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Fox Pro?

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 5:33 pm
by Guy M
I'm considering the purchase of an electronic predator call, a Fox Pro.

Haven't decided which model.

Normally I just use a mouth blown call. But I'm not the most skilled caller. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Any thoughts on the Fox Pro or other predator calls? I'm hoping to attract coyotes, bobcat, mountain lion, and even black bear. I've called in coyotes and black bear with my mouth blown call.

Thanks, Guy

Re: Fox Pro?

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 5:04 am
by K22
I think FoxPro is an excellent choice. I bought my first one when the came out with the FX3, (whenever that was), then they offered an upgrade to the newer FX5 which I did. I've run the FX5 for a lot of years now with never a problem. Bought a FoxPro Fusion a year and a half ago and have yet been able to try it out. Guess I'm saying I am a fan of FoxPro callers.
I use hand calls, but in the beginning when I hunted Fox with an older friend we would use hand calls and a portable record player which I think was made by Call of the Wild or something like that. Years later I bought a Johnny Stewart unit that used cassettes and was darn heavy. Then on to a Sony Walkman with an external speaker. Success was about equal between the hand calls and the electronic callers. The new E-callers has been a real break thru, light weight with more sounds than one will ever use and a remote, not to mention some have a decoy also.
There are many e-callers on the market now and from what I've read they all are pretty good, but my choice has been FoxPro.

Re: Fox Pro?

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:09 am
by Tom Kat
I sold mine and bought an Icotech. Why? The hand controller is MUCH BETTER in the Icotech. I have tested it at over 400 yards. Works great. I dont know how many times I got out in the field early in the morning and had my FP controller fail me....but at least 3 times. And guess what? My new caller works great, coyotes come running. The Icotek lets you down load additional sounds from their website for free. You load them on an SD card and you can mix and match. Its easy. I would HIGHLY recomend taking a long look at them. My cousin has one, I have one, my neighbor has one. They work great, we are all happy with them. Setting the caller up 300 yards away really changes the calling game, in YOUR favor.

Re: Fox Pro?

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 3:19 pm
by Guy M
Excellent! Thanks for the input. :)

My local coyotes may be in more trouble than ever now...


Re: Fox Pro?

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 6:24 am
by Tom Kat is a video if a guy who gets one to work at 700 measured yards-