B.C. Canada and I don't think you guys ship here. I guess the real reason,why I asked this question is, while the308 shoots ok, the 204 is just nasty, no hope for that trigger. I will be changing these triggers out,the 204 right away, and the 308 after hunting season is over. Thanks for the input, cheers.

Re: Rem X Mark Triggers

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:35 am
by sidesy
by the time you get an xmark somewhere near usable its heading to unsafe territory. I use timney, rifle basix or jewells as i dont shoot long enough to be able to get accurate groups using an xmark.

Re: Rem X Mark Triggers

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:44 pm
by three toes
Sidesy Thanks for the input, new triggers for the Remingtons are a given. Hope accuracy will improve. I've been on a few other sights, and from what I've been reading Remington VTR'S are not well liked, for either accuracy or the triggers. I myself like remingtons vtrs ,both for concept and design. And will find a way to make them both shooters. With triggers installed, both rifles will be bedded and barrels floated. Will let ya know how it goes later. Will send pictures of both rifles when done, If I can figure out how to run this computer. Cheers TT

Re: Rem X Mark Triggers

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:51 am
by futuretrades
If you know someone down here in the states, my suggestion would be to have them buy the trigger you want, and then ship to BC. As far as I know, USPS, UPS, and Fed-Ex go into Canada. All 3 advertise worldwide shipping, and to my knowledge, BC is still within the world. But maybe Canada feels differently. :eek:

Re: Rem X Mark Triggers

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:29 am
by Rick in Oregon
futuretrades wrote:But maybe Canada feels differently. :eek:
Kevin, Canada does indeed feel differently. Being a former resident of BC, I can relate from experience that the Canadian government in all it's vast wisdom, considers a "trigger assembly" an evil entity, that must be kept out of the hands of their good citizens and their country by any reasonable means. ANY "gun part" is subject to strict regulations in terms of Customs duty, rules, restrictions and useless regulations we take for granted here in the states.

You can indeed get this stuff through Customs, I've had rifles built in Canada and shipped here, but the hassle of sending something as benign as a trigger group can be more hassle than it's worth for a US citizen to send to another individual in Canada. Been there, it's a real ba-zache.

When I was importing and exporting from both Germany and Japan, I had to obtain the "big book" US Customs puts out that lists all the Import/Export rules for everything from a t-shirt, cabbage, to a shoulder-fired anti-tank weapon. The book is about 4" thick......and that's Volume One of Two! Anyone considering moves like this need to get all the facts/rules/regs known to them before starting out; it'll be worth the time in the long run.