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Fox Pro Scorpion caller any one have one yet

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:55 pm
by Ryan S Albright
I was out from midnight to dawn this morning calling my mouth calls all gave out on me. The old John Stewert tape player is getting dilapidated. I've been putting off getting a caller waiting for the new MP3 technology to come down in price. I see that Fox Pro has a new caller the scorpion remote control MP3 player but it is still $499! I am having a hard time giving up the price of a rifle for a noise maker.

Re: Fox Pro Scorpion caller any one have one yet

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 11:04 am
by Graydog
Have you checked out the new Johnny Stewart PM 4 remote. You can set the speaker out 200 feet. Check it out on ( Go to their dealor locator/mail order and click on All preditor calls, site. This is the only site I could find that listed the PM 4 model $200.00. I don't know anything about Johnny Stewart callers but thought it bears checking out half price of the ones you are looking at. Anyway LOL.and let us know which one you get.

Re: Fox Pro Scorpion caller any one have one yet

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 1:06 pm
by Ryan S Albright
Well I've been working with an old Johny Stewart Tape player for years and its still working. They have been in the business for years. One thing about being out at night or day you need to carry your gear and get it out smoothly and place it. The big external speaker that John Stewart put on there call is just the thing that doesn't pack well and gets caught on things like pack straps the lanyard that your mouth calls are hung on. The Scorpion just looked compact with out any protrusion to get smashed broken or hang up on any thing. I like to keep it simple out there but leaving the car with the right combo of gear to make a stand. Binoculars, Mouth calls, remote call,rifle, (stool, I like comfort I am getting old) tripod,cover alls, it get cold toward dark,maybe a little camo to hide behind it helps conceal my fidgeting when I have to set for 20 minutes or more. I am still learning how to do this hunting myself. Just when I think I got it down and its a cinch I can't seem to get anything for months. I spent more money on hunting coyotes than any other hobby I've done. The gear is getting better all the time you can buy just about any thing you need now where you had to build it your self at one time.

Re: Fox Pro Scorpion caller any one have one yet

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 1:56 pm
by KIM204
Ryan, I have the foxpro FX5, It works outstanding. The remote will work out to 400yd , thats as far out as I have put it. I know that all the calls that foxpro put out work great. :D

Re: Fox Pro Scorpion caller any one have one yet

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 3:42 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Ryan: I have an older Foxpro, all green case, and I've used it's remote out to 100 yards, and it works excellent. Considering Foxpro improves every new model, and the fact that mine is over four years old, I'd opine that you can't go wrong with one of their new models like the Scorpion. Mine only has 16 sounds on it; the new ones have many more to entice 'ole Wiley.


I can't imagine you'd not like the Scorpion, but as you take coyotes seriously, it may be well worth the money spent. You could recoup most of your money and sell it if you didn't like it (doubtful). Technology costs, period. :chin: If you do buy one, let us know what you think.

Re: Fox Pro Scorpion caller any one have one yet

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 4:55 am
by Varmonter
I bought an fx3 on ebay for 250.I then sent it to foxpro and upgraded to an fx5 for 200
They will fix anything wrong at that time. so i got an fx5 for 450 . Just another option.

Re: Fox Pro Scorpion caller any one have one yet

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 6:15 am
by Ryan S Albright
Thanks guys I was wondering if the Scorpion in its small package had enough volume. The one thing I do like about my Johny Stewart tape player is the continuous play some times when nothing seems to be happening I just let it play for 30 minutes straight and sometimes it works. The other thing I use the most is the group coyote howl I will play that and it never fails to get the coyotes to respond sometimes I play the volume up and down until I get a coyote to challenge me up close. Will a fox pro play a continuously like a tape player?

Re: Fox Pro Scorpion caller any one have one yet

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 3:44 pm
by Silverfox
Ryan-- The FX5 will play continuosly if you let it. The MUTE button on the remote control allows you to turn it on and off at will. There is also a volume control on the remote and you can see what level you have the volume at by looking at the LED on the remote. I really like that feature because when you have the speaker of the FX5 facing away from you, it is sometimes impossible to know if the caller is playing or not. With the volume indicator, you can have the volume so low you cannot hear it, but the predators will hear it just fine.

I do not have a Scorpion, nor have I ever played with one. However, the word I get at the FOXPRO Forum site is that the Scorpion does not have the volume level that the FX5 is capable of. I don't know if you can add a remote speaker to the Scorpion or not for more volume, but I do know you can add a speaker to the FX5.

I purchased an FX3 and used that last winter and then sent it in to have it upgraded to the FX5. I had my FX5 out at the beginning of October on an extremely windy day and didn't call anything in. On the 22nd of October, I used it in one spot just before the sun went down and had coyotes howling at me from the four corners of the earth!!! I could see one of the coyotes, but it was 3/4 of a mile away and didn't seem interested in coming in. It got dark and I had to abandon the calling session. The FX5 has plenty of volume, even for windy days.

Re: Fox Pro Scorpion caller any one have one yet

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:05 am
by Buster
I have a Scorpion and have called in five coyotes in two trips out with it. Should've killed four of the five, but only ended up with two, but that's another story....

The Scorpion in stock form isn't quite as loud as the FX Series callers, but they use the same amp and Foxpro sells an auxiliary speaker that'll get you all the volume you want. I personally believe most people call too loud as it is, so the Scorpion's volume is more than enough for me, and I call some of the most wide-open country here in Utah that you'll ever see. The real beauty of the Scorpion to me is it's size. It fits perfect in the leg pocket of a pair of BDU pants, or it'll tuck away nicely in a pack so you can always have it with you when hunting big-game, etc., in case things get slow.

Here's a couple pictures of the coyotes I killed using my Scorpion. I should've thought to get the Scorpion in the pictures, but didn't think about until it was too late.


Re: Fox Pro Scorpion caller any one have one yet

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 6:43 am
by Ryan S Albright
Thanks Buster! Thats the info I needed to here. Good job on the coyote's.

Re: Fox Pro Scorpion caller any one have one yet

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 3:08 am
by hossfli
Bought a Western Rivers caller last year, crap. Bought a Scorpion this year and love it. Compact, great volume, comes with 100 preloaded calls (holds 200), tx-200 remote (a lit led screen with call description), a bunch of decoys are available for it, and battery life is great. Bought an extra speaker with it for hunting crow, windy days or real open spaces. Got it from They sell a ton of calls and are very helpful in choosing a caller that meets your needs.

Re: Fox Pro Scorpion caller any one have one yet

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:21 am
by Ryan S Albright
Well I bought the Preymaster PM4 by Johny Stewart it works well I got it for $154 plus shipping it is working great. The speaker is a little bit of a packing problem but the price couldn't be beat it will play four sound at a time.

Re: Fox Pro Scorpion caller any one have one yet

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 6:37 pm
by hossfli
Good deal. Keep us posted if you have any luck with it. I shot a coyote first time out this year in late Nov. that i called in with a mouth call. Been out several times and no luck with the Foxpro or mouth calls. Guess the dogs aren't hungry down in Southern Indiana, can't figure it out. Best of luck to ya.

Re: Fox Pro Scorpion caller any one have one yet

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 1:14 pm
by Ryan S Albright
Thursday night I went out in the desert with the Preymaster PM4 right away I got a single coyote to reveal its self by responding to a intearagation howl. I played cotton tail rabbit squills with a coyote bark and the coyote finely showed its self about 90 yrds out but I had my scope on 20x and the A0 at about 400 yrds and didn't realize it so when I couldn't see the eyes through the scope by the time I figured out what was wrong I had lost the opportunity. Saturday night I worked late on a call out so on the way home I went to a area and played the caller for around 4 hours no luck. I had set the caller out about 100yrds. I found if you set it up high in a bush or on a rock that it works with out fail.