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Double Day time hunt

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:08 am
by Ryan S Albright
Went back up into the mountains to make another stand since I missed the bobcat the day before this time I was a little more patient it took about twenty minutes or more I was pulling a hood over my head and adjusting it when I looked out and there was a coyote straight out from me looking around about 90 yrds out I still didn't have the hood on all the way and had to fix it before I could shoot. I took the shot and dropped it on the spot. I held my position and made a rabbit call followed by a coyote howl and waited about four minutes when its partner showed up to my left coming in fast I nailed her also. What a day after the miss of the large bobcat the day before. This has been good because most of my hunting has been at night I really prefer the day time hunt.Image

Re: Double Day time hunt

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 5:36 am
by Vartarg
Thanks for the great report, and esp. the photo....much appreciated. What caliber? Load? We're always hungry for all the details here! :lol:

Re: Double Day time hunt

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 8:02 am
by bullfrog
Nice shootin Ryan. Nothin like a double to redeem a miss.

Re: Double Day time hunt

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 8:09 am
by Ryan S Albright
The Rifle is the Ruger Standard MKII painted. 204 cal. Using 32gr Vmax, win brass, Ram Shot Extrerminator powder. The red colored coyote at the top of the picture was a male. He came out first and I hit him high in the spine I saw the fur fly and it did open a large wound. On both shots there was a slight knoll that they were behind so I didn't wait I shot what was showing as they where pretty close I was afraid they would see me. The female was hit in the neck. Except for a small drop of blood you couldn't see a wound at all both coyotes dropped with out a move. With the 32gr Vmax if you hit a bone close to the surface you will get a large wound. Both coyotes had nice fur markings. I had gone out Saturday morning at 3am to locate the packs with a howler I wound up having a large group rather close to me respond with teeth snapping and growls witch is a little strange. I couldn't shoot in the area so I returned in day light to see what was going on. They where feeding on a three point buck. All that was left was the skull one antler and the spine, the ribs had been eaten up to the back bone. The Coyotes are doing rather well here but with the packs getting larger and larger I think they will be getting into trouble because of starvation. We are in a two year drought. I would think that large families of coyotes need a lot of wild life to live on. A lot of the coyotes are snuggled up against farms,Ranches,and housing tracks, where there is water and no hunting, I found one place where they are living in the shrubs at the edge of a front yard of a country home another where they are in a brush pile in the back yard. They are sneaky critters. The families of coyotes very large right now.

Re: Double Day time hunt

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 8:00 pm
by Gmoney
Cool Ryan...

Let me know how your night hunting goes....

Re: Double Day time hunt

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 10:05 pm
by Ryan S Albright
I went back to take a picture of the the deer skeleton the spine was gone all that was left was the skull and a little bit of antler. I didn't realize that they would eat the antlers. As for night hunting I haven't done much I hunted all weekend during the day light hours. I haven't fully recovered from the three weeks straight I worked. I started out with two 32hr shifts with an 8hr break then went for 11 days straight 16 hours a day. The day I missed the bobcat was my first day off work and I was having head aches and a little blurred vision but I wanted to hunt so bad I thought I would just set on a stand but I also had been out from midnight to 3am using the howler to locate the families of coyote's I just didn't have the energy to put much effort into it. I get a little whacked out from those kind of hours and it takes a little time to get back to normal.

Re: Double Day time hunt

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:08 am
by Gmoney

Re: Double Day time hunt

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:51 am
by Ryan S Albright
No Power Lineman. Started with a wind storm then the fires started then the arsonist came out and started fires every where two where shot and a third one captured its a sick world here in California. The fires burnt through a lot of neighborhoods in three different counties down here destroying a lot of homes and of course the power lines. Labor was just about stretched to the limit. I lucked out and was sent to Lake Arrowhead to work they put up a large tent to feed us in and started us at 4am every morning. I was working at the 6,500 ft. level of the mountains and saw lots of coyotes and good hunting area as it is surrounded by National forest. So it was driving me crazy as the first week in the Bobcat season opened the wind storm blew in and the fires started and off I went on this crazy adventure of fix it. If the rain ever returns the burn areas become great places for wild life and are the places to hunt. I don't think the Georgia governor is crazy when asking people to pray for rain. The Old Testament is full of stories of God declaring to the prophets that rain would be with held from a land for its sins or until it repented. I see the strain on the animals now because of the lack of rain here. They are being forced to the remaining water sources it forces the coyotes and the mountain lions to move in to tighter areas along with every thing else. Any way I plan on thinning a few out to help.

Re: Double Day time hunt

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:52 pm
by Ryan S Albright
This is a picture of my hide and the country behind meImageImageImage

Re: Double Day time hunt

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:03 pm
by steve

Nice area I've hunted there many times, lots of coyotes, cats and deer.

Re: Double Day time hunt

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:32 am
by mr.theman
Great job on the double :w00t: :w00t: