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Re: Off Topic, no killin' or shootin' involved

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:16 pm
by JD11
Watch out for the buffler if you're going on a bike, there isn't much give in a bison
Good part is they just lumber along slowly. Usually a couple bikers hit deer every season. Last week a couple had a antelope jump out in front of their bike over on the Teton side and they ended up in the hospital. I never keep track, but I think the park stays open way later than Labor Day until the weather turns bad. A buddy here in Cody works near the main lodge and after winter hits he has to go in weekly by snowmobile. Long trip, especially with his two dogs.
Got to hear wolves howl at 6 in the morning;
Unfortunately, the wolves (WAY outside the park boundaries) have really decimated the moose calf crop. They've also killed off (and run to death) a major part of the elk population. Even the USFW geniuses admitted they had no idea the wolf population would grow so big or cover such a wide area statewide not just here but Mt. and Idaho too. They killed 9 of a rancher's calves way down in the Wamsutter area which is in the southeast part of the state. We had a bill pass where we could shot them east of the highway here east side of Cody, but the big-city wolf wackos went judge shopping in Montana and he ruled against the Wyoming bill so that went down the crapper.

Re: Off Topic, no killin' or shootin' involved

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:56 am
by glenn asher
According to my friend who lives out there, there are already six packs of wolves in the Teton Park as well, though no one wants to admit it, especially the Fish and Wildlife folks. It was incredibly stupid to bring those Canadian wolves into Yellowstone, Idaho, Montana, etc. they are a different subspecies and more aggressive than the old, smaller native variety. I hope the Idahoans get their share this fall...............

Re: Off Topic, no killin' or shootin' involved

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:17 pm
by Jim White
JD11 wrote: We had a bill pass where we could shot them east of the highway here east side of Cody, but the big-city wolf wackos went judge shopping in Montana and he ruled against the Wyoming bill so that went down the crapper.
Isn't ironic that the people who want to protect this pediator (and restrict hunting cougars and so on...) don't want them in their backyard. Maybe too, they should be reintroduced in Central Park, Boston Commons or the National Mall just for starters. Maybe that jusde in Montana needs on his yard too.


Re: Off Topic, no killin' or shootin' involved

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:20 am
by JD11
Maybe too, they should be reintroduced in Central Park, Boston Commons or the National Mall just for starters.
Right, I can't count how many times we all have said that. A few years back a friend who cowboys for a huge ranch shot one that was killing a calf, thinking it was a coyote. It was about 80 miles from Yellowstone on private ranchland and he still was fined $1200. That was when Clinton was in office so he actually got off lucky. A popular bumper sticker in this area: WOLVES----SMOKE A PACK A DAY! (with my 204, of course :D )

The average Joe doesn't have a clue about the cost taxpayers are paying for the wolf program. Over the years USFW has spent hundreds of thousands, (probably millions) just on frequent helicopter rental to monitor, net and relocate, etc, the various packs.

Re: Off Topic, no killin' or shootin' involved

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 8:09 am
by glenn asher
It would seem that the SSS rules might apply, if the critter didn't have a collar, anyway. If it had a collar, a trip to the nearest highway might be appropriate :roll: Roadkills happen, after all.................... Not that I, myself, would ever advocate a good, commonsense approach to wolf depredation, nossir, not me. :wink:

Re: Off Topic, no killin' or shootin' involved

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:37 am
by JD11
Yes Glenn, evidently the SSS program is put into motion now and then. Some years back the local paper had an article about a wolf evidently drowning in the Buffalo Bill Reservoir (at least that's where the Feds found the collar) :D