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32 v-max for coyotes

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:17 pm
by DoubleUp
Just wanted to pass along that I've been having excellent resutls shooting coyotes with the 32 v-max over 26.9g of A2230 in my Savage WW16. Velocity runs right at 3,950 fps which is not especially hot, but accuracy is outstanding. I know many of you have great success with the 35 Berger's and 39 Bk's. Most predator hunters don't really think much of using the 32 v-max on coyotes, but I've killed 5 with this load, 4 in the past 2 weeks, and all of them were DRT. No splashes on the entry and no exits, but all were shot in the vitals with no shoulder hits. I'm surrounded by cornfields and have fruit trees in my yard. I got some pictures of coyotes stealing pears off one of my trees with my game cams, so I decided to try baiting them using table scraps, dog food, pears, and even watermelon and cantalope scraps. Maybe this will help someone a little.

Re: 32 v-max for coyotes

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:03 pm
by Silverfox
DoubleUp--Thanks for the report and the photos. Those seem to be pretty brazen coyotes. I hope you can clear out a bunch of them.

As for the 32 gr. V-Max for coyotes, I too have killed a few coyotes with the 32 gr. V-Max, but I choose to use the 35 gr. FBHP Bergers or the 39 gr. Sierra BlitzKings instead of the 32 gr. V-Max now. Keep us informed on how the 32 grainer is working for you if you continue to use it.

Re: 32 v-max for coyotes

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:51 pm
by DoubleUp
Silverfox, I'm working on them. The corn has been cut now, so they're not quite so bold, but I still have a couple of bigger ones coming in at night, but they're spooked enough they'll only come in complete darkness and usually between 1 and 5 a.m. One of them has a big tracking collar on him. Don't know what all that is about. Thanks for the reply. I have a couple hundred of the 39 Bk's and they shoot well enough, but this particular loading in the 32's is so accurate, I hate to give it up with the results it has been giving me. Seems like most everyone agrees the 35 Berger is the best bullet for coyotes, and I really need to get some to try.

Re: 32 v-max for coyotes

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:38 am
by Neil S.
Last winter my hunting partner put 4 (yes four) rounds in a big male coyote, which anchored him . He was shooting a 270 win using 130 gr soft points (shot placement was not very good). I put one 32 gr V-Max into its vitals and thats all she wrote. :D

Re: 32 v-max for coyotes

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:17 pm
by GTOHunter
Great Shooting DoubleUp....keep after those Coyotes! ;)

Re: 32 v-max for coyotes

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:41 pm
by DoubleUp
Got these on camera Wed. morning in the A.M. What do you guys think about the one with the tracking collar?


Re: 32 v-max for coyotes

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:35 pm
by ryutzy
id try hard to shoot that one then keep the collar. If there is no information on the collar, then keep it until someone comes looking for it. I think it'd be interesting to see what group is tracking the coyotes.

Re: 32 v-max for coyotes

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:11 am
Call me paranoid, if you like. I would not want anything to do with that collar unless I cleared it with Fish & Game beforehand.

Re: 32 v-max for coyotes

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:01 pm
by stein
Depending on if you need a license where you are I say shoot it! Here as they should be every where they are a varmint and require no paper work to eliminate from their respective gene pools. And a tracking collar would be quite the conversation piece hanging on the wall.

Re: 32 v-max for coyotes

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:12 am
by TC204
They would probably work around here but Coyotes in this area have hit 90-100 lbs on occasion. The one's you're carrying look like Foxes in comparison to some that I've seen.

Re: 32 v-max for coyotes

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:25 pm
by ryutzy
If you shoot that coyote in a legal manner, the can be NO repercussions from the law for shooting one with a collar. Id make it my goal to whack that one and it'd be fun to see why it has a collar on it. If you're scared to whack it, I'll come do it for you.

Re: 32 v-max for coyotes

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:51 pm
by Reinbeck11
Collar would look fantastic mounted on the wall. :lol: :lol: Talk about being singled out, I believe it would be the first one everyone would be gunning down. :D

Re: 32 v-max for coyotes

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:39 pm
by GTOHunter
It would make a great Conversation Piece....You could also get the Coyote Mounted and leave the collar around its kneck....sooner or later they'll come looking for it? :chin: :duh: :eek: :wink:

Re: 32 v-max for coyotes

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:45 pm
by ryutzy
I think it would be absolutely hilarious if they came looking for it and the coyote was in your living room with the collar!! I'd shoot it and mount it just for that lol!!!!! :lol: :lol: I'm sure whoever came looking for it would find that somewhat amusing also. :D

Re: 32 v-max for coyotes

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:43 pm
by DoubleUp
Thanks guys for the replies and comments. Fell off a ladder and cracked the L3 in my lower back, so I'm convalescing right now. Hopefully I'll get back to the dogs in a few weeks. I expect our dogs average around 40-45 lbs here. Those two in the double were about half grown. I have killed a couple over 50 but never anything much larger than that around here. Sure want the one with the tracking collar though!