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Using Decoys

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:58 pm
by Fult
Hey Fellas wondering if many of you use decoys for calling Coyotes. I never have, but I wonder if it would help keep yotes attension else where as well as keeping them from hanging up. If you have what do you like? The Jack in the box looks cool, but how much is too much you know. Do you think the moving decoys make that big of a deal?

Here's a couple of coyotes from recent hunts



Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:29 pm
by Silverfox
Fult--Nice photos! Yep, I think decoys can be a great help in getting and keeping the coyote's attention. Motion decoys are probably easier for the coyote to pick up on as opposed to just a stationary decoy.

I have used the Predator Enticer--a nice blob of feathers on a spring that is run by an electric motor. The coyote in the photo below was mezmerized by the flopping feathers and paused in a perfect broadside position for my shot.


It was the same story with this coyote. Flopping feathers, coyote fixes on the feathers and takes a bullet for its efforts.


I also use a stationary red fox decoy. I made this one out of chicken wire and paper machet and used two wire clothes hangers to form the handle on the front shoulders, front legs and the hind legs as well.


And here's another coyote that was totally fixated on the red fox decoy.


When I set up my decoys and use my FoxPro, I set the FoxPro right by the decoy so the sound eminates from right by the decoy. Any time you can get the coyote's attention on a decoy or use en e-caller to get the coyote's attention off of you, you stand a better chance of being able to move your body/rifle into shooting position undetected.

The last time I went out to call, I used a Jack-in-the-Box decoy I won in a contest. Unfortunately, I didn't call in any coyotes, so I don't know exactly how they will react to it, but I'll bet it will get their attention. I just hope they don't attack it and tear it apart!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 9:26 pm
by Gmoney
I use decoys whenever the situation presents itself....
Works very well for cats and fox as well.....




Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:05 am
by Fult
When the dogs/cats are coming in do you need movement, or are stationary decoys okay?

Also, Any one hunt Bobcats? I REALLY want to get one... I'm here in northern Colorado, any theorys on huning kitties?
I'm gonna take the new 204 LVSF out tonight, I'll let you know if I get to unload on anything...

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:47 pm
Fult, every bobcat i ever called in was around brushy creek bottoms and thick blowdowns here in NC. They seem to like the thick stuff around these parts. Don't know about your area, but they seem to be thick in certain pockets around here and almost nonexistant in others.


Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 10:38 pm
by Ryan S Albright
Fult look for there tracks on the dirt roads and scat piles They will leave scat piles on the road at entrances or exits of game trails also keep your call next to you. I found if I put my call out away from me they some times pop up right next to me to look at the call then turn and disapear into the bushes. They like roads and will let you take a second shot alot of the times if you miss the first shot keep your gun up they will stop with in a few feet to look back again before they disapear. If you can hunt at night head for the springs.


Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 8:40 am
by Ryan S Albright
I would like to get a stuffed coyote for a decoy I think it would work good or a silloett. May be I should take up paper mache the fox looks like it does the trick.

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 8:37 pm
by Silverfox
Ryan S Albright-- Whatever decoy you plan on, make sure it is light in weight and not too terribly bulky size-wise. I have a case skinned and tanned coyote hide that I built a framework for so it would look like it is in the sitting position. I have only used it a couple times. It is way too difficult to drag around and set up.


I used 3/4" PVC pipe to make the skeleton for this coyote.


Here's the magazine article I got the idea from:


My paper machet red fox decoy could be a bit smaller, but it is light weight and easy to carry in and out of calling stands. The new FOXPRO Jack-in-the-Box is fairly easy to carry in and out if you get one of the custom built deployment bags from Yoter's Den. The Predator Enticer is real easy to carry, but you might have some problems sticking it into the ground if you have frozen ground where you hunt. I guess you could build a wooden base for it if you wanted to.