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The BTVSS takes another one from off of the deck

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:40 am
by Gube
Worked "nights" last night, and when I came home, my wife was getting ready to go to work. She said some yotes kept her up most of the night with their yipping right by the house. When she let the dogs out in the morning, they proceded to bark like crazy towards the heavier tree line and back in they came. I scanned the brush with the binos hoping to get a glimpse of them, but no luck. I went to sleep and was woken up about an hour later to a lone yote yipping right by the house. Got up and did a check with the binos and saw the culprit about 60 yds from the house. By the time I grabbed the 204 and laid down on the deck, he was 245 yds out. Broadside with a 39 gr BK, 5 spins and now he went to sleep. :twisted: The BK did "splash" a bit.
Just saw another one about five minutes ago skulking his way in from about 500 yds out through the willows. I may never get to sleep today. ;)


Re: The BTVSS takes another one from off of the deck

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:22 am
by darchell
NICE :D As I said before, you a lucky man. Tired.. but lucky. I went out this morning and took another Whistle Pig. Four so far this year. My shot was a little close. 52 yards. He was not a very bright Whistle Pig.

Re: The BTVSS takes another one from off of the deck

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:39 pm
by Song Dog
Right on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Christ,

Song Dog

Re: The BTVSS takes another one from off of the deck

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 3:43 pm
by WaltherP99
Nice! :)

Re: The BTVSS takes another one from off of the deck

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:20 pm
by steve
nice shooting .