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Great Rockchuck Shoot!

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:11 pm
by Verminator2
We went out last Saturday afternoon to get some chuck shooting in as the weather finally broke. Dad posted a story on a forum so I figured I would copy and paste it here.

I normally have a hard time setting down and typing up a story and downloading pics of varmint hunts. It's not that I don't really enjoy varmint shooting. I just don't get as enthused about writing them up as I do our predator hunts. Many times we get to shooting and don't get the hunt photographed anyway. I'll make an exception for this one but first a little background.

Verminator2 (Ben) and I have been varmint shooting together for several years. We started with .22-250's then moved to .204's so we could call our own shots. Ben eventually built a .243AI on an old M700 action I had. It's a fast twist Kreiger barrel installed by Bob Jourdan and bedded in a McMillan A-5. It has a Leupold 6-18X target scope on it. He recently got a Jewell trigger for his birthday which he adjusted to 8 ounces. It's a lot of rifle for a sixteen year old kid but he's been at this for quite a while and he's very comfortable with it. The catch is that when he got his Ackley, he wanted to start setting up at a range that my .204's were already running out of steam so it was beginning to strain our relationship. Well, I did the only reasonable thing a dad could do under the circumstances...I sent a M700 VSSF to Dan Dowling and had him chamber a fast twist Kreiger .243AI barrel on it! I had Dan chamber and throat it for 105 A-maxes but I haven't found a load with the 105's that it really liked. Fortunately, I did find a fireform load with 87 v-maxes that were shooting around 3/4" at 200 yards so life could be worse! I mounted a Leupold 8.5-25X scope with the VH reticle on it. Anyway, long story short is that Ben and I can now shoot together without that nasty conflict between us and life is good.

The weather today turned out better than they were expecting. We decided that it would be a shame to waste one of the nicest days we have had this year. So at noon, my loving wife excused us and we headed to a ranch we hadn't shot on last year. The wind was light for a change also. Life was getting better all the time!

We stopped south of the rancher's house to glass the rim above us. V2 starts counting, "One, two, three..." and ends at "ten". Those were just the close ones at 200 to 225 yards. He asked if I wanted the first shot this time (He's getting so polite in his old age) and I graciously accepted. Now we aren't total purists but we have found that the resource (rockchucks) go further when we shoot the longer ranges so we set up the BR Pivot bench on the two-track in front of the pickup and I dug out my Ackley and ranged a 'chuck at 802 yards. I'd like to tell you it was a first round hit but even though the breeze was almost nonexistent where we were, it turned out to be about 1 1/2 moa to the right. My next shot was just under him and he never came back up. I spotted another 'chuck on the top of the rim and ranged him at 506. I adjusted my turret and he looked huge after the initial 800 yard shot! This one was a first round hit and I took my rifle off the bench and let V2 on. The next further bunch of 'chucks were around one of two dumps along the road. The dumps were dozed out and had a long bank of dirt for the 'chucks to dig in and junk for cover. We immediately started spotting multiple rockchucks on the first bank. I ranged the near end at 585 and the far end at 615. V2 dialed in his drops and just missed his first shot but connected on his second. We switched out and so it went for two hours. We spotted for each other with a 12-40X Leupold spotting scope.

A couple of places actually had rockchucks rolled against one another. "Stacking 'em like cord wood", I like to say. We made two first round hits at the 500 yard mark and several at the 600 yard mark. Our longest shooting was to the second dump where the rockchucks just kept appearing on some tin at 742 yards. We took two at 506ish, thirteen at the 600 yard dump and four at 742. We took no shots less than 500 yards (with the exception of a couple of jackrabbits). We each weakened a bit towards the end and muffed a few shots but up to that time, we were averaging around 50% hits. Ben ended up shooting 21 rounds and I shot 26 overall. Nineteen dead 'chucks.

What an afternoon! I told Ben on the way home that this stuff could get addicting! Admittedly, having the rockchucks at pretty defined yardages helped us dope both range and wind but it sure was a hoot.

Here are some pics:

Looking over Verminator2's shoulder at the first dump.


Four 742 yard rockchucks.


The top of the bank at the first dump.


The hero shot.


We left quite a few for seed along the rims so there should be plenty for another "hatch" next year! Thanks for reading.


Re: Great Rockchuck Shoot!

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:51 am
by Nomosendero
Wow, looks great.

Re: Great Rockchuck Shoot!

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:11 am
by Ray P
Tim.......Very very nice write up and pics. Glade to see the 243AI are working. The 87 v-maxs seam to be working well. Don't over look the 107 sierras for long range work!
Real nice looking rifles too!!
Ray P. :wink:

Re: Great Rockchuck Shoot!

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:01 am
by Gube
Very nice long range shooting. Quite the pile of "fatties" you have there. 8)

Re: Great Rockchuck Shoot!

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:25 am
by remy3424
You guys are a hazard to those chucks at about any reasonable distance it seems. Well done fellas, good write-up and pics. Maybe someday, I'll get after a LD tack driver.

Re: Great Rockchuck Shoot!

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:15 am
by Rick in Oregon
Way to go Ben! Looks like you and your 243AI have bonded well together. See....I told you you'd like it! Mine is my favorite LR rat caliber in the safe.

(Leave some for me, k? ;) )

Re: Great Rockchuck Shoot!

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:39 pm
by Verminator2
Haha, thanks guys. I remember when we used to have a real hard time at 300 yards, and that was an awesome shot, although it still is a good shot. That was just 5 years ago.

Ray: We don't shoot the match hollow point bullets very much because most of the shooting we do is on live targets at long distances. The match bullets will pencil through, leaving crawl offs. The Amaxs do a fantastic job, I even lifted a couple off the ground out there. I did have a good 107 load for my rifle, but switched to the amax and I have been very pleased.

Rick: Yep, it's like an apendage now. I mean, most guys would cringe at throwing a 2 grand rifle in the truck and riding around with it. I even threw it in the car once on the way to school.It's got a few dings, but it just adds character as far as I'm concerned. Still shoots like a house-a-fire. I'm glad you helped convince me :D Next time you are down on a rat shoot I know where there are a couple chucks near here if you're interested ;)

Re: Great Rockchuck Shoot!

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:58 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Verm2: Hey, thanks for the invite. I may take you up on it next season. :D

In the meantime, keep us awash in stories and pics of your 243AI rock chuck adventures. Tell Dad not to be so bashful......I KNOW he can shoot too. (I've seen what he can do with that Cooper....... ;) )

Re: Great Rockchuck Shoot!

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:10 pm
by Clint E
Great story and pics Thanks for sharing

Re: Great Rockchuck Shoot!

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:35 am
by Ryan S Albright
Great shooting I am sick about selling my 243 now. I am on my way up in a couple of weeks I will have to try for some long range chucks I have worked out the kinks in my 204 hopefully the wind will have calmed down. I have yet to make a 500 yard shot with my 204. One of my shooting buddies has bagged several chucks at over 700 yrds with a 20 Vartarg. Last time I got in to the chucks the wind was howling streight across my shooting lane. I wish some one would weigh the big ones I would like to know how heavy they get. Great job and thanks for the story.

Re: Great Rockchuck Shoot!

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:10 am
by Rick in Oregon
Ryan: I've shot some pretty big chucks here....this one I'm holding below weighed 16.5 lbs three hours after I killed him. Used my Sako Vixen sporter in 223 w/VX-II 4-12X and a 50gr BT over H335 at 260 yards:


Here he is again, but with my Ruger 77/22 Mag, new that week (down the road to a friend in CA now):


They may get bigger, but I'd doubt by much. Although I've heard of some well-fed eastern woodchucks going 20+ lbs! :eek:

Re: Great Rockchuck Shoot!

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:36 am
by Ryan S Albright
I am going to have to buy a fishing scale this time I had one in my hand a year ago and didn't do it. I have seen and killed some big ones but have yet to weigh any and am not a good judge of weight. I seen a few Grand dadies posted on the forum here.

Re: Great Rockchuck Shoot!

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:58 am
by Verminator2
Rick still has us beat, by a lot :eek: I killed the heaviest one ever this year, 13.5 lbs. It was just square when looking down on it. I bet the big ones in there weighed 9-10 lbs, maybe slightly more. They look huge because the others were on the medium-small side. I'll try to remember to upload a photo here sometime soon.

Re: Great Rockchuck Shoot!

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:50 pm
by tt35
Rick: That rockchuck is a pig! I killed one that I called "Chuckzilla" a few years ago. He was as long as the stock on my Cooper .204 but all I could get him to weigh was 11 1/2 pounds! I think maybe V2 drank a couple of sodas before he got back on with the rockchuck! :chin: Just kidding! That 13 1/2 pounder was the "squarest" rockchuck I've ever seen. He had a white face as well. Maybe V2 will post a picture of him.

Here's Chuckzilla:


Anyway, don't think I've quit my stable of .204's. It is still the greatest varmint cartridge going but for getting past 450 yards I'm pretty sold on this .243AI too! Dialing in the clicks and making a first round hit at 600 yards makes me giggle like a little school girl! :shock:

Ryan: The hay is getting tall but slowly. It looks like there is going to be quite a variation in cutting times so some of the pivots should be shootable. Good luck on the trip. You camping at the Springs?

Re: Great Rockchuck Shoot!

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:01 pm
by Glen
Those are some big ol chucks for sure!! My biggest groundhog was 14lbs I believe. I have a pic somewhere. I'll have to dig it out. :wink: