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4 Day Coyote Hunt PICS

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:05 pm
by Kale_M
So last week was the start of my 4 day long coyote hunt with my buddy. We headed up to my cousins place that he said was infested with dogs, he was right!

First stand right behind the house. BIG female down, 138 yard shot!

headed to a pig barn and the yotes have trails worn right to the dirt traveling from other fields to this place. We spot one in the field and make a stalk on it since it is not responding to the call. My buddy shoots this one then we see another turn and run then stop at about 150 yards, my buddy drops that one to! Then another appears at the edge of the trees, 293 yard shot and it goes down then jumps up and makes it to the trees. We head down to have a look for it (I leave my gun back up at the tree line, stupid me) We look for the yote but no luck. Come back out to the field and there is one standing back where we just shot from. My buddy hands me his .243 and I smash this one at about 270 yards and drop it! #2 for me, number 4 on the day for us!
These 3 are mangy as heck.

my buddies 2 dogs.

Head in and got some some lunch then got to another calling spot.

call for about 10 mins with the foxpro and this guy heads over the hill. Could not get him to stop as he was running right at me, 70 hard headshot on the run and he is down. Was aiming at his chst and he put his head down at the last minute. The 35gr berger went in his eye and no exit. #3 for me

Headed back to the pig barn field and there is one more out in the field, my buddy makes a quick stock through the hedge row. 250 yard shot and he puts it down!

Went over to the other quarter and tried to call, With the food source being so close they were not intrested. Had a mangy one come out at 550 yards and sit and look at us. My buddy took a shot and JUST missed him!!

Went back over to the pig barn quarter to see what else was out there..and there is another one out there. Quick stalk to the top of the hill and I make the 245 yard shot and put him down!
#4 for me!
Driving out my buddy spots another one trying to make his way accross to the dead pile. He puts a stalk on it and shoot it at just over 100 yards.

8 dogs down the first day!

We have to head back past the pig barn again and there is one out in the field. Buddy takes the shot at about 250 yards. WHOMP! he goes down hard. Make our way down the fence line then head out to find the dog and he made it to the bushline somehow. Big pile of blood and hair where he was hit.

We decide to sit on the side of the hill and wait to see if anythign else tries to cross. 5 mins later this guy steps out. 230 yard frontal shot and I have my first on the day!


We head to a coulee ext to try some calling. First stand is dry, Next one produces this guy. 110 yard frontal shot and I have #2 on the day!

Move down the coulee alittle more and we call in a double. My buddy drops the first at about 80 yards then missed the second at about 150 standing broadside.

Call a few other places and they are dry. Next stand this big female comes in. Drop her with a frontal shot at 200 yards.

called a few other spots but came up dry. We have a couple new hot spots we got permisson on tongiht. going to hit those tomorrow!

5 total between us today. 13 on the tip so far

Spoke to a landowner last night who wanted some problem yotes gone from around his house. His kids are on the 3 batch of cats because the coyotes keep eating them!! This 1/4 section has not been hunted in any shape or form in 14 years I guess.

We set up directly behind the yard, I could have used the swing set as cover lol. Called for maybe 5 mins and I can see a dog on the far side of the property and then 2 more off to our right at about 300 yards watching us. Let the call play for a bit more but they are not intrested. Turned on the pup yelps on the foxpro and they were up and on the trot in!! We were trying to do the whole 1, 2, 3 ,BANG thing but as I was counting I didnt hear my buddy say he lost the dog in the sun and I dropped the lead male with a 168 yard frontal shot, He didnt even flinch. DRT.

This thing is HUGE! This is what a coyote on a steady diet of house cats looks like!

Set up again and saw another one watching us from about 300 yards out. My buddy went to take the shot but this yote high tailed it outta there before he could shoot.

Set up again on another rigde calling into a big bowl. Spot 2 dogs to our far right crossing into the neighbours cattle. Could not get a shot at these.

Started to walk to try and intercept them and we spot on on the far hill that was comming to our calling. Drop to prone and I get a range on him at 358 yards. My buddy lets one go and just shoots underneath him!

We get up and walk about 150 yards and we spot another dog about 40 yards from where we just shot! Drop to prone again and my buddy nails this one at 148 yards.

rest of the day was pretty quite. Was pretty windy so not much was coming to the calls. Going to another new area tomorrow so hope to get a few more. Also hitting up the Cat/coyote feeding operation again tommorrow, hopfully thin them out alittle more!

So far on this trip we have killed 15 in 3 days.

Out again today and only managed 2. Our shooting was off today. Called in 6. Killed 2. I missed one at 75 yards!!!!!!!!!

my buddy shot these 2.


So 17 in 4 days. Not to bad! Back up again when the cold weather hits!!

Re: 4 Day Coyote Hunt PICS

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:28 pm
by ryutzy
wow!! that's incredible!! are you in Canada? must be a coyote breeding factory up there. lol

Re: 4 Day Coyote Hunt PICS

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:38 pm
by verminator3
Congrats on a heck of a 4 day hunt ! :D

Re: 4 Day Coyote Hunt PICS

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 8:07 pm
by Kale_M
ryutzy wrote:wow!! that's incredible!! are you in Canada? must be a coyote breeding factory up there. lol
yes alberta canada

Re: 4 Day Coyote Hunt PICS

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 8:22 pm
by predhunter
very nice and keep up the good work. how do u like the 204 for the yotes looks like its taken care of them. is that the foxpro spitefire and if so does it have the sounds that came on it or did u change them and how do u like it.

Re: 4 Day Coyote Hunt PICS

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 8:45 pm
by Kale_M
predhunter wrote:very nice and keep up the good work. how do u like the 204 for the yotes looks like its taken care of them. is that the foxpro spitefire and if so does it have the sounds that came on it or did u change them and how do u like it.
.204 is money! My buddy was shooting a .243 with 55 grain bullets and he had some runners, and a couple we had to track. Not with the .204 and 35gr bergers..everything died where they stood! Oh and no fur damage to speak of. Not one exit and I can't find an entrance on most of them either

Yes Foxpro spitfire. I use the sounds that come on it. I only use a few sounds though. Lightning Jack, Jack Distress, Vole Squeeks, Whitetail Fawn Distress, Coyote Pup screams are the main ones I use. It works well. I just ordered an external SP-55 speaker from foxpro to get alittle more volume for callign my wide open prarie spots in southern alberta. Using the tripod is the best thing I have ever done, gets the sound way out there! When the snow hits it is not really needed as the sound really carries in the snow ice and -30 degree weather.

Re: 4 Day Coyote Hunt PICS

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 6:16 am
by Keith in Ga
I'd hate to have to keep ya'll in ammo. Talking about "whacking and stacking" ya'll have got it down pat. Great write up and pics........keep up the good work.

Re: 4 Day Coyote Hunt PICS

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:44 am
by Kale_M
I loaded up 200 rounds of 35gr bergers and benchmark before the season. Good to go for a bit!

Re: 4 Day Coyote Hunt PICS

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 1:22 pm
by danielbrothers
Man O Man... that is along ways from South Carolina... but to get into yotes like that... I think I'd ride a bicycle to get there...

WOW... wish I was there....

I guess I coud cash in some of my frequent flier miles....

Re: 4 Day Coyote Hunt PICS

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 1:30 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Those are all nice healthy northern dogs too.....nice shootin' you guys! You've now got a doggie honey-hole for sure. :D

Re: 4 Day Coyote Hunt PICS

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 1:52 pm
by Song Dog
Doesn't get much better than that. NICE JOB GUYS!

Re: 4 Day Coyote Hunt PICS

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:54 pm
by Silverfox
Kale_M-- WOW!!! You and your partner were really whackin' and stackin' the coyotes. Even though you shot a few mangy ones, the rest of those coyotes look pretty good.

Thanks for sharing the hunt.