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Re: Am I wrong...........

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:41 pm
by Herb in pa
Bayou City Boy wrote:If we choose to boycott every company that someone has some sort of fully defined, at least in his mind, trouble with, and he then posts about it on the internet expecting group sympathy, pretty soon we'll be making our own brass, bullets, powder, rifles, scopes and so on.

"Stuff" happens. I had a guy with a very well known firearms/reloading supply company tell me that the customer service they are able to supply is directly proportional to the customer's attitude. He said some folks let you know immediately that there is not a darn thing you can do to satisfy them, but they expect you to bend over backwards trying. Others call and explain the problem in a rational and sane manner, and he said those customers they can productively devote time to to try to resolve the issues to everyone's satisfaction. He said with the others, any amount of effort is going to fall on deaf ears unless you can are able to walk on water in the customer's mind. And he said many of those folks want twice as much in return for what they originally paid for because they've "been screwed" intentionally by the offending company.......

And yes, they are still in business and doing well. Moral - if any - : The amount of honey you get from the hive is directional proportional to how hard you sting the first time you enter the hive.

I had a pleasant conversation with customer service about my problem, sent them back 94 loaded rounds and 6 empties. I received 350 40 grain Vmax bullets in return. Now if you can tell me how 350 bullets = 100 loaded rounds you must be on Obama's budget team!

Re: Am I wrong...........

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:10 pm
by chris_32212
Herb in pa wrote:
Bayou City Boy wrote:
I had a pleasant conversation with customer service about my problem, sent them back 94 loaded rounds and 6 empties. I received 350 40 grain Vmax bullets in return. Now if you can tell me how 350 bullets = 100 loaded rounds you must be on Obama's budget team!
LOL!! :lol: You mean the brown clown?! Thats what my Grandpa calls him. lol.

Re: Am I wrong...........

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:55 pm
by Bayou City Boy
Gee............. it's nice to see two obviously macho dudes cast accusations toward someone neither of them know absolutely nothing about in real life. My comments were simply directed from the point of view of the other side of the fence. I'm actually on the side of the fence you two are on, but recognize the other side exists, too.

If either of you are ever in the Houston,Texas area, come on down and I'll take you to lunch so you can learn more about me before you do any more chest thumping and name calling... Fair enough....?



Re: Am I wrong...........

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:59 pm
by chris_32212
Bayou City Boy wrote:Gee............. it's nice to see two obviously macho dudes cast accusations toward someone neither of them know absolutely nothing about in real life. My comments were simply directed from the point of view of the other side of the fence. I'm actually on the side of the fence you two are on, but recognize the other side exists, too.

If either of you are ever in the Houston,Texas area, come on down and I'll take you to lunch so you can learn more about me before you do any more chest thumping and name calling... Fair enough....?


I certainly didn't intend to call names. I shared a nick name that my grandpa has for our current president because I think its funny. My comment wasn't directed towards you. I think I understand your point that customer service departments have to deal with a high number of disgruntled people and that there is another side to the story. but if I have to contact someones customer service department to get a defective product (something that was Dead On Arival that could have been caught by a better quality control system) replaced, they have already lost my future business because I hate the hassle. If I do get involved with a customer service department because of a situation like that, I am rarely nice about it because not only was the product defective out of the box but now I have devote a bunch of time into the problem and that highly annoys me. I also wont fake a smile and a good attitude to try to get a better resolution to the issue from the customer service pin heads. Just my 2cents.


Re: Am I wrong...........

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:25 pm
by chris_32212
For example: I purchased an RCBS case master gauge through Trophy's Outdoor because they had the best price I could find online. It has been thirteen days since my card was charged. Never received a confirmation email and have never received the product. I have to wait a full 15 calendar days before I can challenge the charge on my card so I can go buy else where. Repeated attempts to call their customer service but all I can get is their answering machine. You want to talk about a whole new level of pissed. That was a hundred bucks and I have nothing to show for it and have to continue to wait before I can even buy another one. I will NEVER shop at Trophy's Outdoor again. And I will even consider spending slightly more to get what I need from Midway just because I know I can count on them. Different scenario but I think its relevant.

Re: Am I wrong...........

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:26 am
by Herb in pa
I'm not sure what particular name I called you, but to insinuate that I was less than considerate in my dealings with Hornady's Customer Service... "And yes, they are still in business and doing well. Moral - if any - : The amount of honey you get from the hive is directional proportional to how hard you sting the first time you enter the hive." is a real stretch. I sent the defective ammunition back to them, waited 2 1/2 weeks and then contacted them again, spoke to a Tech guy who explained that the brass was about .060" rim thickness when it should be .042". I explained that I would prefer an equal exchange of components rather than new loaded ammo and was sent the aformentioned amount of 40 grain vmaxes. Another call resulted in "well we consider it an even exchange" 100 rounds = 5 boxes of ammunition..check some prices and tell me how near $100 in ammunition is equal to 350 bullets. I've been on both sides of customer service in my career and realize how things work. I'm not about to engage in a long distance pi$$ing contest with anyone.

Re: Am I wrong...........

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:07 am
by Bayou City Boy
chris_32212 wrote:.................. but if I have to contact someones customer service department to get a defective product (something that was Dead On Arival that could have been caught by a better quality control system) replaced, they have already lost my future business because I hate the hassle. If I do get involved with a customer service department because of a situation like that, I am rarely nice about it because not only was the product defective out of the box but now I have devote a bunch of time into the problem and that highly annoys me. I also wont fake a smile and a good attitude to try to get a better resolution to the issue from the customer service pin heads. Just my 2cents.

Exactly my point......... And if being calm and business like instead of acting like a rabid dog is "faking it", I guess I'm guilty.... And I'm going to remain guilty by choice...

Also, since the idea seems to escape your reasoning, I've never faked it "to try to get a better resolution to the issue from the customer service pin heads." I just recognize that the other guy is a person possibly with problems a lot worse than mine... Deal with him as such... He might enjoy and respond better to the business-like approach rather than the rabid dog approach... Maybe not....

For me its worth a try, and I'll always feel better about how I approached a far less than life-threatening issue.
Herb in pa wrote:I'm not sure what particular name I called you, but to insinuate that I was less than considerate in my dealings with Hornady's Customer Service... "And yes, they are still in business and doing well. Moral - if any - : The amount of honey you get from the hive is directional proportional to how hard you sting the first time you enter the hive." is a real stretch. I sent the defective ammunition back to them, waited 2 1/2 weeks and then contacted them again, spoke to a Tech guy who explained that the brass was about .060" rim thickness when it should be .042". I explained that I would prefer an equal exchange of components rather than new loaded ammo and was sent the aformentioned amount of 40 grain vmaxes. Another call resulted in "well we consider it an even exchange" 100 rounds = 5 boxes of ammunition..check some prices and tell me how near $100 in ammunition is equal to 350 bullets. I've been on both sides of customer service in my career and realize how things work. I'm not about to engage in a long distance pi$$ing contest with anyone.

If you'll notice a little bit better, I never quoted you or anyone else. I was merely saying that sometimes there are two sides to a story. And in my original post I said if we boycott everyone who doesn't always please us , as someone else suggested, we'll soon have no suppliers. Did you mention a boycott.....?

Also, it's not my problem that you are so sensitive about what other say... If that's the case, don't get on an internet forum and expect everyone to whine and moan equally as loud and in the same direction as you are. It won't happen. Maybe hire a shrink and he'll probably be 100% sympathetic....for a fee...

If I "insinuated" anything, it was because you decided to interpret my comments that way. Again, that's not my problem or my issue... That was your choice..... I will say however, that I'm starting to wonder if the color yellow maybe bothers you...... Tissue.........?

And if you're "not about to engage in a long distance pi$$ing contest with anyone", don't quote someone and come at them as though this issue involves just you and them. In situations like that, some folks will respond back. I know I will............

Again, if you'll notice I actually invited you to lunch if you're ever down this way... The offer still stands...

Between you and Chris, I do think I might be seeing a trend, however... Carry on.......and fire at will.......... And if it makes you feel better, by all means insinuate my last comment to whatever level you feel necessary ...