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Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:12 am
by Captqc
Oldschool and hagfan72,
God bless you both, keep your heads down and your powder dry! :chin:
I'm sure you don't here it from the liberal media but there are people here who do appreciate what you are doing and pray for your safe return. We'll save some sage rats for you for when you get home! :wtg: Salute :salute: Gary
p.s. hagfan72, thanks for the link to varmint hunters northwest

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 4:59 pm
by hagfan72
Thanks for the kind words, guys. Trust me, nobody over here has a shred of respect for any mainstream media "journalists" anymore. After seeing what is REALLY going on over here, we all now know that there is a serious agenda going on over at CNN, MSNBC, and the other networks.

But i digress. I am fortunate, as I am headed home within the next couple of weeks, so coyotes beware!!

Anyone in Colorado want to go out shooting with me???

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:41 am
by OldSchool
Hey guys,
Thanks again for all the kind words.

For the low down on what I do. I am part of a Military Transition Team or MiTT. Our job is to teach coach and mentor an Iraqi Army Battalion on how to operate so that the Iraqi Army can handle things here and we can all go home. Our MiTT teams and others like it for the Borders and National Police are the key to our military's exit strategy. Surprising enough it is actually working too. Our Iraqi battalion has been very successful and now controls one of the safest areas in the country that used to be the headquarters for Al Qaida in Iraq.

Hagfan Liberty is south of Anaconda on the western side of Baghdad. It is part of the Victory Base Complex. I have been to Anaconda dozens of times the last time I was here.

Talk to ya'all later and I will keep you posted. Feel free to ask any questions about the real deal over here.


Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:10 pm
by skipper
HOW do you tell friend from foe over there? Just about anyone could be the enemy. Anything you look for in particular?

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:39 am
by Rugerdogdog
THANK YOU BOTH from me and my family! I appreciate what you are doing more than I can express with words.
Questions: I understand you are not Gen. Patreas (sp?), but at your current rate of success how long do you think we will need to be there? Or will we always need to be there in some capacity? Will the Iraqi Army ever be formidable enough to stave of an attack from say, Iran?
Does the apparent lack of competence of the Iraqi government piss you guys off?
Hagfan, what part of Colorado will you be in? I would graciously show you my Super-Good prairie dog spot over west of Grand Jct. Never tried coyotes out there but I'm sure they're there.
Good luck and Godspeed!

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:44 pm
by OldSchool
Skipper, Early in the war that was easy with everyone in some semblance of a uniform. Later on before we started working with the Iraqi Army it was real tough unless one of our interpreters was from the area we were in. Most all these people live in fairly close knit community all their lives so they can spot someone new in a heart beat. Now with Al Quaida in the game more they also stand out to the Iraqi's because they are not from Iraq. By working closely with our Iraqi Battalion we have watched them capture several Al Quaida at check points because they obviously looked suspicious to them but I would never have been able to tell the difference. Your other option is the wait and see method. With so many people in the Iraqi Police, Iraqi Army and Concerned Local Citizens (CLC) running around with weapons, it gets hard to tell. Plus the enemy could easily have stolen one of these various uniforms. So you have to watch just about everyone with a weapon until their actions appear of a hostile intent. Then you shoot.
Hope this answers your question.

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:04 pm
by OldSchool
Very good questions Ruger let me see if I can answer them without stepping into the grey area. First I wish I was Patreus he makes some good money.
I would guess at our current level of success we would be here at least a couple more years. You have to understand that the Iraqi's use what is called Wasta a power ranking system based on the more you have the more powerful you are and other things, that is very frustrating to us because we don't do this in our culture and especially not in our military. So it is very difficult to influence them to use their supply system properly but it is working.
Also, currently there is no country in the middle east that could stave off an invasion by Iran without our help so thats a tough question as well. You have to remember that numerous people in the Iraqi Army are from the old days and fought in the Iran/Iraq war so they know how to fight some. Plus we are training them to function much better as well. I think equipment wise it will be quite sometime before they have the means to fight a major war, if ever. We certainly don't want to be back here in ten years fighting them again!
Competence, make no mistake these people are not stupid, they know exactly what they are doing and are playing the game very well to keep us helping them as long as possible. We on the other hand are countering that by forcing them to use their own systems before we step in and provide aid. The trouble starts because you get back into the Wasta game and the higher ups in the government want to keep their Wasta by keeping the money and equipment. As long as they keep a hold on what the lower units need they keep there Wasta. But we are changing this mentality slowly. So keep your fingers crossed and if you want to see the truth through our media watch the numbers. How many IED's have been effective lately, Who in Al Quaida is getting caught, what big operations have been conducted? This all tells you we are successful.
Take Care, I hope this answers things a bit for you and anyone else reading it.

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:19 pm
by hagfan72
If I can add my perspective. We beat the Germans 60 years ago, and we are still there. I know, apples and oranges, but Iran is the new "cold war" type of threat. Also, the US has over 100 million dollars slated for improvements here at balad AB. That is a lot of construction that we will be using for a LONG time. My two cents, my kids will be retired before we leave this place.

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:49 pm
by Rugerdogdog
Yes it does answer my Qs and very well at that.
At the risk of sounding like a Big Lib, I wish we weren't over there or most anywhere for that matter. Mainly because of what we hear over here. Things like the gov't taking the entire month of August off when there is obviously so much yet to be done really tears it for me. But you explain things, like the Wasta, that I would never otherwise hear, and I thank you for that. Hearing from men like you two, that you want to be there, that it's a job that you want to take care of, makes me proud to support the mission.
As others have said, if there is anything you need, anything we can do, you have but to ask.
P.S. I have a couple friends (acquaintances really) in the 145th Field Artillery. Are they any where near you?

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 10:22 am
by OldSchool
Ruger, I haven't heard where the 145th is at but I will check Tues. when I have some time. They could be where I am but Victory Base Complex is so big I don't know it yet.
Please feel free to ask any questions you want. I will answer them the best I can. But keep in mind I am a Forward Observer so most of my experience is with combat operations and of course the MiTT thing I am doing now, maybe Hagfan can answer some of the support questions better, I am not sure what he does at Anaconda but I know it is a support area.

Take Care,


Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:38 pm
by hagfan72
I am a jet engine mechanic on the F-16's, so most Army related questions directed my way will just be second hand information. If you want to hear about warheads on foreheads, then I am the man to ask :wink:

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 6:14 pm
by jo191145
OldSchool, hagfan72

Soldiers, your candidness is refreshing. I guess if the media really wanted us to know how our troops felt they would be tripping over themselves to get interviews. The fact that I never hear them interview an actual soldier in the field must be because your attitudes do not fit their agenda.
I thank you for your service. Much of this country probably does not realize just how grateful and proud of its soldiers it should be. Keep the mission and keep safe.

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:26 am
by OldSchool
Thanks Hagfan, well if anyone has support questions I do know enough to answer them intelligenty. At least you'll have a good job when you get out.

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 3:05 am
by hagfan72
Heck no, when I get out, all I want to do is hunt, trap, and fish! LOL, I know, maybe a pipedream, but one I am gonna give a good hard try. :P

Re: Greetings from Iraq

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:33 am
by Rugerdogdog
Hagfan, did you catch my offer on the Pdog spot?