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Re: Kimber Rifles

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:45 am
by WnMag
Looks pertie darn good!! ;) How many rounds do you have through it? Are you doing the whole breakin procedure..shoot clean system?

I have 75 rounds through mine now, wanted to shoot today but its to flippin cold out, had enough cold the last 5 days of work.

Re: Kimber Rifles

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:01 pm
by Boba
WnMag: I have probably fired 250 rounds through this gun so far. I did not do the "official" break in procedure but do clean it thoroughly after every 10-12 rounds or so, using Butch's Bore shine and a back-and-forth brush stroke for every round fired. Also use Sweet's to get the copper out. I'll bet as fast as these little bullets travel and as much heat as is generated, the accuracy would drop off quickly if the barrel wasn't cleaned frequently. One thing I try to do is pace my shots so I'm not putting a lot of rounds, one right after another, through the barrel. I got a Leupold range finder for Christmas and have been cruising the back roads looking for coyotes to try the .204 out on, but so far no luck...

Re: Kimber Rifles

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:44 pm
by ryutzy
Boba wrote: I did not do the "official" break in procedure but do clean it thoroughly after every 10-12 rounds or so, using Butch's Bore shine and a back-and-forth brush stroke for every round fired.
By back and forth do you mean that you reversed the brush inside the bore? It is my understanding that you never want to reverse directions of the brush while inside the bore of the barrel.