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Re: Rick in Oregon

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 6:12 am
by Ray P
Rick......Thanks again to you!!! " What a great botherhood we have here".
Glade to see you got hold of a computer.
Please get well soon. God Speed my friend.
PM if we can help with anything!
Ray P

Re: Rick in Oregon

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:09 am
by Varmint Laser
Well after nearly a week I have finally been granted permission to join up with you guys, can't think of a better place for a first post. I have been visiting this site for months now and have been trading e's with Rick in Oregon for a few weeks about this and that.

I sort of wondered why you did not respond to my last e, pretty good excuse..but you need to get better and get back home now! Get outside and breath some "real" air and not that canned crap they have in a hospital!

Scott, in Tacoma.

Re: Rick in Oregon

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 1:43 pm
by jo191145
Hey Rick Good to hear from you.

How do Oregonian hospitals feel about fellas doin a little shootin from the windows?
Your Raptor Feeding Society friends could probably tether some targets out for you. ;)

Get well soon-Joe

Re: Rick in Oregon

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 6:09 pm
by Sidewinderwa
Rick, glad to see that you are on the mend. :eew: I hope that you get better soon and can go home, where you can relax and keep up on the computer fun. Maybe you can graduate to jello, if you treat the nurses good that is. You gave us a scare, will your near death incident make you feel remorse for skippy hunting? :lol:

Re: Rick in Oregon

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:39 am
by Lee C.
It's darn good to see you up and getting around some Rick. Sure looking forward to see back here when your feeling better.

Re: Rick in Oregon

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:53 am
Glad you are back inside the wire Rick.

Re: Rick in Oregon

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:33 pm
by Big_Bullseye
Rick, Sorry to hear that they got you down and have been working on you. Glad to hear that you are coming around though. When I first read the first post about three surgeries my heart sunk as I know I don't know you other than a few posts but I also went down hard in February and almost bought the farm and had to have emergency surgery to save my life. And I just had the second of three scheduled surgeries just 4 weeks ago. My next one is 4 weeks from now and then hopefully I am done and healed.

I sure hope you don't have what I have my friend, I will pray for your speedy recovery and look forward to the time when we can meet on the rat killin fields and celebrate both of our successful recoveries.

Godspeed my friend.

Re: Rick in Oregon

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 7:59 pm
by WrzWaldo

It's nice to see you are up and about! Keep getting better bud.


Re: Rick in Oregon

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:26 am
by Captqc
Good News! I just talked to Rick and he is being sprung from the hospital. Now let's hope he behaves and recovers soon! :wtg: Gary

Re: Rick in Oregon

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:36 am
by Glen
WOOHOO!! :balloons:

Re: Rick in Oregon

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:30 am
by Keith in Ga
That's great news. Rick, take it easy and you'll be back out in the fields in no time. Remember, while you're resting, Skippy is multiplying! Take care...Keith

Re: Rick in Oregon

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:49 pm
by Cujo

Get well soon, bud! You're a wealth of knowledge and a great contribution to the board. . .Best wishes for a speedy recovery. I'll talk to you soon.


Re: Rick in Oregon

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:03 am
by willyp19
Thanks for the update...Keep us posted!

Re: Rick in Oregon

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 3:46 pm
by hozz57
Good to hear that you're on the mend!! :D

I have'nt been on-line lately because one of my kids has been in the hospital for 5 WEEKS. I think I better make time to check in more often. :oops:

Keep your spirits high and your trigger finger loose. The 204um isn't the same without you!!

Re: Rick in Oregon

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:49 pm
by Rick in Oregon
My small caliber rifle brothers: Thanks to you all for all the attention...I'm not used to it. All your kind posts and prayers must be working, as I'm home again, full of stiches and slowly navagating the house from the Lazy-Boy recliner in my jammies. I'm giving my DVD collection a workout, I'll tell ya.

I'm not supposed to pick up more than ten pounds, so I can't even open the safe and fondle any varmint rifles! Rats! Good thing there's a few pistols to keep me company in the meantime so I can keep the scent of gun oil in the air.

Skippy and his pals are safe for the rest of the least from me (and NO guilt at all for the Skippy's sent to the Great Alfalfa Patch in the Sky either, but I wondered if they'd all be waiting for me if I 'went their way' ;) ). Maybe they'll breed more for more targets next year....naawww, Captqc and the boys are headed out to foil that plan this weekend. I'll really miss you guys headed out to the Rat Rodeo.....send photos of the fun.

A sincere thanks to you all for the kind thoughts and words. If wifey had not delivered me to the ER when she did, they'd be a vacancy on the board I'm told. Just goes to show us all how fragile life really is. Now it's time to heal up this old carcas and be ready for next year. You guys in the east keep us posted on the 204 and the hogs this summer. I'll check back from time to time here, as it feels like a 2nd home of sorts here with all you guys.

Have a great summer.....I'll be thinking about you too. You guys are the greatest! ;)