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"When the wind is in the East.........

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 7:14 am
by Melvin Eades
tis not good for man nor beast". Well, I didn't pay attention to this this morning, they still have to eat. I wanted to go to one spot in particular but the wind was wrong so I went back to the same place I shot one a few weeks ago ... =18&t=3891 but sat on the other side of the field road next to a tree. There was a good breeze blowing in from the east, northeast and I was facing north. I'd been sitting there for about 15-20 minutes when a 4 pt. buck came up out of a draw to my left. I sat and watched him feeding across the field for maybe 20-25 minutes when this coyote came up out of the same draw to my left but only closer.

She was right below the low spot in the trees, only at 59 yards.

Here is where I was sitting from the coyotes position when I shot her.

She saw me pull my gun up but wasn't sure what she was looking at. She turned quartering into me and I shot her in the shoulder. She turned and ran back toward where she came from. I saw a fist size blood spot on her shoulder and I was confident she wouldn't go far as she disappeared into the draw.
I waited a while just in case there might be another one and then walked out to check out the scene where she was when I shot her.
I found this where she was standing when I shot.

I saw her laying dead about 100 yards away along the edge of the next field. This is the farthest I've ever had a coyote run after hitting one with the 39 SBK. I continued following the blood trail just to see how she ran and found this about 20 yards from where I shot her. She left a blood trail like this all the way across the field every time she hit the ground as she ran to where I found her.

Here's the way I found her.

Here's a closer look. That's a piece of lung sticking out.

It just goes to prove that no matter what bullet you use, you are most likely to get damage like this when you hit bone. I don't save hides so it's not a big deal to me but I still prefer a broad side shot.
I was using my CZ with the 39 SBK running 3858 fps.

Re: "When the wind is in the East.........

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 10:59 pm
by montana hunter
Great story and pics! I especially like how you show where you were and the vantage point from the coyotes perspective. I recently got a CZ Varmint, I got some loads worked up for hunting coyotes this fall and winter. I am planning on skinning some coyotes this winter, hope the load I worked up does a good job of putting them down with minimal damage.
Is the picture of an exit wound? Or was that splash? Anyway hope you have many more stories to share and good hunting. :D Take care-Greg

Re: "When the wind is in the East.........

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 4:04 am
by Melvin Eades

This is the entrance wound, there was no exit. This is a good example of bullet placement. The bullet hit and broke the shoulder bone and continued into the chest cavity. This was an angle shot. I've had broad side shoulder hits penetrate the bone with only a small entrance hole and get to the lungs. The other coyotes I've shot either broad side are frontal have not exited with the 39 SBK except for two. One I shot standing broad side at 332 yards. The bullet missed ribs on both sides but turned the lungs to jelly with a fat "pencil size" exit. The other one was 105 yards and started to run just as I shot and the bullet hit it in the hip bone. The bullet broke the bone and put the coyote down. In the beginning, I was shooting the 32 V-Max factory due to a shortage of brass and had to be very careful of not hitting heavy bone or I ended up with bullet "splash" and a coyote running off. This happened too many times so I switched to the Sierra 39's.
I think you will really like the CZ the more you shoot it. It's not too heavy for a carry gun and with the "set" trigger it works great for shooting paper or prairie dogs.
Let us know how your loads work and show us some pictures.
Good luck hunting!

Re: "When the wind is in the East.........

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 7:48 am
by Gmoney
Good report and thanks for the pics.

It just backs up my assessment of the BK's for a do-all coyote bullet. While it will kill them, sometimes you will hit bone and this will happen. She was dead on her feet no doubt...

I have recommended the 35 and 40 Bergers to lots of folks down here and they have done extensive "testing" trying to get a bullet failure. Frontal facing chest shots, raking shots, shoulder bone shots, etc. and not one has splashed or exited even with a direct shoulder hit.

Good pics and good report. I'm getting all riled up about fall....

Re: "When the wind is in the East.........

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 7:57 am
by glenn asher
Generally speaking, if you're looking at exposed lung tissue, that coyote is dead :wink: :wink: :wink: Good shooting, Melvin!

Re: "When the wind is in the East.........

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 5:11 pm
by janneuf

Good job buddy! I haven't been here in a while. I can't help but notice the corn is already harvested in your pics. I was in Southern Indiana last week and they're picking corn there as well. Blame it on a dry summer I guess.

We are so dry here it's not funny. Folks are selling their cattle because they can't afford to hay them all year round. Last check we are about 14" behind in our YTD rainfall.

Re: "When the wind is in the East.........

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 5:55 pm
by Melvin Eades

Most everyone around her lost their alfalfa last Spring due to a late freeze so a lot of guys planted Sudex. Then on top of that we've had a very dry summer. There have been a few guys baling up corn stalks. Most of the corn is out around here and now they're working on the beans.
I was wondering where you were, hadn't seen any post on here from ya'.

Re: "When the wind is in the East.........

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:29 am
by skunkriver
Another good job, Melvin!! I was wondering what calls you used and if you have a particular sequence that you have found that works the best? I don't think I can plan on shooting too many coyotes from my deck, but that sure works slick, doesn't it?

Corn and bean harvest has started here so need to get out in the next couple weeks and get the "dumb" young coyotes. Have a good week, Carl.

Re: "When the wind is in the East.........

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:17 pm
by dancindave89

Nice young doggy. If I'm correct you got him out East of town where the guy has the milk cows right. Where all them nice bucks were that we video taped last February.

Good job.


Re: "When the wind is in the East.........

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:16 pm
by Melvin Eades
You are correct on the location and welcome to the board. I've already been thinking about shooting prairie dogs next Spring. We may have a problem on scheduling our trip since Ethan will be graduating around that time, but I'm sure we will make it happen.

I didn't do any calling. This early in the season I don't want to educate this area too soon to calling. This is a good place for coyotes to pass through so until it gets a little later into the season, I probably won't do much calling here for a while.

Here is picture Lucas got on one of his trail cams at one of the places we hunt.

Don't you just love the outdoors? !!!!