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Summertime coyote 09'

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:15 am
by Melvin Eades
We have been having some odd weather around here this year with a wet Spring and some cool spells. I've had a hankering to get out and try some calling and when I heard it was going to be 60 degrees Sat. morning, I decided to give it a try.

I went to a creek bottom that had a big bean field and the beans weren't so high that I could see a coyote coming. I crossed the creek and sneaked up the far bank to take a peek out in the field before I exposed myself just in case there might be a coyote or deer out in the field.

Nothing out, so I set the FoxPro out about 50 yards and sat down by a tree next to the creek with the sun to my back and a slight breese coming in from my front right.

Here is the tree I was sitting against with a few weeds in front for some concealment.


My view of the field. FoxPro was to the right of the gun barrel.


I started off with the rabbit distress for a minute and then waited for about five and did this four or five times. No takers so I did some pup distress twice and waited, still nothing. I sat for a while longer and turned on the male challenge for two cycles and then went silent. About two minutes later I saw a coyote come in from my left. It had the sound pin pointed and was cautiously working it's way closer. Not sure which sound started it coming, but it covered about 350 yards of open bean field.


I gave a couple lip squeaks and the coyote stopped quartering into me and looked my way.
I shot him at about 50 yards and he went down, flopped a few times and got up and ran. I watched him disappear into a low spot in the field but didn't run out. I waited a little while and then went out to where the coyote was when I shot and found some blood. I started tracking the blood and it got heavier.


The coyote made it about 80 yards before it ran out of gas. It was an adult male. I was shooting my CZ 527 American with the Sierra 39 gr. B.K.


Re: Summertime coyote 09'

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:39 am
by Keith in Ga
Good going! What time of the morning did you call him in? With the cooler days we've had, I've had "intentions" of getting the Foxpro out, but "intentions" haven't been productive.
I've got to get out and check some of my hunting spots and see if any hay has been cut, or the condition of the fields. Great photos and write up.

Re: Summertime coyote 09'

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:17 am
by Ray P
:lol: Melvin way to go!! Was the yote on the large side? From some of your past post Melvin your yotes never made it 80 yards when hit with a 39 sierra. Glade you got him and great write up and pics! Thanks
Ray P.

Re: Summertime coyote 09'

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:17 am
by Rick in Oregon
Melvin: Once again I felt like I was there with you...good story and pics. I'm also surprised that dog went 80 yards after getting smacked with a 39SBK. That must have been one tough old boy to go that far with such a severe mortal wound. Nice and lush there too right now....sure is a nice change from the hot, dry high desert environment here in the summer. 60*F sounds good right now compared to our 96*F! How long does it take to drive there?........ ;)

Thanks for sharing.

Re: Summertime coyote 09'

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:00 am
by Melvin Eades
Keith in Ga,
It was right at sun up.

Ray P,
Normally they just drop on the spot, but this time it was my screw up. I should have waited till he was broadside before I shot, instead I took the shot when he was a little more than quartering into me. The bullet took out two ribs before it got to the vitals and it only took out one lung. I have full confidence if I would have waited for a broadside shot I could have put him to sleep on the spot.

I didn't weigh this one, but he was in the 30-32 lb. range. He looks smaller with his short summer hair.

Rick in Oregon,
We've had some mid 90* weather here with high humidity and it's supposed to come back this weekend. Yesterday I had 57* for a low. We have had two days that broke the record for a low, high.
After seeing your pictures I've had the same thought, how far is it to Oregon?

Re: Summertime coyote 09'

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:50 am
by Silverfox
Good job on the coyote Melvin!!! Thanks for the great story and photos. Like RIO said, it felt like I was right there with you and it was EXCITING!!!!

Re: Summertime coyote 09'

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:07 pm
by BabaOriley
Great writeup Melvin!

That country looks pretty much exactly like it does around here. Do you also have the billions of mosquitoes living in the thick green brush like that? Your story is exactly how it's supposed to work! Sunday I found myself at Cabelas and picked up some lightweight camo: long sleeve t-shirt, gloves, and see-through mask. I realized all the camo I have is for cold weather, and never tried calling coyotes in the summer, but I'm going to try soon. Hopefully I have good luck, and can document it as well as some of you guys here.


Re: Summertime coyote 09'

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:12 pm
by Ray P
Melvin......Thanks for the reply.....
2 ribs and a lung. Not bad for a 39 sierra!
Never wait.......they might bolt if something isn't right.
Thanks again
Ray P

Re: Summertime coyote 09'

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:20 pm
by Glen
Very nice write up Melvin!! You & SilverFox take us along with every one you guys post!! :mrgreen:

Re: Summertime coyote 09'

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:09 pm
by Jim White
Thanks for sharing Melvin. As others have mentioned, I felt like I was tagging along side with ya'.

Re: Summertime coyote 09'

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:12 pm
by Song Dog

Nothing like getting a quick fix :D Awesome stuff!

In Christ,

Song Dog

Re: Summertime coyote 09'

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:30 pm
by Captqc
Melvin, nice story and pics! By the way it's a three day drive to Oregon from where you are! :lol: Gary

Re: Summertime coyote 09'

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:49 am
by Melvin Eades

The mosquitoes aren't real bad, but I wear a bug suit, spray my hands with "Off" and wear a head net like this one. It also works for fishing or any other time you want to keep the bugs away. I've even worn mine while mowing to keep the black fly's off. ... hasJS=true

Just a warning, if you use the head net wearing a baseball style cap, the netting will rest on the top of your ears and the mosquitoes will get you. I wear a boonie hat and it keeps the netting away from your ears.

Re: Summertime coyote 09'

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:54 pm
by Song Dog
I have never called with a bug net like that. Does it affect the view through scope at all?

In Christ,

Song Dog

Re: Summertime coyote 09'

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:03 pm
by acloco
Excellent story...