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A Great day!

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:01 pm
by Melvin Eades
This morning I would normally be sitting out somewhere around first light set up for calling coyotes. Not the case this morning. My son Lucas, called yesterday morning and said that he and his wife Brandi were headed for the hospital, she was going into labor so my wife and I went to the hospital to wait for the arrival of our first grandchild. At 7:10 am this morning Brandi gave birth to a beautiful 7 lb. 15 oz. baby girl. My wife and I stayed at the hospital till late morning and then headed home after being up all night.

I got home, ate some lunch and decided no point wasting a good afternoon sleeping, so I got my clothes on and went coyote hunting. I went to this pasture that overlooks a big creek bottom where the coyotes like to travel. I couldn't find a tree where I could sit against to see what I wanted too and to break up my outline so I piled up some limbs that had been left in the pasture from a dead tree for a backround.


I had the sun to my back and had about 2 1/2 hours before dark so I just sat and watched the bottom. About an hour later I had just looked to my left and then back to my right to see a coyote running up the bottom about 175 yards out.


It was running along a drainage ditch and before I could get on it, it got behind the edge of the hill I was on and couldn't see it. I got up, squatted and ran for a tree to my left before the coyote appeared down below. I wasn't quick enough. The coyote saw me and started running out across the field. I plopped the shooting sticks down, got on the coyote and started barking with my mouth. It stopped at 216 yards and turned broad side to look back. I shot and it spun about three times and called it quits, DRT. You can see the tree in the left side of the picture.


I sat for a little while longer and decided I better go check out the coyote before it got too dark. The coyote blended in with the field and I wanted to use what light was left to find it easier. I made my way down to the fence, crawled under it and headed for the coyote. I didn't realize the drainage ditch was about eight feet wide with 15 to 24 inches of water in it. I walked along it for aways and finally found a shallower spot to cross but still got water in my knee high boots. I made it out to the coyote and checked it out. It was a 29 lb. female and the 39 Sierra B.K. did make an exit wound about the size of a dime, but not before destroying both lungs.


Here's a view from the coyote to the tree I was beside when I shot it.


Now was this a GREAT day or what??

How could it have been any better?

Grandpa, signing out!

Re: A Great day!

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:53 pm
by Racr350
CONGRATS!! That's an amazing day any way you look at it! Before you know it..that little girl will be old enough to shoot her first gun, and from there I'm sure we all now what she'll be doing with dad and grandpa ;)
Again Congratulations! :D

Re: A Great day!

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 10:25 pm
by surfclod
Good one!!

I haven`t hunted coyotes but a few times and every time they seem to catch me off guard or do something I never expected. It was quick thinking to bark and make the shot in the short time you had.

So now you are a grandpa. After my sister and her husband gave my folks their first grandchild my father said that no old west gun fighter could match the speed of a grandfather pulling out a photo of the new grandchild. :lol:

Re: A Great day!

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:38 am
by Ryan S Albright
A Great day in deed! Congradulation on the new grand child. Thanks for the story and the pictures. Soon you will be able to tell hunting stories to your grand child. God Bless.

Re: A Great day!

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:53 am
by Rick in Oregon
Melvin: Another good story, very well told as always. Quick thinking and shooting, and another coyote to your credit. Of course the real credit goes to Lucas and Brandi, and sincere congratulations to them on the new baby girl! :D

By the time your little grandaughter is old enough to listed to grandpa, you'll have an entire album of great photos and coyote stories to tell her. Don't let her get "Disneyfied" though, tell her all those coyotes were 'bad' dogs. ;)

Re: A Great day!

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 9:09 am
by Ray P
Melvin............Congrads on the 1st grand daughter. Sure hope all is well with the new parents.
Thanks again for sharing such a great story. Best of luck to all!!
Ray P :lol:

Re: A Great day!

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 6:47 pm
by Melvin Eades
I like your dad's analogy of the picture. I can relate to that.

Don't worry about her getting "Disneyfied", her dad and I will take care of that department.

I actually was thinking about what gun should be her first one while in the waiting room.

Ray P,
They are all doing fine.

I plan on doing just that. What better way to fall asleep at night than listening to a hunting story.

Re: A Great day!

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:13 pm
by Song Dog
Began the day with a blessing and got another blessing at the end :D
Yes, I would call that a GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!
Chaunda and I were wondering about pics too, Grandpa :D No doubt in my mind she is beautiful.
Shoot, good day here too, we got a new cousin.

In Christ,

Song Dog

Re: A Great day!

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:57 pm
by rpknaz
:banana: That is one kick azz day, congrats. :banana:

Re: A Great day!

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 9:31 pm
by dancindave89

Very deservingly, your family has been blessed. I am so happy for Lucas and Brandi. I left Lucas a voicemail the other nite and am so happy everyone is doing great.

On the yote hand. That area sure looks familiar. You have done well out there and I hope to make it out with the family this summer to see you all so maybe we can slam a couple more together. Tell Linda and the rest of the family hello and I hope to see you all soon. Take care and God Bless.

Dave Z

Re: A Great day!

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:13 pm
by Song Dog
dancindave89 wrote:Melvin,

Very deservingly, your family has been blessed. I am so happy for Lucas and Brandi. I left Lucas a voicemail the other nite and am so happy everyone is doing great.

On the yote hand. That area sure looks familiar. You have done well out there and I hope to make it out with the family this summer to see you all so maybe we can slam a couple more together. Tell Linda and the rest of the family hello and I hope to see you all soon. Take care and God Bless.

Dave Z
Are you thinking about coming out this summer? Awesome.

In Christ,

Song Dog

Re: A Great day!

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:19 am
by xr10065669

Re: A Great day!

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:59 pm
by Rich V
Melvin, congratulations on the granddaughter and nice coyote.

Re: A Great day!

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:19 pm
by Melvin Eades

Dave, I hope you can come out with your family for a visit, that would be great. I'm sure Lucas, Jason and I can find a place or two to call a coyote. Let me know when and we'll plan a cookout and have some family fun.

Re: A Great day!

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:26 pm
by Song Dog
Melvin Eades wrote:dancindave89

Dave, I hope you can come out with your family for a visit, that would be great. I'm sure Lucas, Jason and I can find a place or two to call a coyote. Let me know when and we'll plan a cookout and have some family fun.
Thats right Dave, what he said :D

In Christ,

Song Dog