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Hornady Factory and Temperature

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:01 pm
by T-Bone
How sensitive would Hornady 40 gr V-Max be to temperatures of say 104 degrees? I went shooting the other day in that temp and my patterns opened up. Just trying to figure out if I was bothered by the heat or the ammo was. ;)

Re: Hornady Factory and Temperature

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:46 am
by futuretrades
When shooting in temps that high, no matter if shooting factory ammo or reloads, we all need to be aware of that heat. One thing I always try to do when the temps start to rise, is to keep my ammo in an ice chest until ready to shoot. And I will only take as many rounds as I intend to shoot, out of the ice chest. If I am working up loads, I will only take 5 rounds out of the box, and I do try set them on my bench in some sort of shade. Keep in mind, excessive heat will cause a rise in pressure in your ammo. The rise in pressure, is basically the same as adding maybe 1/10 or 2/10 grains of powder, or in extreme cases, quite a bit more. Any reloader can tell you, the added powder (pressure) will affect the POI at your target As far as reloading, we have choices of powders that are not as sensitive to heat, but with factory ammo, we have no way of knowing what powders are used in factory ammo. I do have to believe that ammo suppliers do take all of the different conditions that their product is being used in, into account. After all we ARE dealing with controlled explosions inside the chamber.
Just my .02

Re: Hornady Factory and Temperature

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:39 pm
by T-Bone
Thanks. I tried searching Google on this but didn't find much.

Re: Hornady Factory and Temperature

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:47 am
by Bill K
I have heard that goggle has or is going Anti-gun and is starting to drop firearm related material. Anyone heard anything for sure about this ? If so maybe they will not be a source for web searching. Bill K

Re: Hornady Factory and Temperature

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:45 pm
by flys low
Yes google is anti gun and adjusts seach results. I rarely use them cause they are always in the news for privacy violations.