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Re: H-S precision

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 11:23 am
by Bayou City Boy
glenn asher wrote:KIM204, HSPrecision may not have hired Horiuchi, but using HIM, of all people, as a person to endorse their wares is not a good choice. He should have been thrown in prison for his actions, not endorsing HS Precision products.
People can blame Randy Weaver all they like, and deservedly so, for his actions, but NEVER, EVER forget that the government started that fight, they entrapped him in a shady sawn-off shotgun deal (that later turned out to be perfectly legal!), to get him to spy on his neighbors. He refused, and they concocted the mess that became Ruby Ridge.
There's plenty of blame for both sides on this whole mess, but the lion's share belongs to the US Government there, and it was proven in court.

As far as HS goes, they won't get any of my money, ever again. Putting Horiuchi's endorsement on the cover of their catalog shows they have no sense whatsoever, either business or common.
I'd be real curious as to how much some of you have ever spent on some of these companies that "won't get any of my money, ever again". And how much did some of you more vocal political pundits actually put into the recent election.?

My guess is that most of you sat passively on the side lines and blew smoke up skirts with your keyboards trying to impress someone. I would further guess that the money most have spent where they now direct their political ire would not pay the light bill for a day for some of the manufacturers in your political sights.

McCain still has bills to pay ....its not too late to donate. And sadly, in reality he was not a real separate choice from who won the election, but at least his liberal conservative posture will look totally right wing a year from now when compared to who did win.

Granted, several companies have probably not made the best political choices from a business point of view, but we all still live in a country where they have a RIGHT to make choices and mistakes if they so choose. Just like some of you have a right to express your dislike for what they did. My only point is how many of you actually do/did anything to back up your mouth/keyboard, or are you just posturing for the masses?

Just my opinion.... _BCB

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 1:27 pm
by glenn asher
I've only had two rifles with HS stocks, and I won't buy either the stocks, or the rifles in them, ever again, not that it's any of your business, BCB.

I do have some principles, and I abide by them.

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:00 pm
by Bayou City Boy
glenn asher wrote:I've only had two rifles with HS stocks, and I won't buy either the stocks, or the rifles in them, ever again, not that it's any of your business, BCB.

I do have some principles, and I abide by them.

I wasn't asking for a cost accounting, glenn.... But since you're into numbers, how many factory H-S stock have you actually bought to put on rifles? They don't read Remington or Winchester on the butt pad... They read H-S Precision.

Principles....? I'm surprised you brought that word up. But thanks for reminding me why I would never want to be involved in a gun trade with ya'. You know, one where I might end up with a rifle with a barrel you knew was shot out but you just let me do all the talking and the trading on and setting my own price on your rifle because I wanted a rifle in that caliber really badly. What was it? A Howa in 223 Remington with a crusty barrel for a 270 Winchester? Even trade... And didn't you even consider them friends of yours? They obviously didn't need any enemies at the time...

Most political "talking heads'"on TV at least know both sides about what they're talking about and can consider that there are two sides to every political position, even thought they may not agree with the other side. And most of them probably would let you know if a rifle barrel was shot out before they traded it to ya' because you weren't a person strong on gun knowledge... That's what principles are about...

Principles that suit just your needs aren't really principles. They're just your true colors showing...


Re: H-S precision

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:14 pm
by glenn asher
Hardly, Hal. I made danged sure Charlie knew that .223 was shot hard and often, and HE persisted in wanting the trade. I could have taken it or not, didn't matter, he wanted the deal. He got the original plastic Butler Creek stock that came on it, and a Boyd laminate that I added to it later. Among other things. Charlie knew exactly what the score was.

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:45 pm
by Bayou City Boy
Subject;:opinion on Howa

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:20 pm

"I've got a .223 Howa that I'm very fond of, it's a weary veteran of the Prairie Dog Wars, and deserves a new barrel, at the very least. I really like that old gun, it's done some really good work for me."

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 6:59 pm

"I've solved my rebarrelling issue :D . Some years back, my bestest shootin' buddy had a Howa .270 Win. in a B&C stock, that shot really well. For the simplest of reasons (not a deer hunter) he sold it to a mutual friend of ours, who bought it for his son-in-law, who's only a half-fast deer hunter. Said SIL has now decided he wants a .223, more fun to shoot, and cheaper, too.
I always lusted after Jim's .270, as it was a pretty good shooter, so when they proposed an even trade on my old, worn-out, barely MOA veteran of the PD wars, I couldn't say "NO". I need another .270 like a hole in my head, but that one shoots good, and I know it shoots good, so it's not a big thing, and I have a pretty good stockpile of components on hand. The swap is on...................... I just have to chase down a suitable scope for it. I think I have one in the back closet, come to think of it........."

Where I come from it's called having a conscience, glenn..... An even trade....? Wow....


Re: H-S precision

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 4:23 am
by glenn asher
Thread hijack aside, that was part of the story, and I posted the other part just before your last post, I sleep really well.

I'm through responding to your posts, Hal, which always seem to be to raise people's irritation factors. Why you have that in you, I dunno, but I'm finished with you. Have a fine and lovely day.

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 4:32 am
by skipper
Bayou City Boy wrote:
I'd be real curious as to how much some of you have ever spent on some of these companies that "won't get any of my money, ever again". And how much did some of you more vocal political pundits actually put into the recent election.?

My guess is that most of you sat passively on the side lines and blew smoke up skirts with your keyboards trying to impress someone. I would further guess that the money most have spent where they now direct their political ire would not pay the light bill for a day for some of the manufacturers in your political sights.

McCain still has bills to pay ....its not too late to donate. And sadly, in reality he was not a real separate choice from who won the election, but at least his liberal conservative posture will look totally right wing a year from now when compared to who did win.

Granted, several companies have probably not made the best political choices from a business point of view, but we all still live in a country where they have a RIGHT to make choices and mistakes if they so choose. Just like some of you have a right to express your dislike for what they did. My only point is how many of you actually do/did anything to back up your mouth/keyboard, or are you just posturing for the masses?
Just my opinion.... _BCB
Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed? It's funny how some members here only post when they think there's a thrashing to be dealt. It must be lonely sitting up there on the judgment seat, tickling your keyboard with such pious rhetoric. It must be too quiet on the other boards so you needed a little entertainment at someone's expense.

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:05 am
by Glen
Where I come from it's called having a conscience, glenn..... An even trade....? Wow....

Where I come from so long as both parties got what they wanted & are happy then an even trade has occurred.

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:23 am
by cracker
I have had a run in or two with Mr. BCB before and I am amazed at how fast he can turn around a post and take it completely out of text. If I read this post right it’s about H-S precision, not a deal gone bad (which it seems as is not true and not his place to speak, if someone is not happy with a trade they can work it out). Which side of the bed he woke up on must be the same side everyday, as all he wants to do is ruffle feathers.
Now lets get this thread back on track. Do a google on this subject, if the government did nothing wrong why did they pay out 3 million for their mistake. This all started over a shotgun barrel cut to short and a $200.00 dollar fee to make said gun legal. If two people are gunned down over $200.00 bucks then I am at fear for my life and just as much from the good guy as the bad guy.

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:38 am
by cracker
Lon Horiuchi - FBI sniper at Ruby Ridge. Aug. 22 1992, Horiuchi fired a shot at a man ducking into the cabin. The shot killed Vicki Weaver as she stood inside the cabin behind the door, holding her infant daughter, Elisheba. The killing occurred on the second day of an 11 day standoff that began with a shoot out that killed the Weavers son Samuel, 14 and U.S. Deputy Marshal Willam Degan. The federal government, though, is leaping to Horiuchi’s defense, because he was obeying an order. But the Nuremberg and My Lai prosecutions have established that "I vas just following orders" is no excuse for killing innocent people. The license-to-kill orders were so outrageous that other FBI snipers at the scene -- for example, the SWAT team from Denver -- agreed among themselves that the license-to-kill order should not be obeyed. The Denver agents chose to disobey the unconstitutional order, and instead to stick with the traditional rules of engagement. Besides choosing to obey an illegal assassination order, Horiuchi lied under oath at Randy Weaver’s trial. Horiuchi claimed that he opened fire on Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris because the two men were threatening to shoot an FBI helicopter. But the trial judge found this testimony so blatantly false that he ordered the charges related to the testimony to be dismissed. (The helicopter was nowhere near where Weaver or Harris could have shot at it.) [The Ruby Ridge Prosecutions] Yesterday, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported that FBI agent Charles Riley said all the way back in June 1993 that he heard shots fired from a sniper post occupied by agent Lon Horiuchi - The FBI's favorite hitman The head of one of the Midwest's largest taxpayer groups today named F.B.I. sniper Lon Horiuchi "Tax Villain of the Month" for crimes against U.S. citizens committed while collecting a salary paid by U.S. taxpayers. - Taxpayers Name F.B.I. Assassin Lon Horiuchi Tax Villain of the Month "put his name and face on every milk cartoon in the state along with his accomplices in the FBI, ATF, and Delta Force. - Wanted: Lon Horiuchi - Killer Horiuchi allegedly shot several Davidians as the attempted to flee their burning church.- Faces of Evil The FBI sniper who killed the wife of Randy Weaver is declared Immune from state prosecution, the federal appeals court ruled Wednesday. This ruling has the same effect as granting a license to kill with impunity to any government agency. In 1992 an FBI employee hired a killer by the name of Lon Horiuchi, who shot Vicki Weaver in the head with his 308 caliber high-powered telescoped equipped sniper rifle from 200 yards, while she held her nursing baby in her arms, killing her instantly.

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:01 am
by Bayou City Boy

First off, cracker, no one is disputing the issues at Ruby Ridge, including me. The is abundant real information at libraries and on the internet if someone wants the reading. And for the record, maybe before you've chimed in here like you so eloquently did today, but you're really don't contribute much new information to the internet other than jump in after the fact on an issue when you feel you have allies. Just like you did here...

Secondly, some of you gripe constantly about how prices are TOO HIGH for everything we do in our sport including gun shows, etc. etc. Yet you can turn around and do what they (the vendors) are doing at a gun show without any concern for the other guy when it comes time for you personally to "make a good deal". If both parties being happy (yet perhaps ignorant of the details) constitutes a good gun trade for both, I'm glad I don't have to or will ever need to make a trade with any of you.

If it had been my 223 in the trade, I would have simply told the other guy, "You can get a better deal elsewhere. This rifle is worn out and needs a new barrel and I will not trade you in the manner you are willing to trade. It would not be a fair trade in any sense e of the word."

Third: I do not like what Dan Cooper did prior to the election nor do I like H-S Precision's use (however it may have occurred) of Lon Horiuchi's endorsement of their products. Both companies heard from me in a polite manner. Some of you, from accounts, sent filth, hatred, and trash in response. That I object to.

However, this is still a free country where we can ALL think and make our own decisions. Granted some of the decisions may have financial implications that the companies underestimate. Where I get irritated is the list of folks on the Internet who are continually the ones who want to destroy another person personally and financially because they don't think like "they are supposed to". These same folks are generally the ones who only voice opinions about products they never buy because the vendor charges too much money in the first place. That's hypocrisy...pure and simple. And we do live in a society where ALL folks can make choices and should not be penalized personally by others for their choices.

In the two recent economic instances, folks turned viciously on two vendors on our side of the issue in this fight for the survival of our rights. What some of you don't realize is that the other side fully expects us to piss our rights away with internal bickering, and all they have to do is sit back and wait for it to happen. That's what this hate process does internally to our cause.

One of these days some of you Internet talking heads are going to wake up in the morning and wonder why all the vendors who supply the things we like and use have gone away. It will be because we killed them off one by one because they chose to use their "God-given liberty" in a manner we do not like. So we stuck the knife in... Some of it reminds me of ancient Rome and the intolerance of others which grew in the world's first democracy. It eventually caused the fall of Rome internally. And, cracker, if you need facts to post, you can read about that too in more fact filled places than Internet chatter provides.

Skipper: it was good to see you chimed in and maintained some folks' belief in your self-worth . I received a humorous e-mail last night telling me you would not be able to stay out of this discussion. The person was right... As for it being lonely where I sit, we have some common aquaintences who tell me I'm probably better off most of the time "being lonely" in your estimation rather than being your good buddy...

As glenn put it, and I hope, glenn, you don't mid if I quote you, everyone, "Have a nice and lovely day."


Re: H-S precision

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:19 pm
by KIM204
To Our Valued Customers:

H-S Precision has received comments relating to individual testimonials in our 2008 catalog. All of the testimonials focused on the quality, accuracy and customer service provided by H-S Precision.

The management of H-S Precision did not intend to offend anyone or create any type of controversy. We are revising our 2009 catalog and removing all product testimonials.

Sincerely, This is on H-S webpage :!: