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Wolf hunting

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:08 pm
The Idaho Senate yesterday unanimously passed the hunting of wolves in Idaho as early as fall 2008. Tags will be $9.50 for residents and $150.00 for out of state. Must now pass the House. Ya hoo.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:52 pm
by SportFaller
Well, as a fellow Idahoan, and a resident of the most highly-populated wolf area in the state.....

Here's 20 bucks, I'll take 2!

my 300WSM loaded with a 110 grain Vmax aught to do the trick!

By the way, have you seen how the pelt prices are? Sounds like a money makin venture!

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:23 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Okay you guys, as we're just over the border from you where wolfie is prone to roam, we're depending you guys to thin them out before they get over here and raise cain with our deer and elk!

Lock 'n load fellas! :eek:

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:40 pm
Rick, Don't worry. I have had the chance several times. Don't want to give up a truck, a gun, some money and go to jail. When it is legal, there will be a 130 gr. Game King or a 250 gr. Grand Slam going down range.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 4:12 pm
by bullfrog
I'll second Ricks comments. I've got family in the ranching business that is really hoping you guys will pick those big dogs off before they reach the OR/ID border.
Anyone know how many tags they are proposing to allow?
Go with both barrels blazin!

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 5:24 pm
Bullfrog, No word on the number of tags. As Sportfaller can attest to, there are a lot of wolves in the woods. I hunt the Clearwater area for elk and deer, and at night it is surreal to listen to them.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:51 pm
by faucettb
WHISTLEPIG wrote:Bullfrog, No word on the number of tags. As Sportfaller can attest to, there are a lot of wolves in the woods. I hunt the Clearwater area for elk and deer, and at night it is surreal to listen to them.
I'll sure agree on the sounds of their gathering calls. I've had my elk camp out of Pierce for the last few years and though I've not seen one my hunting partners and I sat around the campfire every evening just after dark and listened to the gather. Surreal is an exact description. We have tracks around our camp every morning.

Hay Rick how many of them bad boys did you say you wanted us to ship you?

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:29 am
by Lee C.
Whistlepig, we'v got the same problem here in wi. the great D.N.R. here brought back, the fisher's, the wolve's and now the cougar's. So are small game really got hight hard here. But now there talking about a hunting season for the wolves a few tag's. Just because they don't want to pay for all the cow's there killing around the state. they just had a picture of a guy out rabbit hunting in the wi. out door mag. that a wolf killed his rabbit dog when he was hunting. Five year's ago you could go around the block here an count 60 or 70 deer any time. Now if you see 10 your lucky. So i hope you guy's don't run in to the same thing out there in a few year's.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:51 am
by Sidewinderwa
Washington state is looking at the wolf issue now. I just got a notice to make any comments in the next 90 days on the issue. I sent my comments to the Wildlife and Game Dept. Please thin them out before they get to my state any heavier than they already are. Good shooting! :zap:

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:09 pm
by Verminator2
Sorry to say this Rick, BUT THEY ARE ALREADY HERE!!! :cry: I was talkin to a rancher's wife and she said that he hit a wolf on his four wheeler :shock: He was postive it was a wolf because he was 7 feet away from it. Oh, and there were 2.
Lets kill them all!!! :twisted: :assault: Did I say that? :whistle:

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:49 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Okay Verminator, you're our first line of defense against these fawn, and calf-eating buggers......we're depending on you to not let one through the perimeter! ;)

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:11 pm
by Verminator2
YES SIR!!! :salute: And Rick is our second line of defense. If I fail Rick has the fire power at any rate, with those 50 BMGs :D

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:55 pm
by Varmonter
man our coyotes do enough damage to the deer and small game population
here in the northeast. Hope they don't think about a release program here.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:08 pm
by janneuf
It's all about the LAW of Unintended consequences, liberals simply never will get; that you can't isolate anything. We don't exist in a vacuum and neither does nature.

I heard once of a case where the treehuggers were trying to protect some species of Plover in The People's Rupublic of CA. It seems the only place where the birds were thriving was near Pendleton where the Marines used to beaches for maneuvers. They actually wanted to the Marines to abandon the beach in favor of the birds. It never crossed their small minds that what the Marines were doing might be HELPING the birds and HENCE the reason why they were still there.

I know that's somewhat off-topic. Please excuse my rant.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:48 pm
by Rick in Oregon
janneuf: If that was a rant, I'm with you. Could not agree more. It appears at present there are many who don't seem to get it at all, and if we stop doing what our guys are trying to do (albeit with NO help from the idiot Demo party) overseas, we'll have those hamburgers here on our shores with their jahad in a short period of time.

All I can say is: Be prepared. Political opinion ends now for me here. 'Nuff said, I know you guys all get it.