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Cheyenne's Coyote

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 6:34 pm
by mr.theman
Took my 6yr old daughter Cheyenne out this evening for her first time. Went to a new place that borders the Cimarron River South of Stillwater and made a couple of stands. First stand produced no takers so we hiked about 1/2 mile to make another stand. On the way to the second stand we unkowingly entered what I have labeled "The Sandbur Capitol of the World" :bugeyes:. We spent 20 min after we got to a good place for a stand picking sandburs off our pants and out of our shoe laces. We set down and started calling and at about the 8 minute mark this female comes trotting in. She is about 250 yards out and headed straight towards us. Then she stops and takes a leak, kicks some sand on it and starts milling around, so I lip squeak and she starts straight into us again. At about the 100 yard mark she stops and I put one in her chest. She does the death spin and falls down. Then all of a sudden she jumps up and takes off so I give her another pill but it doesn't slow her down. She ran a good 150 yards before falling over for good. This was Cheyennes first predator hunt and I think I got her hooked. Before to long I will be doing the calling and she will be doing the shooting :rock:


Sorry for the crappy cell phone pics and the long story!




Re: Cheyenne's Coyote

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:14 pm
by Melvin Eades
Mr. T,

The pictures are fine and the story too! It's good you took the time to take her with you and let her see what it's all about. You may have created a new hunting companion. Maybe the next time you'll be posting a picture of her coyote!

Re: Cheyenne's Coyote

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 1:46 am
by Lee C.
The pictures are pretty good, And by the big smile on that young gals face. I think she is going to be a fine coyote hunter in a few years. I think you got her pretty much hooked already good for you.

Re: Cheyenne's Coyote

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:21 am
by glenn asher
We NEVER complain about pics and stories, no matter the length! Keep it up! :mrgreen:

Re: Cheyenne's Coyote

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:59 am
by Drew Jaeger
Good effort. Keep the photos and hunting yarns coming. :wink:

Re: Cheyenne's Coyote

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 9:20 pm
by walleyeman
Its always a treat to see young kids getting out and about in the outdoors with their parents. Good story and nice pics.

What kind of ammo were you using? Just curious.

Re: Cheyenne's Coyote

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:37 am
by mr.theman
Thanks for all the replies guys!
walleyeman wrote: What kind of ammo were you using? Just curious.
I shot this with my 22-250 (don't have my 204 ready to go yet :cry: ) handloads 34.6gn Varget behind 55gn V-Max.

Re: Cheyenne's Coyote

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 8:51 pm
by BowHuntingFool
Congrats!!!!!!!!! Way to get the kids involved in hunting!!!!!!!!!! :D

Re: Cheyenne's Coyote

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 7:39 pm
by Rugerdogdog
You never need to apologize for a long story around here!!! That's the way we like it.
No hijack intended--------> Here's MY Cheyenne.
Think she's ready for predator hunting yet? I can't wait to take her!!!

Re: Cheyenne's Coyote

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:20 pm
by .204 Sniper
Great story!
We HAVE to indoctrinate our kids to shoot and hunt.....................otherwise the 'other' side might eventually win if there are no more shooters left!

My dad started me at 5 years old - I bunny hunted by myself at 7 (good old Ruger 10/22). I started my kids at the same age.
The 2 girls (18 & 13) don't like to hunt themselves (they like to go and say 'eeeew!') but are great shots. My 16 year old son is a heck of a shot out to 600 yards. He's been in ROTC since he started High School.
When he graduates he will be joining up with the Marines and going for Scout Sniper School.

My youngest loaded her own .223 bullets when she was 10 - then took her out the next morning and she shot with peep sights at 100 yards from a sitting position. ALL hits in the black. She's been hooked on AR-15's ever since.

