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20VT Rock Chuck Outing

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 9:09 am
by Rick in Oregon
Got my yearly call from my horse-rancher lady friend to come over and thin out the rock chucks from the ranch property. Yesterday dawned bright and sunny, fresh from an overnight frost, so it was crisp and fresh when I took my Cooper 20VT and fanny pack out of the truck at the ranch first thing in the morning to stalk some chucks.

The place has neighbors, so shooting any of my 204's there is a bit much, so I usually use a 22 K-Hornet, 17 Ackley Hornet, or my recent love, "Scooter", my Cooper 20VT.....nice and quiet for such tasks and the moderate ranges the ranch offers.

One of the most active rock piles lies in a corner of the property, and is at the highest point on the property, so any shot to those chucks is slightly uphill. My 'chuck-hide' next to a fence row juniper, looking up at the rockpile just shy of 200 yards distant through the junipers:


After laying in wait, the chucks started showing themselves, and one by one, I was able to snipe three off the pile. One only gave me his head, peeking over a lava rock, so aimed right under his eye......this is where he landed, the exit clearly visible from the Nosler 32gr BT at 3,700 fps:


The three from the 'corner rock pile' (the snow-capped east slope of the Cascade Mtn range can be seen in the background):


The morning ended up with these four, all males, with one large critter I estimated would go about 13-14 lbs. This guy eluded me last year, but I caught him peeking at me from the sagebrush across the pasture, just giving me his head and high shoulder......enough for a good sight-picture:


The old boy in question looks to have had a good steady diet:


My load for anyone interested was formed R-P 221FB brass, 50% neck turned clean-up and annealed (Redding Comp dies) 18.5gr RL-7, Nosler 32gr BT loaded .005" off the lands, Rem 7.5 for 3,715 fps.

Walking back to my truck with the chucks, I couldn't help but take this pic of Mt. Jefferson shining in the morning sun through the junipers:


All in all, a good way to spend a Thursday morning. Getting ready to take off for a few days at the ranch to shoot Skippy and his pals again, so next trip a couple of 204's will get thrown in for the more "rangey" stuff that open space allows. So far, it's been a pretty good spring.....for me, NOT the varmints. :D

Re: 20VT Rock Chuck Outing

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 9:48 am
by Bill K
Beautifull... Thanks for sharing that Rick.. :) :) Bill K Are we not blessed with fine beauty in our areas. Creation is great. :)

Re: 20VT Rock Chuck Outing

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 9:52 am
by ryutzy
Awesome RIO! I'm jealous. I was shooting paper this morning since the wind was only around 4mph and its beautiful out. I'm gearing up for the groundhogs soon as the soybeans are up.

Re: 20VT Rock Chuck Outing

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 6:02 pm
by Sth Oz Dan
Beautiful scenery Rick. Nice shooting with both Scooter and the camera.

Re: 20VT Rock Chuck Outing

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 11:42 pm
by Bodei
Nice, I got fried today in the sun shooting squeaks in Butte Valley. Saw two chucks out grazing this am and working on getting landowner permission to tak em out. The young skipettes are out in full force. The parents look like groundhogs by comparison. Happy shooting.

Re: 20VT Rock Chuck Outing

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 12:31 am
by Sidewinderwa
What a great Thursday morning! Great pictures and fun with the fir. Gotta love those VarTargs :zap: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Re: 20VT Rock Chuck Outing

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 2:14 am
by Glen
Cool!! That one does look like the big bad Papa boar too!! He's a bigun for sure!!

Re: 20VT Rock Chuck Outing

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 6:54 am
by Ray P
Rick I have to 2nd a comment form another preceding post.....Awesome RIO! I'm jealous!!
Nice shooting and nice pics as always. No wasted ammo 4 shots 4 rock chucks.
Glade you got out and thanks for sharing.
Ray P. :D

Re: 20VT Rock Chuck Outing

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:03 am
by Rick in Oregon
Thanks you guys......yep, it was a grand day to be in the field, and that big ole boar finally went to chuck Valhalla.

I usually leave the smaller chucks alone at this place, so as to have viable targets next year. Rock chucks are an integral part of the landscape here, don't wanna shoot them out, but the rancher does have big problem with 'sage rats'; Beldings ground squirrels that burrow holes all over the horse pasture, endangering their horses. They've asked me to come back when we're done with the eastern alfalfa rats and bring my pet 10-22 to do some 'cleansing' of the pastures.......something to look forward to in a couple more weeks. :D

The big boy next to the Cooper VT that did him in:


Ray: I have to was five shots. I tried to thread a 32gr BT through a small rock window earlier, but had my scope set for "zero", or 100 yards, and the chuck's head was exactly 141 yards, so I hit a tad low. He gave me a second chance about ten minutes later, and he wasn't so lucky that time. ;)

Gettin' ready for another multi-day assault on Skippy and his pals with the VT and our 204's. The weather is stellar, the rats are out everywhere......should be a great trip; guess we'll see, eh? Film at 11:00........

Re: 20VT Rock Chuck Outing

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:42 am
by inKYfromSD
RIO, looks like you're enjoying yourself WAY too much! :) Have a good trip this week and keep those Coopers off the ground!

If you find a deal on a Cooper 21 MTV 20 VT, you know how to reach me...

Re: 20VT Rock Chuck Outing

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 8:36 am
by WaltherP99
Nice hunt/story and pics! :wtg:

Re: 20VT Rock Chuck Outing

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 6:41 am
by remy3424
Nice work RIO, I will live vicariously through you and other shooters for another 16 days until I get my turn on the South Dakota prairies.

Re: 20VT Rock Chuck Outing

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 8:20 am
by Rick in Oregon
inKYfromSD wrote:RIO, If you find a deal on a Cooper 21 MTV 20 VT, you know how to reach me...
Humm, not likely.....if another one turns up, I'd be hard pressed NOT to snag it! One is good, so two must be better, right? ;) (Seriously, they seem to get snapped up immediately upon being 'available'.)
remy3424 wrote:Nice work RIO, I will live vicariously through you and other shooters for another 16 days until I get my turn on the South Dakota prairies.
I'm here for ya, remy3424, just doin' my part. :D Be sure to remember your camera for the PD outing.....we need all the positive reinforcement we can get. Hope the weather cooperates for your shoot.

Re: 20VT Rock Chuck Outing

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 9:06 am
Rick, stock question. Is that an "up-grade" piece of wood on your Cooper or just luck? Thanks.

Re: 20VT Rock Chuck Outing

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 9:36 am
by Rick in Oregon
RAMOS wrote:Rick, stock question. Is that an "up-grade" piece of wood on your Cooper or just luck? Thanks.
Jon, complete unabashed, shameless luck. It's a 2006 gun with "standard" wood, believe it or not. You never know what you might get from a factory.....I've got a Ruger 77/22 with wood that looks to be AAA carlo, almost what could be called "Exhibition" grade, and it came from a local box store when the rifles first came out (but the clerk knows me, and let me dig through 15 Ruger boxes in back until I found the 'prize').

I do know that Cooper is mighty proud of their wood upgrades now......