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1st Coyote this Year with the new CZ .204
Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:50 pm
by GTOHunter
Re: 1st Coyote this Year with the new CZ .204
Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 7:41 pm
by GTOHunter
Update on my Coyote Hunting Adventures!
Since I shot my first Coyote we have been going out and doing some serious Calling and Hunting on several different Properties where the Owners have been tired of being over run by Coyotes.My second score was at place with a high Ridge Field where the Coyotes have been seen and heard howling at all hours of the night,my Caller set up about 350 yards from me and I sat up against a fence row with some small Cedar tree's as cover on each side of me.As the evening wore on and after several different rabbit in distress calls and multiple barking and howling we started to call it a day as last light was leaving us...I got my gear ready and scanned the field edges several times because I could still see fine with my Leupold 3X9X40mm scope on my CZ .204 Varmint Rifle,suddenly I saw a Coyote skirting the field edge about 75 yards in front of me...I put the scope cross-hairs on him and "BOOM" he dropped in his 2nd Coyote (A Young Male) down with the .204 Rifle!
The next weekend we hunted 2 different area's on the same Property,the first was rolling hills in a Pasture area,we saw several Deer but no Coyotes showed up in that spot...we heard a lot of Howling and barking and moved to the next spot down the road several hundred yards and on the opposite side of the road/property.We set up on top of a long Ridge Field with a long double pole high-wire line cut across miles and miles of different Properties,we could actually see another spot we hunted over a mile away where the main highway crossed on a hillside.Any ways my Calling Partner went up wind to the high-wire line area and did some calling...I went down-wind a few hundred yards and sat in the middle of the grassy field and watched the woods and field edge.I got bored and decided to try out my "Circe" caller a few times,after a few tries a young 4-Point Buck came running out of the woods to the field edge,stopped,looked around and headed across the same field I was in about 75 yards down from me.I called some more a few minutes later and a Coyote came running out from the same woods to the open field edge,I put the cross-hairs on her and Shot...she bit her backside and spun in several circles...I put another shell in the chamber and got ready for another shot but she dropped in the weeds along the woods and disapeared...I'm thinking call some more "Dummy" and see if any more Coyotes are still around there?I hurried up and called some more....another Coyote appeared and I aimed at her front shoulder "Boom" she dropped right there and I had my first "Double Up" killing 2 Female Coyotes within a few minutes and 10 feet of each other!
Our Next Hunt was on the same Property I had shot the young Male Coyote a few weeks before,my Partner was set up on the same Ridge Field up above me several hundred yards away and I was down below him in a Bottom Field with some Big Woods between the weeks before when he was calling the Coyotes seemed to be coming from down in that area and circling around up to the bigger open Ridge Field we usually set up in.I sat along a dry creek bed along the woods with the smaller open Bottom Field just a few yards out from where I was sitting behind a large tree and some dirt mounds with a nice size dead tree limb with leaves leaned up against the same tree to break up my silohette.After several series of calls from my Hunting Partner I could faintly hear down thru the woods he did some barking and howling as the sun went down and I could hear them much better.....I watched up thru the woods figuring the Coyotes would be more likely to stay in the thicker cover than out in the open bottom field I was hold up in and watching on and off until it got closer to dark when the Coyotes seemed to move more...."Wrong"!I turned to look back behind me and a Coyote was walking right past me with in handgun/shotgun Range.... I slowly turned,grabbed my Rifle and the Coyote started to trot off a little faster...I Lip Squeaked and she stopped and turned to look back at what was making the noise "Boom" another Female Coyote takes a Dirt Nap!
Re: 1st Coyote this Year with the new CZ .204
Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:02 pm
by ryutzy
whackem n stackem! good job!
Re: 1st Coyote this Year with the new CZ .204
Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:20 pm
by DoubleUp
Looks like you're gonna need to tow a trailer behind you to have room enough for the all the coyotes. Good job!
Re: 1st Coyote this Year with the new CZ .204
Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:42 pm
by Silverfox
GTOHunter--You are doing great on bagging those coyotes. But we need photos!
Re: 1st Coyote this Year with the new CZ .204
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:46 am
by GTOHunter
Re: 1st Coyote this Year with the new CZ .204
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:58 am
by GTOHunter
I'd like to "Thank all of You" here at .204Ruger,You all gave me the drive to go out and enjoy Coyote/Predator Hunting and all the great info on the great shooting .204 Caliber Rifles.
Re: 1st Coyote this Year with the new CZ .204
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:43 am
by Guy M
Congrats on your success afield!
Noticed a LOT more coyotes than usual while out deer hunting this season.
Soon as the late archery seasons close, I'll be out there with my little CZ, after some coyotes. They take quite a toll on the deer herds.
Re: 1st Coyote this Year with the new CZ .204
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:15 am
by K22
Hey, congrats on the your success GTOHunter. The 204 is a great caliber, in fact, "almost" as great as the 17 Rem.
I'm not to sure you will thank us in the future, Predator hunting is an uncureable sickness. Do you realize how many Predator calibers are required to hunt Predators????
Keep up the good work and lets see some pictures.
Re: 1st Coyote this Year with the new CZ .204
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:44 am
by GTOHunter
Re: 1st Coyote this Year with the new CZ .204
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:56 am
by K22
More Calibers for Coyote Hunting
......I've been working on getting another/different Rifle for Predator Hunting already,was considering the .17 HMR or the Savage light weight Hunter in a .223 and mounting a ATN Night-vision scope on it....gonna cost me dearly but as You mentioned,we need several different caliber Rifles to make it more fun and diversified to hunt Coyotes and Predators!
Now your talking. LOL! Maybe hold out for the new Hornady 17 AH (17 Hornet as Hornady is advertising). It is a really good Fox/Bobcat caliber and works pretty good on Coyotes. A 17 Remington shooting 25gr. Nagels or Bergers will make a true believer out of you too. And ya, now Predator Battery is complete without a 223.
Re: 1st Coyote this Year with the new CZ .204
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:02 am
by Guy M
The .25-06 I favor for deer hunting works great on coyotes! It is however a little tough on hides. This one was with a 115 gr Berger VLD at about 3190 fps mv:
Re: 1st Coyote this Year with the new CZ .204
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:20 pm
by GTOHunter
K22.....I'll check out that Hornady.17 AH Hornet...sounds pretty interesting!
I almost aquired a NEF single shot .17 HMR but the Owner took it to the local Pawn Shop?
Guy M,thats one sweet looking .25-06,is it a Savage,Remington,Browning...?
Oh yeah...and "Congratulations" on the great looking Coyote!
Re: 1st Coyote this Year with the new CZ .204
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:31 pm
by Hedge
Great pic. Nice looking rifle and coyote. That pelt would be nice to have.