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First ND Coyote

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:11 pm
by venison_burger
I thought you all might enjoy the scenery where my first North Dakota coyote was taken. A couple weeks ago a friend took me out where he hunts coyotes. I brought another friend’s Remington 700 VL-SS in .204. The story for this coyote isn’t very exciting since this one didn’t come into a call. From the road we saw this one pouncing on a mouse and I was dropped off to put the sneak on him. It took me a good ten minutes to get into position, and by this time the coyote was laying down, enjoying the afternoon breeze. The shot was a little over 100 yards, and the 40 gr. factory v-max went in and didn’t come out. He just slumped over, probably didn’t feel a thing. I just got a call from the taxidermist who said the tanned pelt is ready to be picked up. He’ll make a good wall-hanger. I wish I would have weighed him because he was a big dog.


Overall hunting for the trip was quite slow since we had very warm weather for the whole trip. It was an absolute blast, however, just getting out and doing the hiking, howling back and forth with the coyotes, seeing the mule deer, etc. My good experience with my buddy’s .204 led me to buy the one I just got. Now I can’t wait to put this one into action.


Re: First ND Coyote

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:41 am
by Melvin Eades
Congatulations on your coyote! You're right on the scenery too!

Go give that new .204 a workout and share your hunts with us, with pictures. We all like to see other hunters country and welcome to the board.

Re: First ND Coyote

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:50 am
by venison_burger
Here's another picture of a different place we did a calling set. A couple packs howled and barked back at us, but these muleys were the only ones to show up.


Re: First ND Coyote

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:05 am
by Rick in Oregon
VB: Nice dog for sure. I hope the pelt turned out well, as that was a pretty dog. The country there looks alot like our high desert hills here....beautiful. Looks like you're hooked now on both the 204 and goin' doggin'!

Good luck with the new rifle on the way; I bet you're getting excited. Boys with new toys......I can relate. ;)

Re: First ND Coyote

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:30 am
by Song Dog
Nice!!! Congrats

In Christ,

Song Dog