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Bobcat vs 204

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:41 pm
by K22
It has been a long time since I shot a Bobcat. I've called plenty of them in, but just never shot one. Truth be known, I think they're kind of cute, but you didn't hear me say that. One of the farms I hunt has a blue million of them and they asked if I would thin them out a bit. I guess their baby goats and chickens have been coming up missing and they've seen a lot of Bobcats around.
I loaded the Honda ATV up last night knowing I would need it to get up the side of that darn Mountain where they live. I got to there place about 7am, unloaded the Honda, then loaded it up with my equipment and off I went. I no sooner made it to where I was going and seen movement in the weeds about 350yds. away. I glassed it and it was a young Doe trying to get out of a fenced thicket.
At about 5000' the darn wind was blowing about 10mph and gusting, but at least it was left to right. This particular area is the only place that I hunt where you can shoot 300 plus yards if you want to, but I moved down the mountain pasture about 100 to 150yds from where I parked (hid) the Honda. I knew I would be entertained watching that young Doe and I wasn't disappointed. About 5 min. into calling a see movement out in the pasture to my left. Holy Cow..........2 of them.......Deer that is. I had to shut the Fox Pro off so they would get on by me. Nerds!! They wandered over to the young Doe and I turned the caller back on. Another 10 min. into calling and the deer are acting nervous. what is that setting at the edge of the thicket just inside the weeds? I glass it and there sits a Bobcat giving my rabbit decoy the hungry look. I got to wishing I had moved up a little closer before I setup. That's a bit over 200yds. and that darn wind is blowing pretty good. I thought, heck, why not try it, if I miss no big deal. I held on the left side of the Cat but at center chest knowing the wind drift should put it center mass and squeezed the trigger. With no recoil I watched the Cat do a back flip and never moved after that. Wow, amazing, they usually flip around a bit. Now to see what damage that 37gr. CRT 204 bullet did. Down the side of the mountain, up the other side and over the gate. What a pleasant surprise. No exit!! and no wind drift, no drop. The darn bullet hit exactly where I placed the cross hairs. It destroyed the shoulder, lungs, and heart, but never came out. Brad, if your reading this, I am very impressed with that bullet performance. I know one Bobcat doesn't tell you alot, but even still, 200 plus yds., 37gr.hp, and no exit. Very impressive.
And now the photo's. Would you believe that in my 45yrs of hunting I have only taken one picture of something I've killed. I guess I figured that if wasn't some exotic hunt who would want to see dead animals? Well, here are some pictures of my dead Bobcat and the equipment I used.




Re: Bobcat vs 204

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:11 pm
by Clint E
Nice going K22. Nice picture of the cat.
If i remember right thats a kimber right.

Re: Bobcat vs 204

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:24 pm
by Sth Oz Dan
Well done mate.
Just in case you haven't read this comment elsewhere on the forum, "WE LOVE PICTURES"
And I especially love a dead cat. They, along with foxes, wreak havoc here on native bird, lizard and frog populations.
Never shot one yet, but certainly looking forward to posting pics of my first.

Gotta vent my anger here again about import laws :mad: - I really want to try those 37s out

Re: Bobcat vs 204

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:53 pm
by GTOHunter
Way to go K22.....those Bobcats are some really elusive and smart Animals,I've been dying to get me one! :wall: :cry:

"Congratulations" again on some very nice shooting and some awesome pictures! ;)

Re: Bobcat vs 204

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:13 pm
by K22
Clint E wrote:Nice going K22. Nice picture of the cat.
If i remember right thats a kimber right.
That is correct Clint. One of the best rifles I've ever owned. Nice enough that I bought another one, sent it off to be rebarreled to a 17 Rem.

Thanks fella's. The 204 is a really impressive round. Puts ya in mind of a lazier. :wink:

Oz, I sure hope at some point you can get some 37gr. CRT's. I think you'll be very impressed.

Re: Bobcat vs 204

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:16 am
by ryutzy
Nice going K22! A good shot for sure! I love cat hunting even more than coyotes! Today I was testing some loads with the CRT 37 grain bullet and I must say, it liked H4895, XBR 8208, and Benchmark. I'm having a tough time deciding which powder to use so I loaded up a bunch more rounds to do more extensive testing. In my gun the bullet liked to be shot at maximum loads for all 3 powders which makes me really happy. Also the accuracy appears to be better in my gun than the 39 SBK. I cant wait to see how it does on coyotes. I will post results later on.

Re: Bobcat vs 204

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:17 am
by Jim White
Good shootin. Those cats can be very crafty and cunning. Nice job.

Re: Bobcat vs 204

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:03 am
by Glen
Well done!! That's a nice looking cat!!

Re: Bobcat vs 204

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:13 am
by Rick in Oregon
K22: Nice combination....Kimber and Kitty. :D

Way to go bud, and thanks for posting the pics.....we do indeed love to see pics from others adventures. Now just be sure to tuck that little digital camera into your pack for future outings now that you've got the hang of it. ;)

Re: Bobcat vs 204

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:29 am
by K22
ryutzy wrote:Nice going K22! A good shot for sure! I love cat hunting even more than coyotes! Today I was testing some loads with the CRT 37 grain bullet and I must say, it liked H4895, XBR 8208, and Benchmark. I'm having a tough time deciding which powder to use so I loaded up a bunch more rounds to do more extensive testing. In my gun the bullet liked to be shot at maximum loads for all 3 powders which makes me really happy. Also the accuracy appears to be better in my gun than the 39 SBK. I cant wait to see how it does on coyotes. I will post results later on.
I thought H4895 was going to be my 204 all time favorite, but not now, its 8208 for sure. Mine liked the maximum loads also. I for one will be anxiously awaiting your results ryutzy.
Good shootin. Those cats can be very crafty and cunning. Nice job.
You should see the Old Tom that is still there.
Way to go bud, and thanks for posting the pics.....we do indeed love to see pics from others adventures. Now just be sure to tuck that little digital camera into your pack for future outings now that you've got the hang of it. ;)
Packing a digital camera is something I can never remember to do. I do want to get a photo of the area where I shot it. It's every bit of 225yds. across there and the moment I pulled the trigger the Cat immediately did a back flip.

Re: Bobcat vs 204

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:41 pm
by Dennis81082
That is a beautiful cat. Do you have any pics of the back or belly?

Re: Bobcat vs 204

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:53 pm
by K22
Dennis81082 wrote:That is a beautiful cat. Do you have any pics of the back or belly?
No, I didn't take any.