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Smashing Dawgs in Alberta!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:19 pm
by Kale_M
Great Day! Out with a buddy today to do some yote smashing! Breaking in the New Prairie Blaster!

1st stand - Had 2 come in but they skirted a hill and we thought they would pop out the other side but they just disappeared!

2nd stand - Had a group howling off to the north west, then I spot 2 to the north east just sitting there looking at us on a hill about 500 yards away. They just turned and walked away! Frustrating!

Then It starts!

3rd Stand - Start up the foxpro and then I hear my buddy saying 2 are coming in. See 2 hard chargers coming straight in. Then another pops up around a close hill. Take that one and drop him. The others peace out after a couple warning shots over their heads!


4th stand - Set up in a sweet looking spot on a hill. Call with the lighting jack on the foxpro for about 5 mins then switch the pup screams. See 2 crest the hill a LONG WAYS away. They are comming straight in on my side. First one gets in to about 70 yards and he gets hammered. DRT. Other one took off.


5th stand - Set up in another sweet looking spot. Call for maybe 3 mins and one pops up over the hill about 200 yards away and is just staring at the call. Wait for my buddy as I think he is going to shoot (I can;t see him due to a small rise between us) So I take the shot and put him down. Crap picture sorry kinda dark due to the sun. Really long fluffy fur on this guy, a few burrs.


6 and 7 stands are dry

8th stand - Start calling and about 8 mins in my buddy says he sees one out on the crest of a hill. I put my gun up to have a look but cant see it. Look back towards my buddy and there is a yote about 10 feet right behind him charging right at the call that is sitting between us!! my buddy did not see him due to him watching the other one! I dont know whos eyes were bigger mine or the yotes! It sees me spin now that it is only about 10 yards from the call and maybe 20 yards from me and takes off over the hill. I stand up and run over the hill after him and take a running shot but missed. My buddy did not even see the dog until I got up and started running after it! lol we had a good laugh about this one.

9th stand of the day - Call is only playing for about 5 mins when this super pale female comes ripping down the lease road. Again on my side :p. the pup screams were playing so i quickly muted the call and she slams on the breaks and stares in the direction of the call. About 130 yards quartering to me. I must be still rattled from the man eater yote on the last stand and I miss the shot. Starts running and my buddy gets a poke but misses. I then find the dog in the scope and at 200 yards I dirt roll her!


Loving this new Prairie Blaster!! going to be sweet for the windy days! Ran it on half volume and had dogs coming in froma coule km away!


Re: Smashing Dawgs in Alberta!

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:30 am
by Joe O
Great report,and good shooting.Thanks for posting

Re: Smashing Dawgs in Alberta!

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:46 pm
by steve
Great post and thoes are some nice looking yotes!

Re: Smashing Dawgs in Alberta!

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:32 am
by Dennis81082
Good replay, beautiful country and coyotes.


Re: Smashing Dawgs in Alberta!

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:17 am
by Gube
Hey Kale. Are the ground squirrels up and running around in your neck of the woods yet?? I havn't seen anything here yet. Nice "dogs" by the way. You should try smackin one with your bow.