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More .20 Cal Fun with Oregon Rock Chucks

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 12:39 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Today dawned clear and sunny. Got an early morning call again from my horse rancher lady to please come out and thin a few more chucks. The place was still alive with them when I left last time, so expected her to call again (oh darn). I don't want to wipe the place out, as it's a nice place to shoot every spring, but I grabbed my Cooper M38 VR in 20 Vartarg and zipped over there for some "thinning duties".

As soon as I laid down in the shade of a juniper to glass the first rockpile, I could see chucks out grazing at about 225 yards, and more crawling about or basking in the morning sun on almost every rockpile I could see from the ranch house fenceline.

Anyway, in two hours of skulking about the ranch with camo and boonie hat (Natural Gear), and shooting from modified sticks, I was able to nail six chucks with six shots. One huge old grey back bore that probably weighed about 14-15 lbs easily.

Here's the morning fun:


There was one rockpile at the far end of the ranch that I could see through an opening in the junipers that had a chuck sitting atop the highest rock. I lined up on him, shot, and thought I saw him flip over the rock. When I got there, no chuck....but then I spotted the rock he had been sitting on:


I went around the rockpile, and there he was, wegged into the rocks, and oh boy, did he ever take a hit...right under the chin, and the .204" 32 grain Nosler BT came out the middle of his spine:


This big boy took one of the same slugs from 186 yards, right under the chin as he was peeking over a rock at me. It's amazing what terminal performance this little case delivers:


Typical setting. Most shooting is through openings in the junipers, so you have to 'thread' the bullet through branches, barbed wire fences, and rock openings. Perfect for a flat shooting, accurate caliber like the little 20VT. The photo does not show it, but there's a rockpile at the very far end of the field near the 'sky window' in the trees that has chucks perched on it:


If the ranch was larger and homes were farther apart, it would be "204 Ruger Territory", but it's not, so a smaller version of it seems about perfect. Here's another one of the larger boys from today:


As I was driving out the driveway, I spotted a huge old silverback bore scamper up his rockpile, and two more on the backside of another, so there's still plenty of seed for the future. All in all, another good day in Oregon. Time to clean my Cooper.....another EORFS rat shoot coming up next week. I'm really starting to like this retired thing. :wink:

Re: More .20 Cal Fun with Oregon Rock Chucks

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 2:49 pm
by Vartarg
Once again, Rick, the photos and report are great!!! What a combination: a Cooper, the 20VT, the chucks and a beautiful day! :mrgreen:

And at the same time you're able to demonstrate what a gentleman you are, coming to the aid of a lady in need! :lol:


Re: More .20 Cal Fun with Oregon Rock Chucks

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 3:01 pm
by ryutzy
Kind of wishing that I was retired. LOL I've got about 30 years to retirement tho :wall:

Re: More .20 Cal Fun with Oregon Rock Chucks

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 3:14 pm
by tt35
Rick in Oregon wrote: One huge old grey back bore ... :
Hey, I resemble that remark! :eek: Great shooting and write up as usual, Rick! Good luck next week. I hope we get some more of this nice weather for you.

No Off Season
Predator and Varmint Gear and Hunts

Re: More .20 Cal Fun with Oregon Rock Chucks

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 5:08 pm
by GlennGTR1
Eastern Oregon and beautiful Cooper rifles, the two just seem to go togeather. Nice write up, always good to read your posts. That 20 vartarg is an idea that could grow on a feller. I am feeling the need for a Cooper.

Re: More .20 Cal Fun with Oregon Rock Chucks

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 7:48 am
by Rick in Oregon
Glenn: Thanks buddy. Just be aware of the "Cooper Curse" before you take the plunge. I was warned by the likes of BCB and others....once you get one, you've just GOT to have another! :lol:

Seriously though, I've only got three of them, but they are now my most used/carried/shot varmint rifles in my safe. The VR and MTV models are even light enough to carry about during a chuck hunt. Scoped, ready to rock, they all weigh just a tad over 9 lbs. I'm now plotting my next IS a curse (to the bank account). ;)

This guy is saying "No more Coopers.....I HATE 'em!"


Re: More .20 Cal Fun with Oregon Rock Chucks

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 10:52 am
by Trent
Awesome photos and report Rick!! Looks like a beautiful day in E. Oregon.

I waited for you at the Portland airport this past weekend so that you could bring me that M38, but you never showed up! I was pretty disappointed. :mrgreen:

Good news is that I placed 2nd in my competition in Washington and won a barrel certificate from Shilen for 50% off a barrel blank. Good stuff. :wtg: :trophy:

Re: More .20 Cal Fun with Oregon Rock Chucks

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 11:09 am
by Sidewinderwa
What a combination, retirement and a target rich environment! Such a helpful guy, clearing out some of those nasty chucks for the nice lady. Glad to see the 32 grain 20VTs are working out well for you. I am in the process of loading all my empty cases with some 32 grain Blitzkings for prairie dog time. Great pictures. Caldwell is coming out with a new tripod that holds both ends of the rifle up. They are not available yet. I use shooting sticks to clear out the critters in the area that we are going to set up a great shooting bench for the day.

Re: More .20 Cal Fun with Oregon Rock Chucks

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 8:39 am
by Rick in Oregon
Trent wrote:Awesome photos and report Rick!! Looks like a beautiful day in E. Oregon.
I waited for you at the Portland airport this past weekend so that you could bring me that M38, but you never showed up! I was pretty disappointed. :mrgreen:
Good news is that I placed 2nd in my competition in Washington and won a barrel certificate from Shilen for 50% off a barrel blank. Good stuff. :wtg: :trophy:
Trent: The Portland PDX TSA goons didn't take to me carrying that rifle case through the airport to meet you. When they opened it up, screams of "SNIPER!" echoed through the terminal, and I had to scurry off before I got cuffed and taken away. You'll just have to try another tactic to try to snag my Cooper M38 20VT buddy! :wink:

Hey, cool about winning your competition! Congratulations on the win, bud. :D

Sidewinderwa: Yep, retirement and a target-rich environment. Almost paradise, but remember I waited/worked for 42 years before 'getting here'. Once we get 'here', we just have to live long enough to enjoy it!

Have a great PD shoot, and send Skippy and his pals lots of those 32gr SBK's.....I know he hates 'em. :!: We're off again in a few days for another 4-day shoot ourselves. I'm starting to think if a guy had a 20VT and a 204R, maybe a 6mm of some sort for the wind and long stuff, he'd have the Trifecta of varmint rifles calibers for 100% of all rat-shooting possibilities. Ain't life grand? Especially at this time of year! :eek:

Re: More .20 Cal Fun with Oregon Rock Chucks

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 6:01 pm
by bullfrog
I love the picture with the chucks draped over the bleached out snag splattered with blood with the cooper leaning against it. You should send it down to the "Visit Bend" office to see if they want to put it on an official brochure. Might be good for tourism!

Re: More .20 Cal Fun with Oregon Rock Chucks

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 9:50 pm
by Jim White
Thanks for the pictures, Rick. I'll be out in the fields ina couple of weeks.


Re: More .20 Cal Fun with Oregon Rock Chucks

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:10 pm
by 3delta
Where are you hunting Rick? My son is a sergeant with the Crook County Sheriffs Dept and lives in Prineville. I went up and hunted rats with him a few years ago. I love that country.

Re: More .20 Cal Fun with Oregon Rock Chucks

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:27 am
by Rick in Oregon
3delta: Not one to give up local honey-holes on the internet, let's just say I was shooting those chucks east of town here, and west of Prineville on a small horse ranch. :D I'm sure your son is familiar with the area.

I love it here too.....moved here from a logging camp in B.C. 36 years ago just for the hunting and varmint shooting if that tells you anything. When I saw True Grit (original) and Rooster Cogburn and knew where they were filmed, that sewed it up for me.....been here ever since; great country.

In the next couple of weeks I'll be shooting chucks again on a different, much larger horse ranch north of here. If fortune smiles upon me, I'll post the adventure. I think one of my 204's needs to stretch her legs...... ;)

Hey, by the way.......Welcome to the 204um! :!:

Re: More .20 Cal Fun with Oregon Rock Chucks

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:31 pm
by Ray P
Rick love you comment and keep the good shooting!!

I love it here too.....moved here from a logging camp in B.C. 36 years ago just for the hunting and varmint shooting if that tells you anything. When I saw True Grit (original) and Rooster Cogburn and knew where they were filmed, that sewed it up for me.....been here ever since; great country.

John Wayne what a legen!
Thank you
Ray P

Re: More .20 Cal Fun with Oregon Rock Chucks

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:24 pm
by Rick in Oregon
3delta: Here's a pic at a location your son is sure to recognize here, taken right at 30 years Sako Vixen .223 Rem sporter w/Leupold 12X with some Crook County rock chucks that had felt better the night before :wink: .


Here's a big 16.5 lb. chuck I shot that day. The rifle in the photo is a 'new that week' Ruger 77/22 Mag that I just had to take a pic of. The chuck was shot at 230 yards with my Sako .223 and a 50gr Nosler Solid Base off my Harris bipod:


That was another good day here. :D

Ray P.: Thanks's great living in the real "John Wayne country".......with real guns! :eek: