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Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 5:15 pm
by glenn asher
It's easier and smarter to just use the gun auction sites already available and forget about ebay, as noted, the site has more lefties there than the Democratic National Convention. Rick Bin, over on 24hourcampfire, has a FREE gun auction site on his website, why not use it? He's a shooter, might as well give him the business and forgo ebay altogether, you'll never change their thinking. :(

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 5:18 pm
by LeeC
I'm 758. :horse:

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:41 pm
by WrzWaldo
First reply from eBay...
Hello Kevin,

Thank you for your recent email to Matt Halprin in regard to changes to
our Firearms, Weapons and Knives policy. He has asked that I review your
email and respond on his behalf.

At eBay we take the safety of our community and our marketplace very
seriously. We have a Trust and Safety team which consists of more than
2,000 experts in online security and safety who are located around the
globe. This team is dedicated to ensuring that our marketplace is a safe
and trusted place for buyers and sellers to engage in trade.

We value an open and transparent marketplace; if items are legal to buy
and sell in an unrestricted manner we allow them on our site. However,
there are some items that while legal, may not be safe for our
marketplace. In these instances, our applicable policies go beyond the
law to ensure that our marketplace is safe.

Currently we do not allow actual firearms on the site. After careful
consideration our executives and our Trust and Safety team determined
that any item required to fire a gun has no place on eBay. All of our
policies are under constant review. As the Internet and the way our
communities use the Internet evolves, our policies and our marketplace
must evolve with it. We determined that this policy change was in the
best interest of promoting a safe marketplace for all members.

Rebekah Long
Office of the President
And my response.

Hello Rebekah,

I have yet to hear how these changes have any real meat to the eBay communities safety. This email is nothing more than lip service! How about answering the actual questions I sent?

Here, lets just start with two of them.

Why does eBay allow the sale of items that are illegal in some states yet restricts the sale of items that are legal in all 50 states?

How do these new policies make the community any safer?

I'm afraid to say that anyone that buys into this whole community safety line is buying into a false sense of safety. And as I pointed out, there are a bunch more items listed on eBay that pose a greater risk to the community than "bullet tips" (they are called bullets), empty brass cases, and firing pins.

In the near future I'll be in touch and we can talk about your all so wise choice to allow pornographic items and stolen goods.

Looking forward to a real answers this time.

Kind Regards
Kevin Osborne
(President) Boycott eBay Coalition

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:51 pm
by Iamsignal3
I posted your link on Doug's Message boards and they are thanking Kevin for the link and also are signing the petition. ... 564&page=1

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:26 am
by WrzWaldo
Time for a little humor!

Clicky Thing

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:39 am
by BunGhoLeo
OMG Waldo... It's funny that you should bring that up. When i lived in virginia 15 years ago i was almost arrested for binging a guy in the back of the head with a rock from about 50' when i caught him trying to break in my car. Knocked the SOB out cold.

Ebay cancelled

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 11:48 am
by BobCatt45
Cancelled mine the minute I heard, if enough do cancel they will get the message.

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:35 pm
by Iamsignal3
WrzWaldo.......... you twit, my eyes are still watering

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 2:38 pm
by Bergcrane2
Auction Arms response to eBay


Dear Valued AuctionArms customer:

You may have heard the recent news or received a message from EBay that they have taken yet another anti-Second Amendment position (their first was in 1999 when they abandoned their firearms sellers) . They are now, once again, abandoning their good and faithful customers who sell firearms parts, ammunition reloading components and reloading gear. We strongly disagree with eBay’s stance on the 2nd Amendment in general and specifically in their lackadaisical abandonment of their long and faithful customers. We think it is unconscionable. But hey, it’s their right, and we love them for helping us continue to build our business!

While eBay may have disdain for the 2nd Amendment rights of it’s customers, we here at Auctionarms believe you should be able to sell any legal item you may care to, especially firearms, firearms parts, ammunition, ammunition components and reloading gear…how else are you going to defend yourself against mad men and the evildoers who stalk innocents in those politically correct “gun free” zones?!

We believe you should have the right to sell these items in a free and open market. We believe you should have the right to be free from fear of abandonment by a online sales venue that you've invested your time and money in to create profit for them and a reputation and goodwill for yourself.

We have proudly built our business and reputation on firearms. We have for almost 10 years now. We will continue to do so. We will not abandon our customers at the whim of some misguided, liberal minded, political correctness. That is our pledge.

We invite all abandoned eBay seller to move your firearms, firearms parts, ammunition, ammunition reloading components and reloading gear immediately to AuctionArms. Show eBay you can abandon them as quick as they abandon you and move to the BEST place on the internet for firearms and firearms related auctions!


We pride ourselves on customer service. We freely publish phone numbers through our “Contact Us” link that appears on every page. (find a customer service phone number on eBay!). We have real folks in the good old USA to talk to when you call those numbers. We care about our customers and about the rights of our customers to fully enjoy their rights under the Second Amendment.

Top 10 Reasons to move to AuctionArms:

1. We won't abandon you, ever.
2. No Listing Fees: There are never any fees to list an auction at AuctionArms and our selling commissions are much lower.
3. Free sign-up: For abandoned Sellers signing up in August, we will eat the sign-up fee for new abandoned sellers moving from Ebay (normally $4)
4. Free Auctions: For abandoned Sellers signing up in August, we won't charge you for any Final Value Fees (sales commissions for the first month if you disclose your eBay seller’s nickname) in order to ease the transition and reward you investing in our learning curve.
5. Free Special Features: For abandoned Sellers signing up in August, we will give you free Special Features for your first month.
6. Free over 200 Items listings: We will arrange to waive fees for added auctions if you list more than 200 items at a time. Just let us know.
7. Feedback Credit: We will credit your Ebay Feedback record towards becoming a Penny Auctioneer (a highly popular and successful feature on our site).
8. Retained eBay recognition: We will provide recognition of your eBay earned feedback status and use of your eBay nickname (when available) in order for you to salvage some of your hard earned goodwill and reputation.
9. Free Introductions: We will send an email letter of introduction to your past buyers at eBay, (you'll need to confidentially provide us with an emailing list) introducing them to your account at AuctionArms.
10. Special Discounts: We'll provide you with special discounts based on fees payment history with eBay for firearms parts, reloading components and reloading gear (we'll need you to confidentially disclose payment history with eBay to us to qualify for this benefit).
11. Familiar categories: To assist eBay’s newly abandoned sellers in moving their auctions to AuctionArms, we have reproduced their categories for firearms parts, reloading components and reloading gear so that they will be easily familiar to you.
12. Support for pro-gun rights: For every abandoned seller that signs up with us in the month of August, We will be donate $ to the NRA Foundation.

OK, I lied, there are 12. As always we like to add special value for our sellers.

How can we offer all this free stuff? Well, we are so confident that once you use AuctionArms to connect to our international customer base of like minded firearms enthusiasts and see how well we work for you, you will like what you see and stay with us. You'll generate future sales and commissions and we'll all win. How can you loose…frankly, you can't!

If you've received this message and are not an eBay seller, but have purchased these sorts of items from eBay sellers, do them and yourself a favor. Forward this message on to them. Help insure you will continue to enjoy a broad selection of firearms parts, reloading components and reloading gear through the convenience of the internet and at a Second Amendment friendly site!

Thanks for taking the time to read this message and thanks for being a customer at the BEST place on the internet for firearms auctions. We appreciate your business and look forward to many years of providing you with unparalleled service.

Spread the Gospel!

Manny DelaCruz

Chief Executive Officer, Inc.

The BEST place on the internet for firearms auctions!

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 3:55 pm
by glenn asher
A HUGE :!: :!: :!: WELL DONE :!: :!: :!: To Mr. Delacruz, a man among men, a paragon of virtue, and other flowery adjectives! Good to see others stepping up.

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 6:01 pm
by WrzWaldo
I concur with GA!

I have already registered over at

On a side not, I may have stumbled into some "Boycott eBay" bumper stickers. Anyone interested?

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 9:32 pm
by gwglave
Just signed the petition, #1286. We need to encourage everyone we know to jump in and sign the petition.
It doesn't surprise me that Ebay has crossed over to the dark side and followed their knee jerk reaction with a complete cave-in to the anti-gunners. Who knows who or what's really behind all this......Schumer, Pelosi, Kennedy, Clinton, Brady, etc, etc, etc.
Everyone, don't forget to cancel your Paypal accounts, Ebay owns that as well. We need to completely cut our ties with them.

Rgds, Gerry

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 7:34 am
by WrzWaldo
Ebay is now resorting to censorship!

They are removing listed items for sale that are Anti-eBay!

Here is a new listing that will probably be removed.

Not to worry, if it is removed you can see it here --> ... icker.html

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 8:36 am
by Bergcrane2
WrzWaldo wrote:Ebay is now resorting to censorship!

They are removing listed items for sale that are Anti-eBay!

Here is a new listing that will probably be removed.

Not to worry, if it is removed you can see it here --> ... icker.html
Awesome! :D


Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:11 pm
by blkdog
I sent my reply, not that it will do any good, but you never know. If every gun owner would take the time to vote and get two more people to vote, maybe we could start to take back our great country from the crazy's that don't read history and don't have the guts to fight for what is right and our way of life.The simple truth is that in their veiw there is no personal responsibility, and in my op. that is the biggest problem.Guns are not the problem, people who don't read history ARE THE PROBLEM!