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Sage Rats in North-Central Oregon?

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 8:23 pm
by dan97526

Up until last year I lived in Southern Oregon, so it was easy to find places to shoot in Klamath and Lake counties, and in Northern California. However, work took me up to Seattle where I now live.

Skippy (love that!) doesn't show his face up here much, sadly. So I am looking for decent shooting that I can do on a weekend from Seattle. That puts my usual shooting grounds out of consideration. I am hoping someone can tell me if there are shootable sage rat populations in Hood River, Wasco, or Sherman Counties.

I'm willing to knock on doors (unless someone wants to take pity on me and extend an invitation...PLEASE! :D I would be willing to extend a reciprocal invitation when I take a long weekend to go to Klamath), but I first need to know if my search for some place to shoot would even possibly be profitable.

Also, what about shooting California Ground Squirrels up here in Washington? I have heard that they occur around the Yakima area but I know very little else.



Re: Sage Rats in North-Central Oregon?

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 10:51 am
by Rick in Oregon
Dan....PM sent. :D