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Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 3:47 pm
by Blueridge
Thanks Airgunner6
My rem vls has no thumbhole ,I bought this rifle from a friend who has had it since january and needed to sell it to build a 6 bR.
The rifle is bedded ,nice trigger job and recrowned to 11 degrees .
This rifle shoots better then I can, 3/8 groups are not uncommon
He had some benchmark loads made up for it that shoot great.
Im working on some loads right now with R15 ,H4895,Varget ,32,40 gr vmax and 32 blitz .Havent been able to get 39 blitz yet ,so as soon as I can out to shoot them I will post the results.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 6:51 am
by Wiskers
Howdy, My name is Wiskers, Originaly from PA. my home is near Rochester , NY ( Home of the two biggest varmints in the country - Hilary & Chuckie ). I`ve been a hunter / fisherman all my life & now I`ve found the the drugs of all hunters RELOADING. Retired & widowed I have a deep passion for crows & groundhogs. I now own a ruger 204, purchasing a CZ 527, in 204 and a load of various other guns, in various calibers. Coyote hunting& fox hunting is another passion, but here urban expansion is running rampart, so I hunt the southern tier of NY & northern tier of PA. I own a camp in Northern Pa which makes it easier on early starts. I found this site on an other site & it tickles my fancy, I have an Old Friend, in PA, who`s passions are the same as mine & since he doesn`t have a computer, I spend a fortune sending him all the printed info on this site. A BIG THANKS GUYS for all info I send him. The greatest site I`ve ever found !!! :)

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 7:42 am
by glenn asher
Welcome, Wiskers and all, pay particular attention to greymist and silverfox's posts and loads, they have been very helpful to me, in finding good loads for my rifle. We are all pretty new to the cartridge, and we are all learning, all the info we are scrounging and working up ourselves, can't but help us all. Whatever you come up with, make sure to post, so we can ALL learn from it, I have thirty years at handloading and shooting, and I can (hopefully) still learn. Whatever you post, may help us all!

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 9:40 am
by akpls
akpls, now residing in beautiful downtown North Pole, Alaska. Originally born and raised in PA, but pretty much worked and travelled all around the world in the military and as a surveyor before settling down in AK. Rifles, shooting and hunting are pretty much my passion now although I don't get to "play" as near as much as I like.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 11:18 am
by 204Shooter
Cool place to live! My parents just passed through there last week while delivering a motor home from Minnesota to AK. I was also in North Pole AK two years ago while on vacation. Great place!

Welcome and enjoy the site!

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 11:01 am
by farmuse

I just joined and this will be my first post on this forum. I started reading everyones introduction, but with 9 pages and counting, by the time I finished reading I wouldn't be able to remember why I started.

Anyway, I'm 27, no thats not right, I guess I am close enought to 28 by now...OK I'm 28. Married, no kids yet, but the wife is hoping to change that real soon. My wife and I are both involved in Law Enforcement. We live outside DC, (but not far enough.)

I like hunting deer (prefer the bow), black bear, dove, occassionally a squierl or rabbit, but my absolute favorite is long range groundhog. I used to use a 30-06 and thought I was pretty good. Then I got a range finder and realized that those "long shots" really were not all that long. I bought a .204 back in Feb. and now I know what a long shot is. The first piece of flesh I shot at was a little over 600yds. I wouldn't have taken the shots but my younger brother was down from Pa and we had been out driving around for a long while before we found this one. I think it took me 12 tries. (I guess at 600yds groundhogs don't have a clue what is coming at them, even if you miss and miss and miss) I probably could have hit em sooner, but I didn't want to adjust the scope because I had just sighted in and didn't have a chance to zero it out yet. When I finally hit em, I knew it, he knew it and my brother knew it. (Shortly there after everone I ran into that spoke english knew it.) I try not to shoot as far now, cause I would prefer to hone my skills before I start sending rounds down range that far. My personal best is 427yds on the first shot with a noticable wind. I have shot 25 groundhogs so far this year which is more than twice what I ever got with the '06. I know 25 isn't anything to you prarie dog guys, but its a lot of ground hogs where I come from.

Ok, I'll stop now, really glad to find this site. I don't reload yet but am looking for all the info I can get, and since this is such a new round its really fun to have a place to share info.


New member bio

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 8:46 am
by Fickdaddy
My name is Fickdaddy, 'cause thats what everyone calls me at work. I am 40 years old this month, so I bought myself a well deserved present, a new Ruger M77Mk2VT in .204 ruger. I also sprung for a Leupold VXII 6-18 target scope as icing on the cake.
I learned my appreciation for accurate shooting as a young Marine in the '80s, earning recognition as the series high shooter in boot-camp, and subsequint expert badges in the years to follow. I really miss being an active Marine, and consider my leaving the Corps the only true regret in my life.
My previouse experices lead me to High power service rifle matches as a civilian, then to precision adult air rifles, and silhoettes.
My interest in small bore centerfire rifles stems from the enjoyment of taking starlings out with my Beeman RX1 in .20 caL W/Burris 4-12 target scope. I have wanted one of these M77VT's for a long time, the new .204, my 40th birthday, and a growing population of groundhogs into the south, has put the high power varmint bug in me. I look forward to making lots of friends here, talking about our guns, and experiences.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 2:51 pm
by Glen
Welcome aboard Fickdaddy. We're all looking forward to your 204 experiences as well. Hope you enjoy the site & make sure you check out the front page here real good. Lots of good info.


Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 6:56 am
by BillPa
Well, after trolling this site for awhile, I decided to register and learn a few things and maybe pass of some stuff I discovered over the years.
I guess I can consider myself a "senior" member, gonna be 57,but still manage to trudge up and down the hills although somewhat slower than I did twenty years ago! I envy you guys out west. PDs...some many targets,so little time!

My wife and I have been married for 33 years with two great kids and since they wouldn't take my advise and behave themselves, three grandsons, one 4 1/2,one 4 and the newest member,16 months.
I'm happyly retired for three years,but do a few electrical jobs for mad money and now able to spend man hours at the range and more at the camp hunting/trout fish'n.
I am lucky comming from a family that were hunters and shooters, one of my late uncles running a shop for almost 30 years. I had a small shop,specializing restocking rifles in 'glass for a number of years in the '80s. At work(?), there was a manager that also was a gunsmith,specializing in 1K guns. I spent a lot of time with him both in his shop and at work,the "other" shop learn'n 'bout these things. Today I do 90% of my own work (electriction play'n machinist!!) and manage to build some that actually keep 5 shots on paper!

One of my last projects was to put a 204 together for 'hogs..
Savage 10, SSS trigger.
Stockade Woodchuck stock.
Mueller 8.5-25 scope ,Leupold mounts/rings.
Best group todate - .221" Average mid to high 3s' with 32 Vmax. I haven't played with 40s yet...soon!

Well, anyway, just say'n hello to everyone!!!!

The "newest toy"


Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:46 pm
by Glen
Welcome to the board Bill. Nice rig you got there.

New to the group

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:20 am
by berettabob
I've been perusing this site for a month or so and have had a couple of kind responses to my queries. I thought I would now give a little info. on myself. I am pushing 60, been a gun person my entire life as my Dad was a dealer/collector with 5 or 6 hundred guns around all the time. He also left me 111 acres on the Blue Ridge Parkway in the mountains of Southwest Virginia, but I live about 3 hours from there. I have a one, two and three hundred yard range set up near the house. I also have tons of deer and turkeys so friends come out of the woodwork. I recently purchased a Savage 12 FVSS and am amazed at the performance. I was amazed with the accuracy of the 40 gr. factory load and now with Silverfox's 39 grain Sierra H4895 load am more amazed than before. All the farms in the area of my property are presently cutting and baling hay which opens up the groundhog hunting and I will be going in a week. I will post any results and am grateful for the insightful information provided on this site.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 1:10 pm
by 204Shooter

Welcome. Hopefully the site will continue to provide you with the information you need.

Too bad I don't live closer to Virginia or I would also become your friend and help you out with the deer and turkeys! :D

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 4:43 pm
by Glen
Welcome Jeff. Glad you enjoy the comraderie here. Congrats to your daughter for working hard & to you for helping along the way. Good Luck on the boar hunt & way to go on the buffalo hunt. Looking forward to your 204 antics. :D

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 4:49 pm
by Skypilotbc
Welcome Jeff :D Glad to have another brother in Christ on board. Sounds like you have a very nice set-up there. Buffalo tacos sound great, although I have not tried them (Javalina tacos are pretty good). I'm really pleased with the performance of my .204 on prairie dogs 8) Also have a Mod 70 in 7mmRM that has put quite a few mule deer in the freezer. Again, good to have ya here and look forward to your contributions to the board.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:31 am
by 204Shooter
It is good to hear from you folks from down under. I have always admired Australia and the stories from the outback. Hope you enjoy the site and more importantly, enjoy shooting all your guns! Hope to hear plenty more from you.