Zumbo makes the national news

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Post by savage12fv »

Jim zumbo is just as dumb as the anti-guns people they think that by taking or 2nd amendment rights away that it will stop all violence the people who are a threat to us will still be able to get weapons so why take ours. How many times have you heard of p-dog or coyote hunter gone mad and using there weapons on someone else. We are the good ol county boys who make this country great not the terrorist that Jim zumbo says we are I am glad they did not go easy on Jim because this shows we will not take any krap from no one.
If they try to take or 2nd ammendment right that will be like trying to take the air we breath trust me we will fight for it.
Last edited by savage12fv on Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by faucettb »

Pat Wray is somewhat of a radical, he belongs to the NRA and urges folks to join and criticize their position. At the same time he suggest hunters join the Sierra club "even though they are critical of hunters and shooters"s His words.

I wouldn't expect that news source to quote anybody on the second amendment side.
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Post by Ruger No. 1 »

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Post by Gmoney »

Folks, please email our friend here and voice your opinion....


Edited to add: This is from his website and just passing it along....
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Post by LowPro »

I've always thought that there should be a Statue of Responsibility, right next to the Statue of Liberty.

Yes, we ALL have the right of Free Speech, but there's a responsibility that goes along with it (along with the rest of our rights).

Zumbo has the right to say whatever he pleases, but he totally ignored the responsibilty aspect of his words.

I may not care for certain firearms, but that's my personal preference. As a gunowner, I would NEVER advocate a ban any ANY type of firearm.

He got what he deserved, and I don't feel the least bit sorry for him. :mad:
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LowPro, Well said.
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Post by Rugerdogdog »

I like Ruger No. 1s post. You all know what I shoot at coyotes and pdogs!!!
I just refuse to believe that in this day and age Zumbo would use the word "terrorist" and not expect this kind of backlash.
And in his apology he never addresses the use of this word.
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Post by Outlaws »

Rugerdogdog wrote:I just refuse to believe that in this day and age Zumbo would use the word "terrorist" and not expect this kind of backlash.
And in his apology he never addresses the use of this word.
Thats because he never really apologized. He made a BS posting on his blog, and then another BS posting on Ted Nugent's site (supposedly that was him), but all in all he never never said anything that sounded like he ment it. He even made a dodge like about how he now knows some of his close friends use AR's for "legitimate hunting purposes". :? It just kept showing that he was, and still is, nothing but a Fudd.
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Post by WrzWaldo »

Just read this while surfing some Redneck Pr0n.

The Model M468. It can be useful to a hunter and it is fun to shoot.

As for Mr Zumbo, well he should have know better. And I agree, his apology was not an apology but rather a CYA maneuver.
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Post by Sage Rat »

I am unable to pull up the msnbc article about Zumbo (presumably Jim?). The response was that it could not be found (expired, out-to-lunch, something). I regret not being able to see what raised such a ruckus.

I'm very curious what the outdoor writer had to say which brought him into this discussion. I checked his biography, and think you could do worse in a foxhole. To quote:
After graduating from Virginia Tech in 1970 with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, Pat cleverly avoided the draft by enlisting in the Marine Corps. While on active duty, Pat became a helicopter pilot and flew UH-1 Hueys in California, Southeast Asia and North Carolina.

In 1979 Pat was assigned as a flight instructor in Pensacola, Florida, where he flew the T-34C. While there he attended night school at the University of West Florida, subsequently receiving his Master of Arts Degree in English in 1982. During that period he was afflicted by an unexplainable, but overwhelming desire to become a writer. In 1982, Pat resigned his active duty commission and left the Corps for Corvallis, where he launched his freelance career, saying, "If I'm not rich and famous by the age of 40, I'll get a real job." During that period, Pat also attended Oregon State University, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Technical Journalism.

For the next six years, Pat wrote for newspapers, magazines and radio, all the while flying CH-53 Sea Stallions for the Marine Reserves in Alameda, California. He received numerous national awards for his writing, and began teaching Journalism and Writing Courses on a part-time basis at Oregon State.

In 1988, at the age of 40, with two kids approaching college age and not yet rich or famous, Pat accepted a job as an Information Officer with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW). He retired from the Marine Reserves in 1991 as a Lieutenant Colonel, having held positions up to and including Squadron Commanding Officer.

I'm in a tough spot; don't know what Pat said or did, but I think he is otherwise a pretty squared-away kind of guy..................

As for Jim Zumbo, I'll withold judgement until I know what he said.
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Post by WrzWaldo »

Here is (part of) what Zumbo said.
I must be living in a vacuum. The guides on our hunt tell me that the use of AR and AK rifles have a rapidly growing following among hunters, especially prairie dog hunters. I had no clue. Only once in my life have I ever seen anyone using one of these firearms.

I call them "assault" rifles, which may upset some people. Excuse me, maybe I'm a traditionalist, but I see no place for these weapons among our hunting fraternity. I'll go so far as to call them "terrorist" rifles. They tell me that some companies are producing assault rifles that are "tackdrivers."

Sorry, folks, in my humble opinion, these things have no place in hunting. We don’t need to be lumped into the group of people who terrorize the world with them, which is an obvious concern. I’ve always been comfortable with the statement that hunters don’t use assault rifles. We’ve always been proud of our “sporting firearms.

I say game departments should ban them from the praries and woods.
He was speaking of AR-15 / AK-47 type weapons.

He also basically called for them to be banned (Yes he actually used the word BAN). I'll see if I can find it cached somewhere.

Pat Wray said (among other things).
This shows the zealousness of gun owners to the point of actual foolishness,

For so many years, Zumbo has been a voice for these people -- for hunting and for guns -- and they just turned on him in an instant,
As a hunter is not Mr Wray one of "these people"? Looks like he holds himself in a higher standing than us common shooter/hunters. I applaud his service to his (our) country but that makes him no better than any of the rest of us that have served.

I'll add more when I find it.
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Post by glenn asher »

Pat Wray is no friend of ours, he's a member of that ASHA organization, the put-up "association" of outdoor writers gathered together by the Brady Bunch. There are plenty of threads on him alone, over on 24hourcampfire.com. I didn't read anything particularly good about him, or even moderately so......
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