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Western Nebraska & Colorado PD count

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 9:42 pm
by acloco
I travelled from Western Nebraska thru Limon, CO to Colorado Springs, CO ......TWICE. Prairie dog count was 10.

Antelope count between Brush and Limon was 88. Several nice bucks in various bunches as well.

Re: Western Nebraska & Colorado PD count

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 9:24 am
by Hotshot
In Colorado the prairie dogs all live in town. Check out Ft. Collins, Windsor,Greely, Loveland, Longmont, and all over Denver. Any open space is a dog town. Colorado also has the countries highest incidence of plague cases in humans. Duhhh!

Re: Western Nebraska & Colorado PD count

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 10:35 am
by skb2706
Being a life long resident here in CO I can say two things about that. First no matter which route you took from Limon to CS, neither takes you thru prime doggin areas. You slept on part of the trip. I just spent 2 days out on the prairie and me and another fella shot 500 rds. between us. We shoot pretty casual because we don't have to go far to shoot 'em. Could have shot many more.

PS if you only saw 88 antelope thru that stretch, you either lost count, can't see or fell asleep.

Re: Western Nebraska & Colorado PD count

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 1:39 pm
by acloco
skb2706 wrote: PS if you only saw 88 antelope thru that stretch, you either lost count, can't see or fell asleep.
LOL! That was only counting what I saw with one eye.

Re: Western Nebraska & Colorado PD count

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 6:06 pm
by race4hills
Hotshot, you forgot Boulder, the biggest one. The only city thats builds around their cute and cuddly prairie rats! :eek:

Re: Western Nebraska & Colorado PD count

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 6:46 am
by skb2706
acloco wrote:
skb2706 wrote: PS if you only saw 88 antelope thru that stretch, you either lost count, can't see or fell asleep.
LOL! That was only counting what I saw with one eye.
Now for future reference, next time you make that me. I can let you in on a little diversion that will change your whole perspective on the eastern plains prairie dogs. Not even far out of your way. Lucky for us that most prairie dogs in Colorado that live away from the metro area cannot be seen from the highway.

Re: Western Nebraska & Colorado PD count

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 8:40 am
by acloco
Will do.

Usually, my trips to Colorado Springs are of the "quick trip" variety - just to visit our oldest daughter. But, will keep this in mind.


Re: Western Nebraska & Colorado PD count

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 8:53 am
by skb2706
Going to go back out this weekend just to confirm my suspicions...there are still a few left.

Re: Western Nebraska & Colorado PD count

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:11 pm
by glenn asher
My father had a first cousin who lived in Limon for many years, he ranched a lot of ground there. We visited his place way back in 1968, I was nine years old, so the details are a bit fuzzy as to location, but I seem to recall his ranch house was located in the split from I-70 to the road to Colorado Springs.

He took us all over his places, (he had three ranches), and I DO vividly remember him tromping the gas in his pickup and reaching past my nose to get into the glovebox to get a S&W out, as he was chasing a coyote across one of his pastures :lol: We'd been out counting the antelope on his place, he had 49 there at the time, he knew all the dams and sires, and all the little ones, too. Nice guy, he passed away a few years ago, never knew what happened to his ranches afterward. His son had chemical dependency issues, I don't know what happened to him, either. Likely as not, both are long gone.