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Re: Greetings From the Hospital!

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:57 pm
by Glen
Rick-- Have you ever read the book "One Mans Wilderness"? It's a great read. If not shoot me your addy.

Re: Greetings From the Hospital!

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:54 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Well, back home at the ranch, gotta heal up all these stiches and get ready for some action with our buddy Skippy and his pals soon. Time to get out our EORFS shirts again.....oh yeah!

I've got to thank you all again for all the support you offered me while I was down; it really helped and means alot to me. You guys truly are the greatest.....I mean it.

Hawkeye: Tried to get the VHR/HUD installed in my right eyeball, but the surgeon just gave me a quizzical look...... :shock: Once I explained it to him though, he got a pretty good chuckle out of it. His son is a dyed-in-the-wool varmint hunter, so he knew what I was talking about. What a hoot. :lol:

Glen: PM sent, and thanks!

Re: Greetings From the Hospital!

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:01 pm
by Hotshot
RIO you crack me up. You would sit the bench more solid if they sewed a sand bag in your a$$.
Hey do you suppose those docs who fix cataracts could do the reticle on the eyeball thing?

Re: Greetings From the Hospital!

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 11:42 am
by Rick in Oregon
Hotshot: Sometimes when there's chores to do, wifey sez she thinks there IS a sandbag sewn to my a$$! Girls.....what do they know? :lol:

As for the Varmint Hunter Reticle and the HUD display....if only I could figure out how to integrate the 204 Weapons System into it! Just think of the spectacle in the field: sitting atop my BR Pivot, belt-fed 204 from a full .50 cal can, HUD/VHR deployed.....Skippy wouldn't know how to act! :eek:

Fun, yes, but I'll take a nice bolt gun shooting single shot, one at a time, and the "one shot, one kill" philosophy any time. When Skippy launches, I'm all smiles..... ;)

Thanks for the mental image though.....grins are good. :!:

Re: Greetings From the Hospital!

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:27 pm
by willyp19
RIO...Glad to hear you are doing well and are back home.

Take care...!

Re: Greetings From the Hospital!

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:10 am
by OldTurtle
Rick, Glad to hear you are back and with a sense of humor....

Maybe we should start a separate thread to compare scars :roll: :roll:

My last one was a little over 50cm.. the local doctor said it was the longest in town....

Just be sure to follow your post-op instructions and don't try to do what you shouldn't be doing ahead of time....Don't ask me how I know this.... :wall:

Re: Greetings From the Hospital!

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:59 pm
by futuretrades
i have a few of them scars myself. and i have a zipper in my chest with some stainless steel wire to hold in my innards! :eek: and like old turtle said, just listen to the doc. take time to heal the right way. i know you know to do that, but reminding you doesn't hurt any. take care and get well rick.

Re: Greetings From the Hospital!

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:19 pm
by Captqc
Glad to hear your on the mend at home. Can't wait to get at Skippy, sorry I'll miss the first crack at them. I don't think that you want to to compare scars :eek: that would be an ugly scene! :lol:

Re: Greetings From the Hospital!

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:19 am
by iceboxdan
just read the thread .glad to hear your home and doing good. did you get your bell yet.(the one that makes the wife and kids bring you stuff ) good luck and do what the Dr.s say

Re: Greetings From the Hospital!

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:52 am
by Rick in Oregon
You guys are a hoot. Don't think there will be any "scar show 'n tells", the only scars I want to see will be on Skippy soon, and those will be very fresh indeed.

Sorry Captqc will miss the first outing, but I promise to regail you with lots of photos of the fun.

As for the "bell" to ring for wifey....yeah, right. If I tried that stunt, I'd likely have a bell in a place I'd neither be happy with, nor would the bell be heard from very far away as a result. The kids are grown now, grandkids out doing kid stuff and in school, so it's just me and wifey with 'the girls' at home, and they're paws don't hold a soup bowl very well. Besides, they're hounds, they'd eat anything nearby long before it ever got to dad! :lol:

Thanks again for all the kindness and well wishes. You guys are right, this IS an extended family. :D

Re: Greetings From the Hospital!

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:13 am
by OldSchool
Well Rick,
I know you are trying to cure your sage rat addiction but getting laid up in the hospital is a little extreme don't you think? I am sure your time off has done the population some good though. Funny how surgery was timed while they were napping for the winter, coincidence? I think not.
Anywho, take care buddy, I need some good stories to keep me through this tour in germany.


Re: Greetings From the Hospital!

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:31 am
by Rick in Oregon
Old School: Well, the timing for my "event" last June robbed me of our Annual Rat Rodeo, so my crew had to engage Skippy while I was being Medivac'd. So now that I'm almost back to normal (nobody has ever accused me of being "normal" though :mrgreen: ), Skippy and his pals will pay dearly this season. Those critters should start waking up late next month, and with any luck, will get to meet my new Kimber 204 too.

We'll make sure you get fresh field adventures with Skippy to keep you amused while in Germany though, and I hope all is going well. Will you still get deployed to The Sand Pit East as discussed earlier?

Hang in there buddy, you're in our thoughts and prayers. When you get home again, we'll have to pay Skippy a visit together. :D

Re: Greetings From the Hospital!

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:30 am
by LeeC
Pictures...we need pictures. :eek: