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It's started!

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 9:28 am
by Melvin Eades
I decided it's time to start hunting coyotes for this year. The pups are big enough to take care of their selves and some farmers around here have been busy picking corn this past week making some of my calling places available. This morning it was 56 degrees out, coolest it's been since last Spring. I thought I had everything I would need, ya right. I got half way to where I was going to set up and realized I left my shooting sticks back at the truck, too late now. Onward I go. I couldn't sit where I wanted to along a fence row due to poison ivy so I sat in the weeds in front of it. Not a good idea, I forgot my seat pad I normally sit on and ended up with "stick tights" stuck all over my butt. Oh well, I get my calls out and guess what, I've got all of them except for my favorite howler. Oh well, I let loose a couple howls with another howler I had and waited. I got to thinking that maybe I don't want a coyote to come in on me since I'm not in the best shooting position so I decided I would just sit today and watch and come back another day when I was better prepared.
I sat for awhile enjoying the cool air and the dawning of the day and after awhile my leg I was sitting on was going numb so I decided to stand. I had been standing for about 8-10 minutes when a coyote came up out of a draw out in front of me. The farthest knob (149 yards) out in front of the tree in the middle of the picture.

I slowly took a kneeling position and started to lip squeak. The coyote heard me and started my way for about 30 yards and then stopped. I was watching it through the scope as I squeaked again. It stood there and would tilt it's head to one side and then to the other as I continued squeaking. It decided it should investigate and started my way again. There were two low spots in the field and when it came up out of the last one it was less than 60' yards away. I just followed it along looking through the scope and when it stopped to look around at 47 yards I shot it. It was a bang, flop with the 39 SBK, no exit. I also realized I didn't have my fishing scales I normally carry with me to weigh them for my own curiosity.

Here is a picture from the coyote to where I was at. I was just to the right of the tallest tree in the middle.

Re: It's started!

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 9:39 am
by BowHuntingFool
Well done!!!!! Congrats on your first of the season!!!! The pic with the Gun & Coyote is a great picture, good quality!!!! Once again, Congrats!!!!

Re: It's started!

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 3:41 pm
by Drew Jaeger
Nice shot and good photos. :)

Re: It's started!

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 5:36 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Melvin: Good story of the hunt, and excellent photos. Thanks for sharing again....always good stuff. ;)

Re: It's started!

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 12:55 pm
by Glen
Cool story & pics!! :wink:

Nice rig!! :wink:

Re: It's started!

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 4:13 pm
by glenn asher
As always, Melvin, top notch stuff!

Re: It's started!

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 1:50 am
by skunkriver
Good Job, Melvin!! Nice story and pics. We don't have any crops out here in central Iowa yet; but you're gettin' me "fired up"!! Have a good one. Carl :)

Re: It's started!

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 8:05 am
by mr.theman
Great story and awesome pics!!!!! Thanks for sharing them with us!