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Tax Day Rock Chucks

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:08 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Got a call from a neighbor lady last evening asking if I'd come over today and rid her horse pastures of a bunch of rock chucks living in the rock piles all over the property. I spent Tax Day doing what most of us would rather be doing with my little Browning 1885 Low Wall in 22 K-Hornet.

I had a good supply of recently loaded Barnes 30gr Varmint Grenade in the improved "K" cases, and having only shot sage rats with it so far, was interested to see how the light bullet would perform on a larger critter like a rock chuck. I was not disappointed.

This was my first 'hide' for rock pile chucks from a paltry 61 yards, to two more piles at 128 and 161 yards. Perfect Hornet habitat.


The first victim poked his head up on the far side of the near rockpile at just over 60 yards; no contest:


I played peek-a-boo with the resident of the 161 yard rock pile for about twenty minutes. Every time I'd spot him, get on the rifle, he'd see me and dive for cover. I got prone, put my window bag on the low fence wire and waited. I finally saw him peeking over the rocks, and put the crosshairs right under his chin:


The next action was on the middle rock pile at 128 yards. Two chucks kept peeking over the rocks, never giving me more than just an eyeball. About this time I was wishing I had put on my Harris bipod, as steady I was not. One guy showed himself just as he slithered into his hole. A quick shot launched him about 6", and I could actually see steam coming off the open wound through the scope as he flopped down behind the rocks into his den.


Talk about a tenacious critter....he got into his hole, even with the blood loss you can see on the rocks. A K-Hornet case is laying there for scale. I found him by moving a rock on top of his den; he was hit amidships with brutal expansion from the 30 grainer (note chuck scat everywhere).

The Three Moribund Amigos :lol: :


This is what our high desert ranch country looks like....rock chuck heaven, and a great place to spend Tax Day!


Next week when I go back, I'm taking my Sako 17 Mach IV w/bipod loaded with 25gr V-Max's for those "peekers" the Hornet could not tag. Now back to cleaning rifles and loading for the next rat rodeo, and hoping ALL Tax Days are as good as this one was. :D

Re: Tax Day Rock Chucks

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:25 pm
by Ray P
:wink: Rick way to 3 for 3 not bad even for having eye contact. Talk about 20-20 or better eye sight. Gona have try one of boys Gilie suites or put a little more distance between you an them. Nice pics and glade you did well on Tax Day.
Thanks for sharing..
Ray P

Re: Tax Day Rock Chucks

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:56 pm
by Captqc
:duh: That's funny :huh: I didn't hear my phone ring at all :huh: :huh: :lol: :lol: Oh well, see ya in a couple of weeks! Gary

Re: Tax Day Rock Chucks

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:08 pm
by Glen
Those are some tore up chucks Rick!! I like em!! :wink: The little Hornet sure did the trick for you. :mrgreen:

Re: Tax Day Rock Chucks

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:14 pm
by Lenard
Hey Rick, that has to be fun. I am heading down south about the middle of may to shoot a few chucks along with some sage rats in N. California. Sure has been heck waiting for the weather to improve.

Was at Burns 3 weeks ago shooting in heavy winds. Glad I went, because the fellow had torn up two huge alfalfa fields by subsoiling and then disking them. Very few rats in that torn up ground. They were old seedings with plenty of rats and low production of alfalfa. Might take them a while to come back. I suspect the marginal fields will get torn up as the price is so low.


Re: Tax Day Rock Chucks

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:12 pm
by Song Dog

In Christ,

Song Dog

Re: Tax Day Rock Chucks

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:55 am
by Rick in Oregon
Thanks for the comments. I was actually a bit surprised that the little light 30 grainers would do that much damage. They shoot quite well in the old 16 twist barrel too. Not too many Hornet makers use 16 twist any more, rather going for the "newer" 14 twist to better stabilize the poly-tipped bullets.

So if you've got a Hornet with a 16 twist, now there's two very good bullets; the Barnes 30gr Varmint Grenade, and the Nosler 45gr Hornet Solid Base. Both shoot into the .2's in this Browning with Lil Gun or AA1680. I'm stoked! :D

The lady called last night to thank me for "removing" four chucks from the property, then asked if I'd come back as soon as we get some nice sunny days when the chucks will be out sunning themselves again. I told her I'd check my schedule.......yeah, right. As soon as the sun comes out again, I'm heading back over there with my Sako 17 Mach IV and some 25 gr V-Max's at 3,860 fps. That combination should take care of the "peekers" on the far rock pile. This time I'll set up over 200 yards away so the little buggers won't see me by the house. We'll see how it goes....

Re: Tax Day Rock Chucks

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:12 pm
by futuretrades
Captqc wrote:That's funny :huh: I didn't hear my phone ring at all :huh: :huh: :lol: :lol:
Hey Gary, I didn't hear my phone ringin either! :lol:

Great write up and pics Rick! Weather around where I am has really been terrible! :wall: If the wind don't blow, it is either raining or snowing. May be another year like last year, I guess time will tell. Hopefully won't push back the rodeo this year.

Re: Tax Day Rock Chucks

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:36 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Hey, I called you guys, but you probably didn't hear me. You're both a long ways off ya know. :lol:

The weather here has been lousy too. Rain, hail, snow, wind, Pacific storms cruising's gotta end soon, right? The day with the chucks yesterday was the only decent day in two weeks. Good timing all around though in the end. No complaints here. :D

Re: Tax Day Rock Chucks

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:46 pm
by remy3424
Rick, you have all the fun!!! Nice "work" there. Those look like big varmints, I hope they eat well!!!

Re: Tax Day Rock Chucks

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:32 pm
by Verminator2
That looks like fun Rick! Today was nice, temps in the mid 60s, 7-10 mph breeze up until 2:00 P.M. We took advantage and went looking for some chucks. I got one at 620 on the second shot, and we both got one at 380. Mine was big for not being on an alfalfa field, right at 10 lbs. Anyways, hopefully you can got get those other sneaky chucks soon, I'm sure they can dig some pretty good holes in the fields.

Re: Tax Day Rock Chucks

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:36 am
by Rick in Oregon
Nice goin' Verm, I like those long shots too. I'd like to shoot these chucks from the neighbor's property to make it at least 300 yards, but it ain't gonna happen. I'll just sit and wait in a corner of the property to get the range to just over 200, just to make it fair (or at least more interesting).

No complaints though, for "in town" chuck shooting, it's still purty dang good to be able to wack chucks five minutes from the house. :D

More good shooting on your part Ben; way to go. We'll be back over your way soon for Skippy and his pals. Hold your breath for some good weather.......

Re: Tax Day Rock Chucks

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:00 pm
by Malazan
Nice Rick, do you live around Bend? I grew up in Dallas over by Salem

Re: Tax Day Rock Chucks

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:05 am
by Rick in Oregon
Malazan: Thanks...thinking of going back over there in the next few days, as the weather has finally improved enough to get the chucks out of their dens again. Me thinks it's 17 Mach IV time now though, as my 204's are too noisy to shoot around the ranch houses.

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