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A Couple LR Chucks To Start The Season

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:47 pm
by Verminator2
I'm just copying and pasting this from another post my dad made so it's all from his perspective.

Yesterday was one of our rare-for-this-year sunny and relatively calm days so when my son got home from school, I asked him if he wanted to run out and try for some long range rockchucks. I was shocked when he said, "yes". ;) So, we grabbed a quick bite to eat, loaded up our stuff and headed out.

We don't have a ton of rockchucks in our area so we try not to take them too early and impact our populations too bad. Our agreement this year was to not take any shots under 1000 yards until May. It tends to make it quite a bit easier on the resource if you know what I mean! We had made a couple of attempts this spring but hadn't connected until this trip. We set up near the road in a spot we had shot earlier. Both of us shoot M700 .243AI's with eight-twist Kreiger barrels in A5 stocks. Ben's shooting 105 grain A-maxes and I shoot 105 gr Berger VLD's. We both had a pretty good idea of our drops from the previous trip so when Ben (Verminator2) started shooting he was immediately putting rockchucks in danger at 1100 yards. Being the good dad I am (and, because I shot first on the last trip :D ), I spotted for him until he shot up the 14 rounds he brought. On the 5th shot we both saw a rockchuck's head drop but it went out of sight so we couldn't confirm the kill.

It was getting late by the time Ben finished shooting and the rockchucks were starting to go down but we spotted quite a few rockchucks on another rim that was a little closer--only in the 1025 to 1050 yard range. I only had a 1000 yard trajectory chart taped to my rifle and the drops start to change pretty dramatically at that range so my first shot was about one and a half minutes low. A couple of adjustments got me dialed in for elevation but now the diurnals were battling the previous wind complicating the windage calls. Long story short, After several attempts, I center-massed a large 'chuck just as it was getting dark. We were able to drive to within 40 yards of the 'chuck for a hero shot then Ben headed to the other rim to check on his shot. Before I could get all my stuff together, I hear Ben hooping and doing a jig in the evening glow on the top of the other rim like a Neanderthal that just discovered psychodelic mushrooms. His 'chuck was confirmed as well!

Not exactly one shot, one kill sniper stuff but we'll take it!

Ben added his rockchuck to one he took last year at 1044 yards. This was my first 1000+ yard varmint. Gonna have to start shopping for a .338 Lapua now to go 1500 with! :chin:

My 1030 yard rockchuck.


Ben's 1109 yard 'chuck. Not bad for a sixteen year old kid. ;) smile


Ben allowed as how it took a lot less skill to hit my rockchuck than his because mine was so much bigger...I'll give him that!

Not to mention mine was 75 yards farther ;) :lol:

It was one of the more successful trips we've had :D

Re: A Couple LR Chucks To Start The Season

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:56 pm
by ryutzy
WOW!! I have to say I'm quite impressed. Maybe someday I'll hit the 1000 yard club.

Re: A Couple LR Chucks To Start The Season

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:36 am
by Ray P
GREAT!! Shooting guys. Got to post or send those pics into Varmint magazine!!
No easy task, with such a small target.
Nice write up and pics. Thanks for sharing. :wink:
Ray P

Re: A Couple LR Chucks To Start The Season

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:19 am
by Trent
That is extremely impressive!!!!

Re: A Couple LR Chucks To Start The Season

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:07 am
by Rick in Oregon
Hearty congratulations Tim and Ben! That's some purty good shootin' there, mates.

Large rats at 1,000 THAT'S some very cool stuff! :mrgreen: (I can't think of a better father & son bonding experience. I bet Ben will remember that evening for the rest of his life. :D )

Re: A Couple LR Chucks To Start The Season

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:21 pm
by Verminator2
Thanks guys it was a blast!

Re: A Couple LR Chucks To Start The Season

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:03 pm
by Sidewinderwa
Way to go guys. Hunting with my daughter are some of my best memories. It is a special time to make those fantastic shots with family there. I hope to get into the 1,000 yard club this summer, if all the parts get here in time to put it together and work up loads. Looks like you guys put in your time and skills to make the big score. I see he is already looking ahead to the 1,500 yard club. Got to have goals in life!

Re: A Couple LR Chucks To Start The Season

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:27 am
by Clint E
Nice shooting .

Re: A Couple LR Chucks To Start The Season

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:26 pm
by tt35
Sidewinderwa wrote: I see he is already looking ahead to the 1,500 yard club. Got to have goals in life!
Pretty sad when they all revolve around dead rodents!!

I think my wife would appreciate me elevating the rest of the goals in my life.... :o