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Varmints in Southern Africa

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:06 am
by Geno
Hey guys,
Thought I'd share some info on varmint hunting in Southern Africa.

Our biggest problems are with Black Backed Jackal and Caracal. It is estimated that they kill +-5500 lambs per day in South Africa and Namibia.
Methods used to (try to) controll them are:
- Gin traps
- Calling
- Hounds
- Helicopters
- Single deadly dose poison (compound 1080)
- Bite protection collars, bells etc.
- Shepherd animals ie. donkeys, alpaccas, anatolian dogs (all mostly useless)

I use the calling method, as do most predator hunters around here.

Kit used:
- Camoflaged hunting vehicle fitted with 360ยบ rotating shooting chair.
- Rifles shooting at 3300fps+. I use my .25-06 with 75gr V-Max @ 3550fps. Will soon start using the .204 as well.
- Scopes with 50 - 56mm objective lenses.
- Scope mounted spotlights fitted with dimmers (rheostats).
- Electronic and mouth callers.
- Patience, and a lot thereof!
- GPS to mark stands, and to locate jackal.

Average numbers taken per night varies from 1 to 6, with 10+ being awesome.

These were exceptionally good nights on an uncontrolled farm, I got 34 jackal in 2 nights:

A video my mate recorded in Namibia. he's shooting with a .204 Ruger Howa Varminter.

If anymore info is required, just ask.

Re: Varmints in Southern Africa

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:42 am
by Bodei
Very cool. I've seen a couple vids with guys hunting baboons. They look really scary. What other "varmints" do you have down there?

Re: Varmints in Southern Africa

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:56 am
by Geno
We have jackal, caracal, baboons, vervet monkeys, porcupines, ground squirrels, bushpigs, warthogs (in some areas), feral pigs, doves, rock pigeons and indian mynahs as the main damage causing animals.
Leopard also cause problems, and can be hunted with "damage permits" from Nature Conservation.
Same with kudu, duiker and fallow deer that get into crops.

Other predators that we have, but which don't cause problems are: bat-eared fox, cape fox, serval, aardwolf, brown hyena, african wild cat, black footed cat, civet, genet. They all respond to calls too, so identification is very important, hence the big riflescopes.
Fines for shooting a cape fox is R150,000.00 / US$18,750.00

Re: Varmints in Southern Africa

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:39 am
by tt35
Now that looks awesome! I enjoyed watching the Predator Pursuit episodes when they called Africa. The jackal and caracal respond very similarly to our coyotes. Very cool. Nice photos. Parachute for your vehicle cover?

Re: Varmints in Southern Africa

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:48 am
by Geno
Thanks for the compliments.
Parachute for your vehicle cover?
No, Primos camo burlap.


ps. If anyone is ever over here, let me know. I'll be glad to take you varmint hunting. Between myself and forum member Blok, we have thousands of acres to call and shoot.

Re: Varmints in Southern Africa

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:01 am
by Bill K
Thanks for sharing. Nice set up.. Keep those photos coming, we like that along with the info.. And Welcome to the site. :D Bill K :)

Re: Varmints in Southern Africa

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:33 am
Aardwolfblueplanetbiomes.orgblueplanetbiomes.orgThe aardwolf is a small, insectivorous mammal, native to East Africa and Southern Africa. Its name means "earth wolf" in the Afrikaans / Dutch language. It is also called "maanhaar jackal". Wikipedia

Figured I'd share this since i had no idea what an aardwolf was, LOL.

Re: Varmints in Southern Africa

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:18 am
by WY-NEvarmints
Now that looks like a good time! Do you hunt them only at night? If only a plane ticket were inexpensive.

Re: Varmints in Southern Africa

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:27 am
by Geno
WY-NEvarmints wrote:Now that looks like a good time! Do you hunt them only at night? If only a plane ticket were inexpensive.
Yes, we hunt mostly at night, but also do early morning and late afternoon calling when the jackal are light-shy/over hunted.
Come on, $2000.00 for a plane ticket = $2000.00 for an entire holiday filled with awesome places and great hunting. :wink: . Oh, you can also tick "Go to Africa" off your bucket list! 8)

Re: Varmints in Southern Africa

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:49 am
Geno, how is the beer in your neck of the woods? Just another important aspect to consider.

Re: Varmints in Southern Africa

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:29 am
by Clint E
Geno that is a sweet set up you have . Sounds like you have you're work cut out for critter control.
Welcome to the forum

Re: Varmints in Southern Africa

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:18 pm
by Geno
RAMOS wrote:Geno, how is the beer in your neck of the woods? Just another important aspect to consider.
About a buck each :lol:

Re: Varmints in Southern Africa

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:40 pm
Sounds good to me. As you may guess, I'm quite discerning.

Re: Varmints in Southern Africa

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:34 pm
by Geno
Our beer is awesome, and you will definitely not be disappointed.
We drink Black Label (locally called Zamalek), and pee Budweiser! ;)

Re: Varmints in Southern Africa

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:44 am
Never have liked Budweiser, now I know why! Happy hunting. Kinda looks like you are "living the dream".