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Nice cat in the bait

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 7:39 am
by DoubleUp
This nice bobcat was at the bait early Friday morning. He was back just about dark last night but didn't get a chance on him (SNAFU big-time).

This coyote came in last night at just after 11 and set the alarm off.

I did manage to get this one last week. Hopefully I can get back to calling shortly. My back is still in the tender stage. Sorry I can't hold any of them up for pictures, but the Doc says not yet.

Re: Nice cat in the bait

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:04 pm
by verminator3
Nice pics and good job on the yote. Keep doing what the doc says and you'll be stacking fur for sure ! :D