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My first double

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:08 am
by Melvin Eades
I went out to a place this morning I haven't been to since last season. I got out there and set up well before first light and waited. After it got light enough, I started with some howls and then tried the rabbit squeal. To make a long story short, I didn't call anything in. This process lasted about an hour. During this time, something had spooked 3 deer out of a wooded area 871 yards in front of me down the field. You can see the dead male coyote in the right side of this picture.

I sat and watched for a while and didn't see anything. In a few minutes, another deer came out running from the same area. Still nothing showed up. I had been on stand for about two hours and decided to pack up and leave. I moved down along the edge of the field to see if there would be a better place to set up the next time I was there when I saw another deer about 200-250 yards beyond the trees
go racing out across the cornfield with a coyote about 100 yards behind it. The deer out ran the coyote and it started to walk back where it had come from.
The coyote was a long way out there but I thought I would try and get it's attention. I gave some challenge howls followed up with some whimpers. It heard me and started my way. When it hit the end of the tree line, another coyote joined it.
I gave a few more challenge howls and some yips. They kept coming so I just sat and watched them through the scope. They stopped just short of entering the bean field so I gave some lip squeaks and here they came again. The lead coyote was a male and the female was starting to break to my right. I had forgotten to check the power setting on my scope and still had it on 14X from doing some bench shooting last weekend. I watched the male through the cross hairs and could see he thought someone was intruding into his area. His head was lowered like he was in attack mode and his back hairs were bristled. He was coming straight at me and the female started to flank me to the right. I had the cross hairs on the dog's chest but he would not raise his head for a chest shot. He just came trotting directly at me with his head down. I tried whistling and he wouldn't stop. I decided if he wouldn't raise his head for a chest shot I'd shoot him in the face. The shot was 63 yards. I shot him right between the eyes with the 39 gr. SBK. Here's the way I found him.

The female turned and started running. I got on the howler and started giving yips and she stopped and turned broadside at 253 yards. When I shot, I heard the distinct whack of the bullet hitting home. She whirled around running and jumping wildly for about 20 yards and fell over. Her she is.

Here is a picture from where I was sitting to the first coyote, 63 yards.

Here's one from the coyote back to the leafless tree I was sitting by.

Here's a picture from the second coyote back to the tree. 253 yards.

The male weighed 38lbs. and the female was 27lbs.

Re: My first double

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:42 am
by Glen
Even those coyotes get all bug eyed over these 204's. :lol:

Very nice write up Melvin as well as some good shootin on that female out yonder. :wink:

Re: My first double

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 2:10 pm
What a shot! Thanks for sharing Melvin.

Re: My first double

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:02 pm
by WrzWaldo
WOW! You ain't kidding between the eyes! Excellent shooting.

Re: My first double

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:24 pm
by dancindave89
Ok Melvin,

Thats just awesome dude. I'm gonna get back out there again so we can give em another run. Keep it up, we love the stories.

Re: My first double

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:14 pm
by Singleshot
Excellent shooting Melvin. :reddot: Did you get an exit hole with either of those bullets?

Re: My first double

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:18 pm
by Melvin Eades

No exit on the head shot, however, anywhere I pushed on the sides or top of it's head was mush. Sounded like very small rocks gritting against each other.

The long shot did exit. It left a hole a little smaller than a dime. The bullet destroyed both lungs.

Re: My first double

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:25 pm
by acloco
Speechless! Awesome shooting and writeup!

Re: My first double

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 4:34 am
by Vartarg
Melvin: thanks.....great report and terrific photos. What rifle were you using? George

Re: My first double

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 5:41 am
by glenn asher
Great Shooting, and Greater Story, Melvin! It looks like you could get your money's worth out of that CZ Varmint. Those hides look pretty good for this early in the year, too. Keep it up, you'll be running out of coyotes pretty quick at that rate! :mrgreen:

Re: My first double

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:25 am
by Melvin Eades

I was shooting my CZ 527 Varmint with a 24" barrel.

Re: My first double

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:58 am
by LowPro
That's the way to whack 'em! Good shootin'... :w00t:

Re: My first double

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 12:29 pm
by Silverfox
Melvin--GREAT DOUBLE!!!! I sure enjoyed the photo of the bug-eyed coyote :mrgreen: Great story.

Did you get a chance to check the color of the inside of their hides? If so, was it creamy white or still blue? I was out checking fences on my farm last Saturday and tried calling if four different spots, The wind was blowing 15+ mph and I didn't get any customers to answer my calling. It is still too early for prime fur up here in North DaColder, but I haven't shot anything since July 13, so I had an itchy trigger finger--It still itches!!! The fellow at the neighbor farm had coyote problems this past spring and the government trapper came up there and snared 6 coyotes in two days.

[Edited for spelling.] :oops:

Re: My first double

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 5:25 pm
by Melvin Eades

I didn't skin them out. I too, was surprised how well they looked this early in the year since we have been above normal temperature here all the way up till now.

Re: My first double

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:39 pm
by Ryan S Albright
Great Job! gives me the itch. Its hot and windy here right now. Can't wait for it to cool down.