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I was bored!

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:51 pm
by WY-NEvarmints
Yesterday I was bored at work so I decided to leave early, the weather was perfect out side with very little wind and mostly sunny. So off to one of my dog towns I go. I pull up in an inconspicious spot, grab an AR and head to some cover. As I approach the hide I notice the weeds have grown about 4 1/2' since Memorial Day and it is harder to see the dogs that are close. About then I hear gun shots not to far off and as I look I see a vechicle driving through the dog town on the neighbors place. So I decide to just shoot one little valley and not the area close to where they are. I shot a few and started to head out further to keep finding targets and as I ready to set and fire on a few more that vechicle pulls through the gate, that is now open, and close enough to be in my way for any shot. So I watch them follow the ditch bank around and past me. I shoot a few more and take a few pics.

223'ed with 50 gr V-MAX at about 200 yards.

The vechicle had gone down as far as it could, that being my vechicle blocking the exit, and turned around and headed back. As they approached I headed straight towards them leaving little room for any true sportsman to leave with out being friendly and saying hey. They did slow, stop, and roll down the window. Keep in mind I am holding an AR in my hands, and the question still comes out. Are you shooting prairie dogs the passenger asks, yep or at least I was going to I respond. I talk to them a little and then ask I see your from Iowa, how did you come by this place to shoot? The one says oh this guy, pointing to the driver, is related to the neighbor down the road via marriage. Me being the rocket scientist type puts 2 and 2 together and says oh you must be Jamie's relation. They look shocked and respond with a yes. More small talk and I give them the well, I'm headed to another spot speech.

As I head back I make a mental note to swing by the yote Clint called in for me over Memorial Day to see how mother nature has put it back into the ecosystem. Here is what I found.

Then off to the next spot and as I approach the town by walking on the ditch bank that skirts the town and is of an elevated position a few spot me and head to a mound. I hit the dirt and see 8 run to one mound. I figure I will shoot center of mass where the smallest ones are. I let rip and dogs scatter, 2 down and 1 with only front wheel drive. He is making some ground and dissappears behind a mound of grass at the edge of the ditchbank I am on. Just as he clears it I get the cross hairs on him and he's then headless. My first tripple!!! Here is a pic of the two that died from the initial shot.
The third one fell into the hole.

From there I make for the next hill to shoot the far side. I look to the south and low and behold there's an antelope standing out there. I put some magnificant on it and make out a very nice buck, all by himself and watching me. He seems to not have a care in the world as I stop about 6 times and take pic's. I shoot a total of 20 rounds there at dogs and he is still standing there, now at 250 yards. I start walking back and he trots out to 300 yards and stops to watch me back to the vechicle.

Not a bad end to a boring day. Thought I would just rub in the local for those getting ready to head west to do the same.

Clint, Melvin, Dave, and Lucas....believe me guys, I was thinking of you the whole time!!!!
Mike, and guys were in my thoughts also. :lol:

Re: I was bored!

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:07 am
by Bodei
Road hunters are always oblivious to others it seems. Glad you had success, thanks for the report.

Re: I was bored!

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:17 am
by Clint E
You was bored and thinking of us the whole time :lmao: . More like i will torture those guys that dont have them in there back yard.
Really good picks and recap wyo its a hard job but someone has to keep them under control.

Re: I was bored!

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:29 am
by Mike
WY-NE: Funny you should mention that. I had a particularly frustrating day at the office yesterday and spent much of the afternoon wishing that I was out in the prairie dog fields again. I'm glad to see that you got out and gave a few flying lessons with me in mind. :mrgreen:

Re: I was bored!

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:49 am
by Song Dog

Re: I was bored!

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:21 am
Hey, I just remembered that I'am related to Jamie as well! Unfortunately, I have forgotten how to get there. Would you mind sending me the coordinates? I'd call Jamie but, my phone is on the blink. Many thanks!!!

Re: I was bored!

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:18 pm
by Bill K
Life is great, if you make it that way. Nice story and photos. Thank you for sharing. :D Bill K

Re: I was bored!

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:00 am
by Rick in Oregon
When I'm bored (seldom), that's the way I like to spend a day too!

Nice! Thanks for taking us along on the ride. :D

Re: I was bored!

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:30 pm
by WY-NEvarmints
On Saturday as I was setting in the cab of a locomotive by my office I seen what appeared to be a vechicle that about slipped into the drink (old sandpit next to a corn field). As I was watching to see if there was anyone in the vechicle I caught something out of the corner of my eye. A coyote was trotting down the road with what sure looked like a fat prairie dog in his mouth. He came around a corner and seen the vechicle and decided to make a diversion towards the river. He looked back several times as he made a wide girth back to the two track he had been on. I watched him until he got to the river and into the tree's, must have been a snack for later. It is a pretty rough job!

Re: I was bored!

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:10 am
by hueys66
Looks like a good way to take care of boredom :)