Another AWESOME hunt w/ my son

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Another AWESOME hunt w/ my son

Post by roooster_11 »

Well my son and I had another awesome hunt saturday afternoon. We left the house in the golf cart at about 4:15 and headed onto the property. My father-in-law dropped me Collin off at a spot where we could see in three directions. We set up were we had a headland to our front, a headland to our right, and a fence line to our left. Collin is sitting on an icechest with drinks, and he is using the Sako A7 .25-06 resting on a monopod shooting stick. My father-in-law leaves and goes set up in another location on the property.
Well we've been here now for about 45 minutes when out walks a bobcat at about 75 yards. Collin lets one go and it finds the mark right in the shoulder and exits out of the ribcage. DRT!!!! Didn't move. We high five, and holler it up like some fools :D . We take a walk down to get the cat. 77 yards on the range finder. We bring the cat back to our set up and take pics. It's still early, and we want to give my father-in-law time to finish his hunt so we stay put. I had my .308 with me, so I ask Collin if he would like to try it out if something else comes out. He says sure I'll try it. So I get him set up with the .308 and tell him to expect a little more kick and that the trigger is very light, so make sure the cross hairs are on target before you put your finger on the trigger. He gets the instructions and is ready. We wait about an hour and just about the time we think our hunt is going to end, I look down the fence line and see a small pig cross the lane and go into the woods. Collin is sitting on the icechest facing the opposite direction. I tell me to spin around, and he does. He's now set up looking down the fence line. I tell him to get ready, and just as I finished a BIG pig steps out into the clearing with a bunch of little pigs in tow. Collin lets one fly from the Remington 700 .308 with handloaded 150gr Hornady BTSP. The round finds the mark. The rear end of the pig drops and it takes off into the woods. It sounds like a bulldozer running through the water and trees. A couple of seconds later it comes back across the clearing about five yards farther away, and I could tell it was hit good. I get on the phone and tell father-in-law that we are going to have to track a pig, and for him to come meet us before it gets completely dark. I give my light to Collin and tell him, Ok, go find blood. I'm waiting on father-in-law, when I hear Collin, "I got blood!" I walk over and the pig is dead right there, only about ten yards from where he was shot, after running about 50 yards in a circle. This thing was BIG. 250 pounds! The BTSP entered the pig behind the shoulder and founds it's way through the heart and exited with about a one inch hole and blow some lung out of the exit wound. Easy blood trail. Definitely a good hunting round.
Anyway....we went get the ATV's and the little trailer, cuz there was no way we could load that pig on the golfcart, and brought it back to the house to clean. We took about hundred pictures. Here's a few, hope ya'll enjoy em.

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Re: Another AWESOME hunt w/ my son

Post by RAMOS »

Okay, last week I shot at, and got, ONE coyote. Collin, young man, you are putting me to shame! Keep it going!!!
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Re: Another AWESOME hunt w/ my son

Post by Silverfox »

CONGRATULATIONS!!! on another great outing. That is one fine looking bobcat and a HUGE hog. Thanks for sharing the story and the photos. Keep the stories coming!!!
Catch ya L8R--Silverfox
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Re: Another AWESOME hunt w/ my son

Post by steve »

Nice looking cat! Good job! :D
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Re: Another AWESOME hunt w/ my son

Post by roooster_11 »

Thanks for all the comments, he is definitely proud.
"If courage is a word that knows not fear, then I have never met a couragous man; a brave man is one that puts his fears aside, and does his job" Unknown
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Re: Another AWESOME hunt w/ my son

Post by ryutzy »

It's hard to detect good luck, It looks so much like something you've worked hard for and earned.
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Re: Another AWESOME hunt w/ my son

Post by Dennis81082 »

Great story and I love the last pic. WTG Collin.
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