Coyote hunting in the Mojave Desert.

Talk about hunting the hunters and their prey.
Ryan S Albright
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Coyote hunting in the Mojave Desert.

Post by Ryan S Albright »

Took a week end off to go quail hunting in the Mojave desert the first spot we pulled off the road I was trying to talk my partner into getting his camo gear on and call for some coyote. He wasn't to interested so I set the call on top of the hood and showed him what I was going to do. As I was standing there putting shells into the magazine of my rifle a coyote came running in right up to with in feet of the car I hadn't put a round in the chamber but I did manage a couple of shots off hand I missed. He got inspired after that and we hunted the rest of the weekend for coyote. We didn't get another shot off all week end but had a good time traveling the desert from spring to spring. Here is a picture of the Cima store and the Hole in the wall.Image ImageImage ImageImage Image
Last edited by Ryan S Albright on Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Coyote hunting in the Mojave Desert.

Post by RedTwo »

looks like fun, too bad to didn't blast one of them dogs though...happens.
Ryan S Albright
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Re: Coyote hunting in the Mojave Desert.

Post by Ryan S Albright »

As you can see the Mojave is a very large area and very diverse. There hase been problems with management since they turned a large part of it into a preserve they where removing wind mills and not letting the ranchers maintian the springs this was disaterous as the deer,big horn sheep,donkeys and other animals where cut off from water. The idea that man can not help nature or has no place in nature is harmful to nature. The desert could sustain more life if its springs where cared for by allowing watering troughs for wild life. I saw places where the wind mills had been removed. Why so the animals could suffer. So there would be no animals to hunt.
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Re: Coyote hunting in the Mojave Desert.

Post by steve »

looks like a fun trip are those rain clouds in the background of one of the pictures?How was the weather?
Ryan S Albright
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Re: Coyote hunting in the Mojave Desert.

Post by Ryan S Albright »

we had slight rain in areas that didn't last. It had snowed a week or so earlier and a new weather front came through. We were at the 4200 to 5,500 ft elevation level a lot of the time so it was good hunting weather. The quail hunters where working all of the springs and had the coyote very alert. I did run in to another couple of guys that where also hunting coyote. They told me they had been coming out since the 1980's. They had a nice rig with a camper on back with the hatch for shooting on top. It was a good scouting trip I would like to get back before the snakes come out. It will take a partner though as all of the travel does take some gas money we didn't do to bad though about $120 dollars on gas and we did cover a lot of the area.
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