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odd colored coyote

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 6:28 am
by broper
Has anyone ever seen a blonde colored coyote? I saw one yesterday. It was about 50 yrds. off the road. When I stopped it immediately started running but, only ran another 50 yrs. or so then turned broadside and watched me a few minutes before running into the brush. It looked to be blonde all over. It was in a posted field and I didn't have a gun with me anyway, or a camera. First time I've ever seen anything but a normal colored coyote. Also, it was 2:30 in the afternoon, thought that was kinda odd too.

Re: odd colored coyote

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 4:10 pm
by surfclod
I seen a pair that were exactly as you described, kind of blonde colored, much lighter than anything I have seen before. I had a good look at them from my scope as I was shooting gophers at the time and I seen them in the trees past where I was looking for targets. They were about 500-600 yards away but in line with my bench so I watched them for a while.

This was in southern Alberta near the Crowsnest Pass/Old Man River area.

Re: odd colored coyote

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:23 pm
by Guy M
Yup, one time out deer hunting I jumped up a coyote that was about the color of a golden retriever. Didn't shoot it because I didn't want to scare the deer out of the drainage.

Some we have around here are more brown, but most are a nice silvery color with some darker & lighter fur too. This one is typical here in central Washington:

Re: odd colored coyote

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 1:56 pm
by JD
Have one around my house that is a beautiful dark brown like the color of your wood stock Guy M, never seen that color before, but most of them are colored like the one in your pic.

Re: odd colored coyote

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 5:32 am
by Guy M
I'll be darned. Have never seen a dark brown coyote. Interesting.

As I recall, most that I saw in Southern California were scruffy little gray things, not much color to them. Was surprised by the size and color of the bigger coyotes I found here in Washington.

Here's the biggest one I ever shot, a full 60" from nose to tail. Turned him into a rug:

Re: odd colored coyote

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 5:24 am
by Melvin Eades
Here are a few I've taken.





Here's one I shot out my back door that's the darkest one I've ever taken around here.




Here's a typical colored coyote around here.



Sometimes they look like this when you hit them right between the eyes with a 39 S.B.K.


Re: odd colored coyote

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 6:39 pm
by broper
The one I saw was solid yellow, kinda the color of a yellow lab. No other color on him that I coud see from 50 yds. I'd sure like to make a rug outta him.