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Ground Squirrels

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 9:02 am
by broper
We went out yesterday and got into therm pretty good. It was a cool, windy, overcast day so I was sorprised so many were out. Lot's of pups. I gave some flying lessons with Deadly Do Right. Lots of fun, beats being isolated in the house. Hardly anyone else out theret was easy to maintain social distancing.
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Re: Ground Squirrels

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 9:20 am
by Rick in Oregon
Glad somebody is drawing rat blood...good for you. Our rats are out too, begging for a Ballistic Tip. :wink:

We're wondering if our annual Rat Rodeo will get pulled off, as we are under a stay at home order from our gov, so we're wondering if we should venture to another part of the state to shoot rats. The ranchers there may not appreciate people coming from urban areas into their isolated areas with no C19 infections recorded. Guess we'll see...... :?

We wait all year for this, then the darn ChiComs send us this crap! :mad:

Re: Ground Squirrels

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 9:36 am
by broper
Yeah, it's hard to tell what to do. We are under the stay at home order too but they said we could go outside for fresh air and exercise as long as we observe the 6 foot distance and don't congregrate in groups. That was pretty easy to do out there in the Idaho desert hills. We're supposed to get some rain the next 3 or 4 days so I'll be stuck at home. Good chance to get some more reloading done. Hope you cn get out and get some "rat" shooting soon.

Re: Ground Squirrels

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 4:27 pm
by Bill K
Same with me. social distancing, but able to go outside for exercise. And that too me is a trip to the one pivot area, which I did this noonish. A few rats are out and I did get into some shooting. Not a lot, but it is overcast and light wind and still cool. But mounds are showing more all the time, so we just need some good old sunshine and warmth. In time it will develop, when our snow storms quit for the year. Had another foot and half last week, but it is melting fast. Nice part also, no another soul was out and about in this area.