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Off the deck, with mange.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:59 pm
by Song Dog
Doggone it! Another one with the mange. I spotted him coming out our drainage ditch behind the house cutting across the field. I told the kids look out the window, a coyote. Then it sounded like a herd of buffalo in the house :D
I ran down stairs and grabbed my CZ 204 and anchored down on the stair railing of the deck and hit him good. He just got over the road into the other field and I hit him one more time.
Rhett and I walked out to find him. We got there and told Rhett, DO NOT TOUCH THIS ONE, its got the mange. This makes the 4th one since Nov. I have never shot that many with the mange, ever.
Btw- The shot was 147 by the rangefinder.


In Christ,

Song Dog

Re: Off the deck, with mange.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:40 pm
by Glen
You sure did that one a big favor!! Nice shootin!! :wink:

Re: Off the deck, with mange.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:13 pm
by Melvin Eades
That's a sad looking coyote. I hope their aren't any others out there but the way we've been seeing them this year, there probably are more. You just stopped this one from some serious suffering down the road.

Re: Off the deck, with mange.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:59 pm
by surfclod
When I was a kid back home in Saskatchewan every coyote we saw looked like that or worse, the mange hit them really hard for several years and the population dropped off noticeably. Eventually they became immune to the strain of mange or else the mange run out of hosts and dies out, I really don't know how it works but they eventually rebounded and they are plentiful once again with beautiful fur.

If you have seen four that is not good news, hopefully by killing the mangy ones you can help prevent it spreading but with 4 already your coyote population may be in for a rough ride.

Re: Off the deck, with mange.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:15 pm
by Gube
As a kid on the farm I remember we would have the odd coyote with mange try to hide out in the barn to keep warm. Once their hair is gone, hypothermia sets in in the winter and then they die. You did that yote a favor.