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Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:58 pm
by broper
I was just informed that the Idaho F & G put all ground squirrels on the endangered and protected list. We can no longer shoot them here. There's a few up by McCall that can be hunted but, that's it. I can't believe it, there's thousands of them out there. Must be a bunch of anti's in the Idaho F & G . Our club, Idaho Varmint Hunters, had a whistle pig tournament scheduled for April 14th. As of today, it's been canceled. Is your state next?"

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:50 pm
by Bill K
broper wrote:I was just informed that the Idaho F & G put all ground squirrels on the endangered and protected list. We can no longer shoot them here. There's a few up by McCall that can be hunted but, that's it. I can't believe it, there's thousands of them out there. Must be a bunch of anti's in the Idaho F & G . Our club, Idaho Varmint Hunters, had a whistle pig tournament scheduled for April 14th. As of today, it's been canceled. Is your state next?"
You may be right. California F&G is being funded/donations from HSUS and others and therefore being pressured to be more anti-hunter/fisher. HSUS and others are trying a end run to stop hunting, they are presently working on stopping bear and bobcat hunting and then of course work onto other animals. There funding the K9 dogs with wardens, so you know what that means. You take our money you do as we say. They are already loading the F&G Commission with anti's. So it probably will not be long before other states are moved on. Most of the money goups like HSUS take in for so called animal care, is going to fund anti-hunting programs. Every sportsman and woman should not give one dime to those groups, as it never see animal care. If you want to help animals in their shelters, all over the country, send them and/or give them a bag of dog/cat food, but never cash.. :wall: If you do not believe me, read various articles put out by Western Ourdoors news, Sportsman Alliance and other sport magazines.. The recent attempt to fire and/or have Dan Richards on the F&G Commission unseated, over his hunting legally in idaho, but killing a cougar was all pushed by HSUS and other groups of Anti-hunters.. Bill K

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:17 pm
by broper
Yeah, I've read about just what you're talking about. I just recieved some more info. The president and secretary of our club have been in touch with state representatives and were told that they would contact F & G next week and find out exactly what's going on and why. In the mean time they recommend that we call F & G and register a complaint.

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:21 pm
by sharptailhunter
No way! Please say it isn't so! I got my new barrel on and ready to go. In fact my extra cases just showed up and I was ready to start loading this week. We have a ranch by Malad that has em all over the place. What's next, our friggin rock chucks?! There is NO way hunting could have any significant impact on the ground squirrel population!

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:25 pm
by Sidewinderwa
NO no no. I have been waiting for the weather to dry up and I was on my way for skippy time!!! Is this state wide?

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:05 am
by Joe O

Here's a read on the subject.Doesn't look goood for Varminters.

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:14 am
by broper
All I know is that he pres. of our club called F & G in Boise on Friday and asked if we could shoot them from Emmett to Parma to Boise, wich is kind of a triangle shaped area, and they told him no. They said the only place you could shoot them was up by McCall. The sec. of our club called representative Bilboa and talked to him personally. He said that the F & G can't make that decision with out it going before the legislature. He promised to look into it on Monday and let us know. Until I find out something positive one way or another I'm not going to shoot them. I've talked to F & G in the past about other things and it's very hard to get a definate yes or no out of them. I plan on calling them myself on Monday and letting my feelings be known, also the Governor.

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:54 am
by sixshooter
I just checked Idaho's regulations and they say ground squirl hunting is open state wide except an area around brownlee and hells canyon dam. It says it is in response to the type of squirl there being listed as an endangered species. There is a ground squirl called a golden mantle squirl that is closed state wide. It looks like a big chip munk. It is not the common ground squirl.

About 20 years ago my son and I were driving into the put in for the Middle Fork of the Salmon to float it. We camped at Bear Valley Creek campground. A couple of guys were catching and tagging ground squirls with little ear tags. My son ask them if they ever saw the tagged squirls again and they said no. The bad old hunters of Idaho always shot them and they were never seen again. My son told them that ground squirls do not tolorate wounded animals in there burrows and thus by tagging them they were killing them. The super biologist assured him they knew all and no 12 year old kid could know that but he was right.

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:05 pm
by Rick in Oregon
sixshooter wrote:The super biologist assured him they knew all and no 12 year old kid could know that but he was right.
Our tax dollars at work........again. :?

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:08 pm
by broper
this decision was just made by F & G, after the regs were printed.

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:16 pm
by broper
In the 20011-2012 regs on page 44 it says " tTo minimize the chance of shooting a rare ground squirrel, please check with an Idaho F & G regional office on the area you wish tohunt for more detailedinformation on the distribution of ground squirrels". That's exactly what the pres. of our club did and he was told no, you can't shoot them.

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:26 am
by sixshooter
WOW. Thats pretty depressing.

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:13 am
by sixshooter
Its pretty depressing even to see ground squirls in the regulations. I have a 1981 regulation. Everything is in one reg. and it is a fold up deal. Made from one sheet about 22 by 30 printed on both sides but about 8 by 11 of it is a cover and another 8 by 11 is contact information and another section is fees. The regs are pretty simple. Now there are several books and one includes ground squirls. MAN THAT SUCKS.

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:48 pm
by broper
I just talked to Idaho F & G about 1/2 hr. ago. They said they have been in meetings all day and still are, trying to decide which ground squirrels and where to list. They said they have been getting calls all day, even from as far as California. They said as soon as something definate was decided they would inform our club. If anyone on this forum called I'd like to say thanks. And if anyone else wants to call the number is 208-334-3700. We would appreciate your help and remember, your state could be next.

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:24 am
by broper
Sounds like this ground squirrel thing is getting more complicated. Here in so. west Idaho it seems there are four different sub species. They all over lap and you may be shooting squirrels from all four in any one area. Two of them are endangered and two aren't and it's really hard to tell them apart. So they are saying to hold off shooting any until they come up with something more positive. There's supposed to be some kind of coffee/meeting with rep. Bilboa and the director of F & G one day next week to discuss it with sportsmen. I don't know what's happening with the rest of the state. If you'd like to check out our club forum for more info it's,, look under the heading Future I V H Events. Gary and Loren, our sec. and pres. are doing a good job of keeping us informed on there.